Why was the Profile provider not built into Web Apps? - asp.net

If you create an ASP.NET web file project you have direct access to the Profile information in the web.config file. If you convert that to a Web App and have been using ProfileCommon etc. then you have to jump through a whole bunch of hoops to get your web app to work.
Why wasn't the Profile provider built into the ASP.NET web app projects like it was with the web file projects?

Actually, Microsoft does have a solution for this known issue.
It's the "Web Profiler Builder". I used it for my Web App and it works great.

The profile provider uses the ASP.NET Build Provider system, which doesn't work with Web Application Projects.
Adding a customized BuildProvider
class to the Web.config file works in
an ASP.NET Web site but does not work
in an ASP.NET Web application project.
In a Web application project, the code
that is generated by the BuildProvider
class cannot be included in the
source: MSDN Build Provider documentation


Host a Web API under a Web Forms project

I have a ASP.NET Web APi project that uses an AngularJS as the front end. It is called "MyApiApp".
I would like to move this project under another project that is an ASP.NET web forms website. It is called "MyWebForms" app.
My goal is to move the "MyApiApp" under the Web Forms app and access the "MyApiApp" as
Is it possible to have an ASP.NET Web API hosted under an ASP.NET Web Forms project? I would like to be able to do this in Visual Studio where I could run that Web Forms application but have access to the "MyApiApp" app via the above URL.
Yes. You should be able to set it up as a virtual folder in IIS underneath the main website.
In the case of the VS Project, the built in web server doesn't support virtual folders, you'd have to set it up to run through actual IIS.
You should be able to have the WebAPI Controller as part of the main web forms project though.

Using a custom membership provider together with Web Site Adminstration Tool

I've made a custom MembershipProvider which uses DependencyResolver from MVC3 to find it's dependencies. It works great for MVC apps, but not for the Web Site Adminstration Tool.
Is there some way that I can hook into the Web Site Adminstration Tool request handling to be able to configure a container before it handles the request?
Membership providers should be interoperable and therefore should work just by plugging into the config file of any provider based app.
Web Site Adminstration tool does exactly this, it runs in it's own web application completely decoupled from your MVC app, and just references your provider.
To make this work you need to ensure all dependencies required for the membership provider are packaged in one assembly and bootstrap your IoC container regardless of the environment it runs in. You can code this in such a way to share MVC initialisation, but not depend on it.

Adding a Single Web Service to an Existing ASP.NET Application

I've written an ASP.NET website along with a companion WinForms desktop application, which is used to maintain the site.
The desktop application needs to create a user. However, this is awkward because I would need to ensure all the membership settings are exactly the same as they are in my website's web.config file.
It would be easier if my desktop application could "call into" the website somehow and tell it to create a user. It seems like a web service would be a good option for this. However, Visual Studio doesn't have an option to add an ASMX file. And if I create a separate, web service application, then that application would have the same problem my desktop application has.
Is there a way to add a single web service to an existing ASP.NET application? Any links? Thanks.
Visual Studio doesn't have an option to add an ASMX file
In the Web application project, or the WinForms project? I assume you mean that you cannot add a Web Reference from within your WinForms project; adding an .asmx file to the WinForms project is not necessary. The Web application project should have the .asmx file, which is called by the WinForms project using a web reference.
In the WinForms project you can consume a web service by right-clicking References in the Solution Explorer, then choosing Add Service Reference... (in Visual Studio 2008; other versions may say Add Web Reference...). Then just enter the web address (which may be local in your case, e.g. localhost/foo.asmx) of the web service (.asmx).
See the section "To call an XML Web service synchronously" in this MSDN article: Calling XML Web Services from Windows Forms.
As an alternative, this MS KB article shows how to use the WSDL tool to generate a class that can consume a *.asmx URL. (The article uses VB, but you can switch the parameter to CS to generate C#.)
To add an .asmx file to your Web project, right-click the project in Visual Studio, select Add -> New Item... -> Web Service. If there is not a "Web Service" item any where in the template browser dialog that comes up, then you are missing the template or you're looking in the wrong place.

Is this the way I should deploy a asp.net application

I have a solution containing
asp.net project
class library
WCF service class library
WCF service application
I've added a project refference from the asp.net project to the class library project and to the service class library project.
I've published the asp.net application, loaded it to the webserver root. all ok.
Now for the service, I've created a new folder on the root called WCF, and placed the aplication in there.
Is this The way I should deploy the sollution? Are this the steps when you have more than a simple asp.net application?
PS: How do I change that WCF folder to make it an application trough a control panel because I get this:http://surveillancecamera.somee.com/WCF. The reason why I get this is described here:
I would treat the WCF service as a separate entity altogether. Deploy the WCF service and verify it works, then deploy the ASP.Net application.
WCF services have a different set of configuration rules that don't always pair nicely in the same "application root" as your ASP.Net web application. In addition, you may want to use the same WCF service in different applications, and it may not be accessible if it is tightly coupled to this ASP.Net application.

What is Webprofile useful for?

I stumbled upon this project ASP.NET WebProfile Generator
Why would I need proxy class to access profile?
Because ASP.NET only supports Profiles out-of-the-box with the Web Site option. If you are using a Web Application Project (WAP), then you have to roll your own.
The problem stems from the fact that the Web Application Project does not have the Profile object automatically added to each page as with the Web Site project, so we cannot get strongly-typed programmatic access to the profile properties defined in our web.config file.
Good news is that it's very doable:
ASP.NET: Web Site versus Web Application Project
How to add a Login, Roles and Profile system to an ASP.NET 2.0 app in only 24 lines of code
Web Profile Builder
Web Profile Builder for Web Application Projects
Writing a custom ASP.NET Profile class
ASP.NET Profiles in Web Application Projects
