Actionscript 3 - Fastest way to parse yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to a Date object? - apache-flex

I have been trying to find a really fast way to parse yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm:ss] into a Date object. Here are the 3 ways I have tried doing it and the times it takes each method to parse 50,000 date time strings.
Does anyone know any faster ways of doing this or tips to speed up the methods?
castMethod1 takes 3673 ms
castMethod2 takes 3812 ms
castMethod3 takes 3931 ms
private function castMethod1(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
var year:int = int(dateString.substr(0,4));
var month:int = int(dateString.substr(5,2))-1;
var day:int = int(dateString.substr(8,2));
if ( year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0 ) {
return null;
if ( dateString.length == 10 ) {
return new Date(year, month, day);
var hour:int = int(dateString.substr(11,2));
var minute:int = int(dateString.substr(14,2));
var second:int = int(dateString.substr(17,2));
return new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
private function castMethod2(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
if ( dateString.indexOf("0000-00-00") != -1 ) {
return null;
dateString = dateString.split("-").join("/");
return new Date(Date.parse( dateString ));
private function castMethod3(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
var mainParts:Array = dateString.split(" ");
var dateParts:Array = mainParts[0].split("-");
if ( Number(dateParts[0])+Number(dateParts[1])+Number(dateParts[2]) == 0 ) {
return null;
return new Date( Date.parse( dateParts.join("/")+(mainParts[1]?" "+mainParts[1]:" ") ) );
No, Date.parse will not handle dashes by default. And I need to return null for date time strings like "0000-00-00".

I've been using the following snipplet to parse UTC date strings:
private function parseUTCDate( str : String ) : Date {
var matches : Array = str.match(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z/);
var d : Date = new Date();
d.setUTCFullYear(int(matches[1]), int(matches[2]) - 1, int(matches[3]));
d.setUTCHours(int(matches[4]), int(matches[5]), int(matches[6]), 0);
return d;
Just remove the time part and it should work fine for your needs:
private function parseDate( str : String ) : Date {
var matches : Array = str.match(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/);
var d : Date = new Date();
d.setUTCFullYear(int(matches[1]), int(matches[2]) - 1, int(matches[3]));
return d;
No idea about the speed, I haven't been worried about that in my applications. 50K iterations in significantly less than a second on my machine.

This was the fastest I could come up with after some fiddling:
private function castMethod4(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null )
return null;
if ( dateString.length != 10 && dateString.length != 19)
return null;
dateString = dateString.replace("-", "/");
dateString = dateString.replace("-", "/");
return new Date(Date.parse( dateString ));
I get 50k iterations in about 470ms for castMethod2() on my computer and 300 ms for my version (that's the same amount of work done in 63% of the time). I'd definitely say both are "Good enough" unless you're parsing silly amounts of dates.

I'm guessing Date.Parse() doesn't work?

Well then method 2 seems the best way:
private function castMethod2(dateString:String):Date {
if ( dateString == null ) {
return null;
if ( dateString.indexOf("0000-00-00") != -1 ) {
return null;
dateString = dateString.split("-").join("/");
return new Date(Date.parse( dateString ));

Because Date.parse() does not accept all possible formats, we can preformat the passed dateString value using DateFormatter with formatString that Data.parse() can understand, e.g
// English formatter
var stringValue = "2010.10.06"
var dateCommonFormatter : DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
dateCommonFormatter.formatString = "YYYY/MM/DD";
var formattedStringValue : String = dateCommonFormatter.format(stringValue);
var dateFromString : Date = new Date(Date.parse(formattedStringValue));

var strDate:String = "2013-01-24 01:02:40";
function dateParser(s:String):Date{
var regexp:RegExp = /(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2}) (\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})/;
var _result:Object = regexp.exec(s);
return new Date(
var myDate:Date = dateParser(strDate);

Here is my implementation. Give this a try.
public static function dateToUtcTime(date:Date):String {
var tmp:Array = new Array();
var char:String;
var output:String = '';
// create format YYMMDDhhmmssZ
// ensure 2 digits are used for each format entry, so 0x00 suffuxed at each byte
tmp.push(date.getUTCMonth() + 1); // months 0-11
tmp.push(date.getUTCFullYear() % 100);
for(var i:int=0; i < 6/* 7 items pushed*/; ++i) {
char = String(tmp.pop());
trace("char: " + char);
if(char.length < 2)
output += "0";
output += char;
output += 'Z';
return output;


Google sheet + App Script : Rename every sheet if it meet criteria

Hi I'm using this script to rename every sheet by inserting 'Copy of' in front of the existing sheet name where the text in cell 'B36' = 'SAFETY ANALISIS' and the date from cell 'K3'is older then 30 days. My issue is having to do with the date I can't quite figure how to do it. Cell 'K3' cell are in this format "1-Aug-2021" I think I need to convert the date in 'K3' to a number format.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
function getSheet() {
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < sheets.length ; i++ ) {
var sheet = sheets[i];
var date = new Date();
var ageInDays = 30;
var threshold = new Date(
date.getDate() - ageInDays)
var val = sheet.getRange('K3').getValue();
var val2 = sheet.getRange('B36').getValue();
if (val >= threshold && val2 == 'SAFETY ANALYSIS') {
var sheetName = sheet.getName()
sheet.setName('Copy Of '+sheetName)
You may want to wrap the value you get from cell K3 in a Date() constructor. That should work with spreadsheet dates as well as text strings that look like dates.
I think you have the comparison in val >= threshold the wrong way around. Try something like this:
function renameOldSafetyAnalysisSheets() {
const timeLimit = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 30 days
const now = new Date();
const sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets();
sheets.forEach(sheet => {
if (sheet.getRange('K3').getValue() !== 'SAFETY ANALYSIS') {
const date = new Date(sheet.getRange('B36').getValue());
if (!date.getTime()
|| now.getTime() - date.getTime() < timeLimit) {
try {
sheet.setName('Copy of ' + sheet.getName());
} catch (error) {
function getSheet() {
const shts = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets();
let d = new Date();
let ageInDays = 30;
let threshold = new Date(d.getFullYear(),d.getMonth(),d.getDate() - ageInDays).valueOf();
shts.forEach(sh => {
let val = new Date(sh.getRange('K3').getValue()).valueOf();
let val2 = sh.getRange('B36').getValue();
if (val <= threshold && val2 == 'SAFETY ANALYSIS') {
sh.setName('Copy Of ' + sh.getName())

Datatables Object Reference not set to instance of an object for one variable

This is my datatables serverside implementation. FilterInput contains 5 variables:
Level <- string
Message <- string
Exception <-string
StartDate <- DateTime
EndDate <- DateTime
For some reason when I run this code as it is, I will always get this error:
{System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
This is referring to this line:
data = data.Where(
u => u.Level.ToString().ToLower().Contains(FilterInput.Level.ToLower()) &&
u.Message.ToString().ToLower().Contains(FilterInput.Message.ToLower()) &&
However, if I remove the search for FilterInput.Exception, everything runs fine again. I have tested it with input ("abc") or without input ("") and the results are the same. The other FilterInputs don't have the same error.
public JsonResult Search(SearchViewModels Input, EventLogsSearchViewModel FilterInput)
JsonResult result = new JsonResult(null);
var data = dbContext.EventLogs.ToList();
int totalRecords = data.Count;
var modelStructure = new Dictionary<int, string>();
modelStructure.Add(1, "Level");
modelStructure.Add(2, "TimeStamp");
modelStructure.Add(3, "LogEvent");
modelStructure.Add(4, "Message");
modelStructure.Add(5, "MessageTemplate");
modelStructure.Add(6, "Exception");
modelStructure.Add(7, "Properties");
var StartDate = FilterInput.StartDate != default(DateTime);
var EndDate = FilterInput.EndDate != default(DateTime);
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterInput.Level) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterInput.Level)) ||
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterInput.Message) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterInput.Message)) ||
(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterInput.Exception) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FilterInput.Exception)) ||
(StartDate && EndDate))
data = data.Where(
u => u.Level.ToString().ToLower().Contains(FilterInput.Level.ToLower()) &&
u.Message.ToString().ToLower().Contains(FilterInput.Message.ToLower()) &&
data = data.Where(u => u.TimeStamp >= FilterInput.StartDate && u.TimeStamp <= FilterInput.EndDate).ToList();
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.Order) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.OrderDir)))
var columnName = modelStructure.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == Convert.ToInt32(Input.Order));
data = data.AsQueryable().OrderBy(columnName.Value + " " + Input.OrderDir).ToList();
int recFilter = data.Count;
data = data.Skip(Input.StartRec).Take(Input.PageSize).ToList();
var modifiedData = data.Select(u => new EventLogsListViewModel
Id = u.Id,
Message = u.Message,
MessageTemplate = u.MessageTemplate,
Level = u.Level,
TimeStamp = u.TimeStamp,
Exception = u.Exception,
Properties = u.Properties,
LogEvent = u.LogEvent
result = this.Json(new
draw = Convert.ToInt32(Input.Draw),
recordsTotal = totalRecords,
recordsFiltered = recFilter,
data = modifiedData,
order = Input.Order,
orderdir = Input.OrderDir
catch (Exception e)
logger.LogError(e, LoggingGlobals.LoadingException);
return result;
EDIT: The exception still happens even when FilterInput.Exception is not null

getting an int to decrement after an action

so in my person table...I have Id, Name & HolidaysRemaining.
Its for a holiday booking application, and atm when a user selects dates from a calendar and clicks the button, each date selected will be stored in the DB, I am trying to minus the holidays remaining by 1, as each holiday is booked, but it doesn't seem to be picking up.
//listHolidays in correct format dd/mm/yy
public ActionResult listHolidays(Holiday holiday, Person person , int? PersonId, string HolidayDate, string endDate, string AlreadyExists)
//int holidaysRemaining = 20;
//person.HolidaysRemaining = holidaysRemaining;
DateTime startDates = Convert.ToDateTime(HolidayDate);
DateTime endDates = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
while (startDates <= endDates)
if (startDates.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && startDates.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
//if user selects Holiday that already exists, wont add it to Db
//gets string, and uses the previously converted to dateTime 'startDate'
//id so only applies to person creating holidays
ViewBag.CantDuplicateHolidays = String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlreadyExists) ? "date" : "";
var dates = from d in db.Holidays
where d.HolidayDate == startDates && d.PersonId == PersonId
select d;
// <= if holiday does not already exist
if (dates.Count() <= 0)
// holidaysRemaining--;
person.HolidaysRemaining = person.HolidaysRemaining - 1;
Holiday holiday1 = new Holiday();
holiday1.PersonId = PersonId.Value;
holiday1.HolidayDate = startDates;
//say start date is 10. AddDays(1) will make it 11 then return it to startDates in 'startDates' = startdates,
//but doesnt chage the value of startdates = 'startdates'
startDates = startDates.AddDays(1);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Probably this is the easiest solution.
person.HolidaysRemaining = person.HolidaysRemaining - 1;
var dbPerson = from p in db.People where p.Id == PersonId select p;
Alternatively we were discussing attaching the person object since you have it:
try {
// ... loop and everything else here
} finally {
} // end of method
But this is a bit more brittle, and would only be necessary if there's not already a Person object in db.People.
Note: It seems a little weird that both person and PersonId are passed into listHolidays().
I think your problem is here:
if (dates.Count() <= 0)
// holidaysRemaining--;
Try changing it to:
if (dates.Count() <= 0)
// holidaysRemaining--;
person.HolidaysRemaining = person.HolidaysRemaining - 1;
Also, you never actually update the database with person?
before db.SaveChanges();
Try this:
public ActionResult listHolidays(Holiday holiday, Person person, int? PersonId, string HolidayDate, string endDate, string AlreadyExists)
//int holidaysRemaining = 20;
//person.HolidaysRemaining = holidaysRemaining;
DateTime startDates = Convert.ToDateTime(HolidayDate);
DateTime endDates = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);
while (startDates <= endDates)
if (startDates.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && startDates.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
//if user selects Holiday that already exists, wont add it to Db
//gets string, and uses the previously converted to dateTime 'startDate'
//id so only applies to person creating holidays
ViewBag.CantDuplicateHolidays = String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlreadyExists) ? "date" : "";
var dates = from d in db.Holidays
where d.HolidayDate == startDates && d.PersonId == PersonId
select d;
// <= if holiday does not already exist
if (dates.Count() <= 0)
// holidaysRemaining--;
person.HolidaysRemaining = person.HolidaysRemaining - 1;
Holiday holiday1 = new Holiday();
holiday1.PersonId = PersonId.Value;
holiday1.HolidayDate = startDates;
//say start date is 10. AddDays(1) will make it 11 then return it to startDates in 'startDates' = startdates,
//but doesnt chage the value of startdates = 'startdates'
startDates = startDates.AddDays(1);
return RedirectToAction("Index");

How to get the Current Date Time Formatted in Flex

I'm trying to get the current date time in Flex/AIR?
To get the current date time, just create a new Date object with no values into the constructor, like this:
var CurrentDateTime:Date = new Date();
Formatting it depends on how you want to format it; here is one option:
private function CurrentDateTimeString():String
var CurrentDateTime:Date = new Date();
var CurrentDF:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
CurrentDF.formatString = "MM/DD/YY LL:NN:SS A"
var DateTimeString:String = CurrentDF.format(CurrentDateTime);
return DateTimeString;
currentTime = new Date();
From :
private function CurrentDateTimeString():String
var CurrentDateTime:Date = new Date();
var DateString:String = CurrentDateTime.getMonth().toString()+ "/"+CurrentDateTime.getDate().toString() +"/"+CurrentDateTime.getFullYear().toString();
var TimeString:String = CurrentDateTime.getHours().toString()+ ":"+ doubleDigitFormat(CurrentDateTime.getMinutes());
var DateTimeString:String = DateString + " " + TimeString;
return DateTimeString;
function doubleDigitFormat(num:uint):String
if(num < 10) {
return ("0" + num);
return num.toString();

Verify a date in JavaScript

I need to do user validation of a date field, it should be in the format yyyyMMdd and should not be more than one year in the future. How would I go about doing this? Currently I only have a crude regexp which is insufficient.
function VerifyDate(source, args)
var regexp = /^([1-2]{1}[0-9]{1})\d{2}([0][1-9]|[1][0-2])([0][1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|[3][0-1])$/
var result = args.Value.match(regexp);
if(result) {
args.IsValid = true;
} else {
args.IsValid = false;
Take the regex to check the format only. You can stay simple:
Then parse the date and check the range:
function VerifyDate(source, args)
args.IsValid = false;
var regexp = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/;
var daysInMonth = function (y, m) {return 32-new Date(y, m, 32).getDate(); };
var ma = regexp.exec(args.Value);
if (ma && ma.length == 4 && ma[2] < 12 && ma[3] <= daysInMonth(ma[1], ma[2]))
var diff = new Date(ma[1], ma[2], ma[3]) - new Date();
args.IsValid = diff < 31536000000; // one year = 1000ms*60*60*24*365
new Date() don't throw an exception if month or day is out of range. It uses the internal MakeDay to calculate a date (see ECMAScript Language Specification section and To make sure that the date is valid in the function below, the input is converted to integers who is converted to a date, and then the parts of the date are compared to the integers.
Since date uses MakeDay, the calculation of maxDate works even if now is the leep day (xxxx0229 will be yyyy0301 where yyyy=xxxx+1)
function verifyDate(args)
var result=false,
match = args.Value.match(/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/);
if (match && match.length === 4)
var year = parseInt(match[1],10),
month =parseInt(match[2],10) -1, // 0 = January
day = parseInt(match[3],10),
testDate= new Date(year,month,day),
now = new Date(),
maxDate = new Date(now.getFullYear() + 1, now.getMonth(), now. getDate()),
minDate = new Date(1800,0,1),
result = (
testDate.getFullYear() === year &&
testDate.getMonth() === month &&
testDate.getDate() === day &&
testDate >= minDate &&
testDate <= maxDate
args.IsValue = result;
return result;
The solution I finally went with is a combination of your answers, I used datejs which seems pretty nice. Here is my final validation function. For some reason the month seems to use a 0 based index so that's why it says -1 in the .set().
function VerifyDate(source, args)
args.IsValid = false;
var regexp = /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/;
var m = regexp.exec(args.Value);
if (m && m.length == 4) {
try {
var result ={ year: Number(m[1]), month: Number(m[2]-1), day: Number(m[3]) });
if (result <{ years: 1 })) {
args.IsValid = true;
catch (ex) {
