LateInitializationError: Field 'prefs' has not been initialized - initialization

I use sharedpreferences like this
enter image description here
enter image description here
why wrong? what initialized..?
enter image description here


How to get the text from input field in Robot Framework where the text does not appear and the value field is not filled in?

i have this HTML CODE:
Inside input, there' s a random enter image description herestring, but i can't find the test inside.
I tryed with GetWebElements, GetValue and GetAttribute, but nothing

How to verify a link text value in tosca which doesn't have an innertext

How can I verify the text "download quote" of the link Download Quote in tricentis vehicle insurance application.
[enter image description here][1]
Innertext is not present for this particular link.Please help to find a solution.
You can try to check with the DefaultName Property if it contains the required text Or may be you can search the same in its Parent control.
I hope you get them ;)
Try to create the Xpath for the same and get the content value after it help: On click (From image button), show image

I'm using Visual Studio 2012 btw,
So I have an Imagebutton, and Image. What I want to do is when I click on Imagebutton, it loads up the image.
The thing is, I have 8 Imagebuttons, so the image must have a code to load up different images from my directory, which is the images folder from root.
This is the current code I have, which has an error.
Dim img As String
Image1.Visible = True
img = Image1.ImageUrl("/Images/Example.png")
The error is "Conversion from string "/Images/Example.png" to type 'Integer' is not valid."
So I changed Dim img As Integer now.
I get this error:
'Char' values cannot be converted to 'Integer'. Use 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW' to interpret a character as a Unicode value or 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Val' to interpret it as a digit.
I am at a loss now.
The error is rised when you call Image1.ImageUrl("/Images/Example.png")
If you want to chance the Image in Image1 when you click in button use this.
Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Images/Example.png"
and to set value form ImageUrl in img variable
img = Image1.ImageUrl
The ImageUrl property is the image that is displayed on the image button itself. If you want an image to be displayed on its own when the button is clicked then you need to set the image as the PostBackURL of the button.
e.g. Image1.PostBackUrl="~/Images/Example.png"

Submit Image Inside Input Form Field?

I was wondering, how can I use an image to submit a form (click the image to submit)? Also, can that image actually be inside the form field?
use input type image
<img src="path/to/iamge.png">
Substitute "formName" for the name of your form.

insert image in crystal report

i need to set logo of company according to the title of along with company title want to send image path and set the image accordingly...
My motot is to set image dynamically..but not from database...
Read the ideas.nd coverted image in byte[]..but i am not able to send it along with parameter...and wat parameter shall i take on report for displaying it???
Please help
I am not sure if Crystal Report accept byte[] as a parameter.
Do you have the path of the images, if so I guess you could try to create a report with an image on it, then right click on the image and select ->"Format Graphic" -> On the "Picture" tab, you can set the "Picture Location",
You can try to put the Image file path on the "Picture Location" properties.
Please correct me if my concept is wrong
