How to verify a link text value in tosca which doesn't have an innertext - tosca

How can I verify the text "download quote" of the link Download Quote in tricentis vehicle insurance application.
[enter image description here][1]
Innertext is not present for this particular link.Please help to find a solution.

You can try to check with the DefaultName Property if it contains the required text Or may be you can search the same in its Parent control.
I hope you get them ;)

Try to create the Xpath for the same and get the content value after it


I want to use my Robotframework to upload file but my fileupload fill has no ID

I want to upload my picture but my upload fill has no id because it's angular and my programer refuse to write some id for me .
The question is how can i locate my robot to fill for upload file ??
because i try to input some text and it is not working in anyway
(sry for my bad eng skill this is my first time to ask something like this)
This is my html tag
<input _ngcontent-yhb-c11 style="display: none;" type="file">
This is my robot code
Right Input test
Location Should Be
Input Text name=UserCode ${Email}
Click Element xpath=//*[contains(text(),'Adds')]
Click Element xpath=//*[#class='signup-picture']
Choose File xpath =//input[_ngcontent-ctj-c11] C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\CabinetRB\\Reset passcode.PNG
I expect to upload my file but there is nothing happend
and hope u guy will understand what i wanna say
i'm new with this tool thx for the help
Ok i found how to resolve that solution i identify by using style="display: none;" so thx for helping Helio
Choose File xpath =//input[#style='display: none;'] C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\CabinetRB\\Reset passcode.PNG

how to make the link in drupal open in new window which is redirected for "Link this field to the original piece of content"?

I have created the view which is having the fetched contents of title body etc..,title is connected with "Link this field to the original piece of content",
and i want that link should be opened in the new window,please help me on this,is there any way to make this?
Thanks in Advance.
Probably the easiest way would be to do that with JavaScript. Something like explained here:
How do I add target="_blank" to a link within a specified div?
$('#link_other a').attr('target', '_blank');
And instead of that "#link_other a" you should put something for detecting your link(s) that you want to open in different page/tab.
To Click title field choose Rewrite result option and put this html code and save the view.
<a href="node/[nid]" target="_blank">[title]<a/>

How to create a read more link in Drupal views?

I am facing a problem in drupal views, i want to show the node body 400 character and add a read more link on after trimming. So I have trimmed the node body 400 character and put the "More link: Yes" on views. I can see the ellipsis(... after words) but not showing the link. What is the procedure to add a read more link? I am using drupal 6.22 version
Thanks in advance
A More link set to yes will send a user to a page view of that view. My typical approach to the more link is to add a field to the view for path. Then I set the path to be rewritten as More ยป.
Having the path field a the end of the view (Or at least after your body field) will give you the results you're looking for.
This is how I had done it.
In the edit of my view, I added a field node:link.
Then I removed the Label and left it empty and added "Read more" in Text to display
I checked the checkbox Trim this field to a maximum length, entered my maximum length in the textfield and checked the Add an ellipsis and Trim only on a word boundary options.
Click on Update button and save the changes. You are done!

how to put the node:link token in the html a label?

i have installed the views and token module. i add a views field 'Node:Link' and check the 'exclude from display' option for the 'node:link' field and set the field first in the field order,now i want to overrite a views field.
i put this more >> in the rewrite the output of this field text box. but it can't work? [view_node] is the Node:Link token, how to make the more>> link ok? thank you
In the Node:Link field, enter more in Text to display: text box.
No need to put anchor tag just type [view_node] in the rewrite the output of this field text box.
Views has a built in way to make text link to other pages with tokens. I would use that instead of putting the anchor tag in the rewrite section. It's titled, "Output this field as a link"
If you're on Drupal 6 and you just want to link the field to it's node then just check the box "Link this field to it's node"

insert image in crystal report

i need to set logo of company according to the title of along with company title want to send image path and set the image accordingly...
My motot is to set image dynamically..but not from database...
Read the ideas.nd coverted image in byte[]..but i am not able to send it along with parameter...and wat parameter shall i take on report for displaying it???
Please help
I am not sure if Crystal Report accept byte[] as a parameter.
Do you have the path of the images, if so I guess you could try to create a report with an image on it, then right click on the image and select ->"Format Graphic" -> On the "Picture" tab, you can set the "Picture Location",
You can try to put the Image file path on the "Picture Location" properties.
Please correct me if my concept is wrong
