How to get the next sibling and ignore tokens in ts-morph? - abstract-syntax-tree

I try to get the next sibling using getNextSibling from ts-morph.
The problem is I get the node DotToken or OpenBracketToken which I don't care about them. I want the node with the content. the problem this is can be any node (Identifier or StringLiteral or BinaryExpression or anything else).
Is there a safe way to get the node and ignore the tokens?
import { Identifier, Project, SyntaxKind } from "ts-morph";
const project = new Project();
const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile(
foo['bar' + 'other'].some();
const foos = sourceFile
.filter((i) => i.getText() === "foo");
foos.forEach((foo) => {
const s = foo.getNextSibling();
console.log({ s: s.getText() }); // outputs: . [ [ [


Generate paginated URLs like ?page=2, ?page=3 etc. in NextJS getStaticPaths and access the query params in getStaticProps

I am building a NextJS based site with multiple locales (different domains) where the data comes from storyblok CMS (folder level translation).
I am trying to figure out the best approach to statically generate the paginated URLs for the blog and since the data is known at build time, I figured the best approach would be to generate all URLs in getStaticPaths and then fetch the data for each Page in getStaticProps. This works fine for routes without parameters but when returning a page parameter along with the slug parameter in getStaticPaths, I cannot access it in getStaticProps.
I know that query params cannot be accessed in getStaticPaths because we cannot know the custom querys at buildtime, but in this specific case, we actually can since these paths are generated in getStaticProps.
import {
} from "#storyblok/react";
export default function Page({
}) {
story = useStoryblokState(story, {
// language: locale,
return (
export async function getStaticProps({
}) {
console.log(params.slug); // This logs the slug
console.log(; // This logs undefined
console.log(; // This logs undefined
// Empty slug on front page
// Make sure root element page pr folder are selected in storyblok
let slug = params.slug ? params.slug.join("/") : "";
let sbParams = {
version: "draft",
resolve_relations: relationsResolvers,
language: locale,
let { data } = await getStoryblokApi().get(
let sbIndexParams = {
version: "draft",
resolve_relations: relationsResolvers,
per_page: 10,
page: || 1,
starts_with: `${locale}/${slug}`,
sort_by: "first_published_at:desc",
language: locale,
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "page,post,case,template",
/* fetch an array of stories if page is startpage */
let storiesData = null;
if (data.story.is_startpage) {
storiesData = await getStoryblokApi().get(`cdn/stories`, sbIndexParams);
return {
props: {
story: data ? data.story : false,
key: data ? : false,
data.story.is_startpage && storiesData
.filter((story) => story.is_startpage == false)
.map((story) => {
return {
created_at: story.created_at,
published_at: story.published_at,
uuid: story.uuid,
slug: story.slug,
full_slug: story.full_slug,
is_startpage: story.is_startpage,
content: {
cover: story.content.cover ?? null,
cover_image: story.content.cover_image ?? null,
author: ?? null,
category: story.content.category ?? null,
: false,
revalidate: 3600,
export async function getStaticPaths({ locales }) {
let { data } = await getStoryblokApi().get("cdn/links/", {
is_folder: false,
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "page,post,case,template",
let paths = [];
Object.keys(data.links).forEach((linkKey) => {
if (data.links[linkKey].is_folder) {
// get array for slug because of catch all
const slug = data.links[linkKey].slug;
let splittedSlug = slug.split("/");
const linkLocale = splittedSlug[0];
if (splittedSlug == "") splittedSlug = false;
// create additional languages
for (const locale of locales) {
if (linkLocale === locale) {
paths.push({ params: { slug: splittedSlug }, locale });
// pagination route generation on custom post types like posts and cases
const per_page = 10;
const startPagesArr = Object.values(data.links)
.map((obj) => obj)
.filter((obj) => obj.is_startpage == true)
.filter((obj) => obj.slug.split("/").length > 2);
// make a loop that loops through all startpages and fetches all stories that are children of that startpage
for (const startPage of startPagesArr) {
let res = await getStoryblokApi().get("cdn/links/", {
is_folder: false,
starts_with: startPage.slug,
paginated: 1,
page: 1,
per_page: per_page,
sort_by: "first_published_at:desc",
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "post,case,template",
let totalPages = Math.ceil( / per_page);
let splittedSlug = startPage.slug.split("/");
const linkLocale = splittedSlug[0];
if (splittedSlug == "") splittedSlug = false;
// ... Loop through locales and push the paginated pages to the paths Array
for (const locale of locales) {
if (linkLocale === locale) {
for (let i = 2; i <= totalPages; i++) {
params: {
slug: splittedSlug, // this is passed to the getStaticProps function
page: i, //this is not passed to the getStaticProps function
return {
paths: paths,
fallback: false,
Accessing the page query param in getStaticProps would solve the problem since I can pass that value to the API request and get the right blogposts to display on the right paginated pages.
Fetching data directly in the component is not preferable for SEO reasons since it will be client-side JS.
All the logic is for the whole site is in the pages/[[...slug.jsx]] file since there are multiple locales, but would it make sense to split it up so I have a dynamic file for the blog itself (across locales)?
I have tried returning the page query param in several different ways, but getStaticProps will only see the param that matches the filename (ex. params.slug will be accessible because the file is called [[...slug]].jsx].

Typescript transformer, `node.parent` is undefined

I'm currently using a typescript transformer api, and I found that the node.parent is undefined.
My code is:
const transformerFactory: ts.TransformerFactory<ts.Node> = (
context: ts.TransformationContext
) => {
return (rootNode) => {
function visit(node: ts.Node): ts.Node {
node = ts.visitEachChild(node, visit, context);
// HERE node.parent IS UNDEFINED !
return filterFn(node, context);
return ts.visitNode(rootNode, visit);
const transformationResult = ts.transform(
sourceFile, [transformerFactory]
How can I find the parent of the node?
You can parse specifying to set the parent nodes:
const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
"class Test {}",
/* setParentNodes */ true, // specify this as true
Or do some operation on the node to get it to set its parent nodes (ex. type check the program... IIRC during binding it ensures the parent nodes are set).
Update based on comment
If you are creating these from a program, then you can do the following:
const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { allowJs: true };
const compilerHost = ts.createCompilerHost(options, /* setParentNodes */ true);
const program = ts.createProgram([this.filePath], options, compilerHost);

How to store data from multi page to json?

thank you for ur attention, so i write a mini project that scrape news site and store main texts from them. i tried many solutions to add json in my project without have consol.log but always after scraping its show only one main text. so i show my code to you so u could help me how to have json with all three news.
const { Cluster } = require('puppeteer-cluster');
const fs = require('fs');
const launchOptions = {
headless: false,
args: [
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
waitUntil: 'networkidle2',
(async() => {
// Create a cluster with 2 workers
const cluster = await Cluster.launch({
monitor: true,
concurrency: Cluster.CONCURRENCY_PAGE,
maxConcurrency: 2,
puppeteerOptions: launchOptions,
// Define a task (in this case: screenshot of page)
await cluster.task(async({ page, data: url }) => {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', (request) => {
if (['stylesheet', 'font', 'image', 'styles','other', 'media'].indexOf(request.resourceType()) !== -1) {
} else {
await page.goto(url);
const scrapedData = await page.$eval('div[class="entry-content clearfix"]', el => el.innerText)
fs.writeFileSync('test.json', JSON.stringify(scrapedData, null, 2))
// Add some pages to queue
// Shutdown after everything is done
await cluster.idle();
await cluster.close();
for gather all outputs i had to put my fs in the bottom of cluster.close
kanopyDB = []
kanopyDB = kanopyDB.concat(name);
await cluster.idle();
await cluster.close();
fs.writeFileSync('output.json', kanopyDB, 'utf8');

How to change immutablejs Record with methods from derived class?

I have 3 classes derived from Record. Definitions of first two classes are below.
// Base.js
import {Record} from 'immutable';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
export const Base = defaultValues => {
return class extends Record({
key: null,
}) {
constructor(props) {
super(Object.assign({}, props, {key: (props && props.key) || uuid.v4()}));
// LOBase.js
import {Base} from './BaseModel';
export const LOBase = defaultValues => {
return class extends Base({
created_at: new Date(null),
updated_at: new Date(null),
deleted_at: new Date(null),
isActive: new Boolean(),
isDeleted: new Boolean(),
publishState: new String(),
}) {};
And this is my last class derived from LOBase and where my problem is.
// Question.js
import {List, Record, fromJS} from 'immutable';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {LOBase} from './base/LOBaseModel';
export class Question extends LOBase({
id: '',
name: 'test',
description: '',
questionType: 1,
title: 'title',
version: new String(),
customData: {},
}) {
insertOption() {
let index = this.customData.options.length;
this.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
return this;
static MultipleChoice() {
let defaultCustomData = {
options: [],
let question = new Question()
.set('customData', new Record(defaultCustomData)())
return question;
// ...
I use let question = Question.MultipleChoice() to create a new Question instance. And when i use question.insertOption() it works fine. But when I do this in the reducer on the state I get an error saying "A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch".
How can I achieve to change question object in the state? Should I clone original Record before doing that? What is the Immutablejs way to do that?
Thanks in advance.
insertOption uses this.updateIn but does not return or store the result.
When you return this at the end of the function you actually return the same immutable Record without the changes.
So, unless I'm missing something here, you should probably go with:
insertOption() {
let index = this.customData.options.length;
return this.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
The updateIn will return a new instance of the Record with the updated values.
You did not add your state structure and reducer (if you can please do), but you should be sure to return a new state object every time and not just changing the question field.
BTW, you are doing a sequence of mutation methods one after the other (set, set, updateIn). This is not suggestable from a performance perspective. I'd suggest replacing it with withMutations in the following manner:
static insertOption(record) {
let index = record.customData.options.length;
return record.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
static MultipleChoice() {
// ...
let question = new Question();
question.withMutations(record => {
customData: new Record(defaultCustomData)()
return question;

Lazy loading references from normalized Redux store

Yo! I'm using Redux and Normalizr. The API I'm working with sends down objects that look like this:
name: 'Foo',
or like this
name: 'Foo2',
children: [
I want to be able to asynchronously fetch those related entities (type and children) when the above objects are accessed from the state (in mapStateToProps). Unfortunately, this does not seem to mesh with the Redux way as mapStateToProps is not the right place to call actions. Is there an obvious solution to this case that I'm overlooking (other than pre-fetching all of my data)?
Not sure that I have correctly understood your use-case, but if you want to fetch data, one simple common way is to trigger it from a React component:
var Component = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
if (!this.props.myObject) {
render: function() {
const heading = this.props.myObject ?
'My object name is ' +
: 'No object loaded';
return (
Given the "myObjectId" prop, the component triggers the "myObject" fetching after mounting.
Another common way would be to fetch the data, if it's not already here, from a Redux async action creator (see Redux's doc for more details about this pattern):
// sync action creator:
function fetchObjectSuccess(objectId, myObject) {
return {
// async action creator:
function fetchObject(objectId) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const currentAppState = getState();
if (!currentAppState.allObjects[objectId]) {
// fetches the object if not already present in app state:
return fetch('some_url_.../' + objectId)
.then(myObject => (
dispatch(fetchObjectSuccess(objectId, myObject))
} else {
return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to wait for
