Airflow SqlToS3Operator has unwanted an index in the beginning - airflow

Recent airflow-providers-amazon has deprecated MySQLToS3Operator and introduced SqlToS3Operator and now it is adding an index column in the beginning of the CSV dump.
For example, if I run the following
sql_to_s3_task = SqlToS3Operator(
query="SELECT created_at, score FROM my_table",
The S3 file has something like this:
The output seems to be a direct dump from Pandas. How can I remove this unwanted preceding index column?

The operator uses pandas DataFrame under the hood.
You should use pd_kwargs. It allows you to pass arguments to include in DataFrame .to_parquet(), .to_json() or .to_csv().
Since your output is csv the relevant pandas.DataFrame.to_csv parameters are:
header: bool or list of str, default True
Write out the column names. If a list of strings is given it is assumed to be aliases for the column names.
index: bool, default True
Write row names (index).
Thus you can do:
sql_to_s3_task = SqlToS3Operator(
query="SELECT created_at, score FROM my_table",
pd_kwargs={"index": False, "header": False},


Passing array as input variable into a Ruby file from zsh CLI

I am writing a ruby file that is called from zsh and, among others, I am trying to pass an array as an input variable like that:
ruby cim_manager.rb test --target=WhiteLabel --devices=["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]
Inside my ruby file I have a function:
# Generates a hash value from an array of arguments
# #param [Array<String>] The array of values. Each value of the array needs to separate the key and the value with "=". All "--" substrings will be replaced for empty substrings
# #return [Hash]
def generate_hash_from_arguemnts(args)
hash = {}
args.each{ |item|
item = item.gsub("--", "")
item = item.split("=")
puts item.kind_of?(Array)
hash[item[0].to_s] = item[1].to_s
return hash
So I can have a value like:
{"target": "WhiteLabel", "devices": ["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]}
The error I am getting when executing my Ruby file is:
foo#Mac-mini fastlane % ruby cim_manager.rb test --target=WhiteLabel --devices=["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]
zsh: bad pattern: --devices=[iPhone 8,
Any ideas?
#ReimondHill : I don't see how the error is possibly related to Ruby. You have a zsh-line, in which you have --devices= [.... You could get the same error when doing a
echo --devices=["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]
An open square bracket is a zsh wildcard construct; for instance, [aeiou] is a wildcard which tries to match against a vocal in a file name. Hence, this parameter tries to match against files starting with the name --devices= in your working directory, so you would expect an error message like no matches found: --devices=.... However, there is one gotcha: The list of characters between [ ... ] must not have an (unescaped) space. Therefore, you don't see no matches found, but bad pattern.
After all, you don't want a filename expansion to occur, but pass the parameter to your program. Therefore you need to quote it:
ruby .... '--devices=["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]'
Following the answer from #user1934428, I am extending my ruby file like that:
# Generates a hash value from an array of arguments
# #param [Array<String>] The array of values. Each value of the array needs to separate the key and the value with "=". All "--" substrings will be replaced for empty substrings
# #return [Hash]
def generate_hash_from_arguemnts(args)
hash = {}
args.each{ |item|
item = item.gsub("--", "")
item = item.gsub("\"", "")
item = item.split("=")
key = item[0].to_s
value = item[1]
if value.include?("[") && value.include?("]") #Or any other pattern you decide
value = value.gsub("[","")
value = value.gsub("]","")
value = value.split(",")
hash[key] = value
return hash
And then my zsh-line:
ruby cim_manager.rb test --target=WhiteLabel --devices='[iPhone 8,iPhone 12 Pro]'
The return value from generate_hash_from_arguemnts prints:
{"target"=>"WhiteLabel", "devices"=>["iPhone 8", "iPhone 12 Pro"]}

testing errors: comparing 2 files

I have 5 functions working relatively
1- singleline_diff(line1, line2)
comparing 2 line in one file
line1 - first single line string
line2 - second single line string
the index of the first difference between the two lines
identical if the two lines are the same.
2- singleline_diff_format(line1, line2, idx):
comparing 2 line in one file
line1 - first single line string
line2 - second single line string
idx - index at which to indicate difference (from 1st function)
abcd (first line)
==^ (= indicate identical character, ^ indicate the difference)
abef (second line)
If either input line contains a newline or carriage return,
then returns an empty string.
If idx is not a valid index, then returns an empty string.
3- multiline_diff(lines1, lines2):
deal with two lists of lines
lines1 - list of single line strings
lines2 - list of single line strings
a tuple containing the line number (starting from 0) and
the index in that line where the first difference between lines1
and lines2 occurs.
Returns (IDENTICAL, IDENTICAL) if the two lists are the same.
filename - name of file to read
a list of lines from the file named filename.
If the file does not exist or is not readable, then the
behavior of this function is undefined.
5- file_diff_format(filename1, filename2) " the function with the problem"
deals with two input files
filename1 - name of first file
filename2 - name of second file
four line string showing the location of the first
difference between the two files named by the inputs.
If the files are identical, the function instead returns the
string "No differences\n".
If either file does not exist or is not readable, then the
behavior of this function is undefined.
testing the function:
everything goes will until it the test use one empty file
it gave me "list index out of range"
this is the code I use
def file_diff_format(filename1, filename2):
file_1 = get_file_lines(filename1)
file_2 = get_file_lines(filename2)
mli_dif = multiline_diff(file_1, file_2)
min_lens = min(len(file_1), len(file_2))
if mli_dif == (-1,-1) :
return "No differences" "\n"
diff_line_indx = mli_dif[0]
diff_str_indx = int (mli_dif[1])
if len(file_1) >= 0:
line_file_1 = ""
line_file_1 = file_1[diff_line_indx]
if len(file_2) >= 0:
line_file_2 = ""
line_file_2 = file_2[diff_line_indx]
line_file_1 = file_1[diff_line_indx]
line_file_2 = file_2 [diff_line_indx]
out_print = singleline_diff_format(line_file_1, line_file_2, diff_str_indx)
return ( "Line {}{}{}".format ((diff_line_indx), (":\n"), (out_print)))
If one of the files is empty, either file1 or file2 should be an empty list, so that trying to access an element of either would cause the error you describe.
Your code checks for these files to be empty when assigning to line_file_`` andline_file_2`, but then goes ahead and tries to access elements of both.

String recognition in idl

I have the following strings:
and from each I want to extract the three variables, 1. SWIR32 2. the date and 3. the text following the date. I want to automate this process for about 200 files, so individually selecting the locations won't exactly work for me.
so I want:
I am going to be using these to add titles to graphs later on, but since the position of the text in each string varies I am unsure how to do this using strmid
I think you want to use a combination of STRPOS and STRSPLIT. Something like the following:
s = ['F:\Sheyenne\ROI\SWIR32_subset\SWIR32_2005210_East_A.dat', $
name = STRARR(s.length)
date = name
txt = name
foreach sub, s, i do begin
sub = STRMID(sub, 1+STRPOS(sub, '\', /REVERSE_SEARCH))
parts = STRSPLIT(sub, '_', /EXTRACT)
name[i] = parts[0]
date[i] = parts[1]
txt[i] = STRJOIN(parts[2:*], '_')
You could also do this with a regular expression (using just STRSPLIT) but regular expressions tend to be complicated and error prone.
Hope this helps!

IndexError: list index out of range, scores.append( (fields[0], fields[1]))

I'm trying to read a file and put contents in a list. I have done this mnay times before and it has worked but this time it throws back the error "list index out of range".
the code is:
with open("File.txt") as f:
scores = []
for line in f:
fields = line.split()
scores.append( (fields[0], fields[1]))
The text file is in the format;
Alpha:[0, 1]
Bravo:[0, 0]
Charlie:[60, 8, 901]
I cant see why it is giving me this problem. Is it because I have more than one value for each item? Or is it the fact that I have a colon in my text file?
How can I get around this problem?
If I understand you well this code will print you desired result:
import re
with open("File.txt") as f:
# Let's make dictionary for scores {name:scores}.
scores = {}
# Define regular expressin to parse team name and team scores from line.
patternScore = '\[([^\]]+)\]'
patternName = '(.*):'
for line in f:
# Find value for team name and its scores.
fields =, line).groups()[0].split(', ')
name =, line).groups()[0]
# Update dictionary with new value.
scores[name] = fields
# Print output first goes first element of keyValue in dict then goes keyName
for key in scores:
print (scores[key][0] + ':' + key)
You will recieve following output:

Julia dictionary "key not found" only when using loop

Still trying to figure out this problem (I was having problems building a dictionary, but managed to get that working thanks to rickhg12hs).
Here's my current code:
#open files with codon:amino acid pairs, initiate dictionary:
file = open(readall, "rna_codons.txt")
seq = open(readall, "rosalind_prot.txt")
codons = {"UAA" => "stop", "UGA" => "stop", "UAG" => "stop"}
#generate dictionary entries using pairs from file:
for m in eachmatch(r"([AUGC]{3,3})\s([A-Z])\s", file)
codon, aa = m.captures
codons[codon] = aa
All of that code seems to work as intended. At this point, I have the dictionary I want, and the right keys point to the right entries. If I just do print(codons["AUG"]) for example, it prints 'M', which is the correct output. Now I want to scan through a string in the second file, and for every 3 letters, pull out the entry referenced in the dictionary and add it to the prot string. So I tried:
for m in eachmatch(r"([AUGC]{3,3})", seq)
amac = codons[m.captures]
prot = "$prot$amac"
But this kicks out the error key not found: ["AUG"]. I know the key exists, because I can print codons["AUG"] and it returns the proper entry, so why can't it find that key when it's in the loop?
