Payment Gateway integration for .Net Application -

First of all I am Fresher so I don't Know about Payment gateway , So My Question is
=>>> I have an application which needs to be integrated with phonepay and gpay Payment Gateways for payment through online. How can I do this? Can anybody help me with some reference links or guidance
I am expecting that can get any video suggestions for better explanation


How do I use a web hook using Stripe and ARMember in Wordpress

I am working on a project with a third party website, in which I will create a membership recurrent plan, gather customer's information, store it, and charge the customer. Upon subscribing, the customer's credentials and information will be passed via an API to a third party website, where they will be able to access the service.
For the membership setup on my website, I am using ARMember, which is connected to a Stripe account. I am working with a developer for the whole API setup with the 3rd party website, but as a requirement, my developer is asking me to provide the webhooks We need a hook that can give user-object or user-signup details after the successful payment event.
Forgive me for being a newbie, as I am not a developer nor anything close to that. I have never worked with webhooks before.
In looking into ARMember's webhook documentation I found this, which I believe it is what my dev needs, arm_payment_gateway_validation_from_setup, however, there are no clear instructions on what to do with this, or how to use it. I guess they assume users seeking webhooks know exactly what to do with them, which is not my case. Please help anyone! Will be so grateful!

Paypal Payment Data Transfer

I am new to paypal and I just have a simple question. I am using an ASP.NET page to make a payment to paypal. I have a sandbox account. My buyers account is decreasing, my facilitators account balance is increasing the sandbox transactions are successful. Now I need a way to tell my application that the transaction was successful so I can update a database.
My question is this, have Payment Data Transfer (PDT) been replaced by webhooks? Should have a service and configure an endpoint to listen for the webhook from paypal. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If you are using the REST API, then yes you should use Webhooks. If you are using the Classic APIs, then you should use IPN. credit card processing

I have created a webstore with paypal gateway, but my client changed his mind and wants beside paypal, users to be able to pay with credit cards directly on the website. So I need opinions which framework to implement. I'm thinking of PayPal Pro solution, can someone explain me some details about it?

Eventbrite Emulator

I am looking at integrating a payment processor that uses the emulator feature - ie ability to use the integration, but using a different URL to do the actual transactions.
See here for example:
Anyone managed to integrate anything other than Paypal, wallet and with EventBrite?
I work on Eventbrite's API/Platform team, so hopefully I can help you out here.
Other payment gateways are emulating's API so that they can easily be plugged in to platforms that currently support, but the work to integrate an additional payment gateway that has an emulator would still fall on Eventbrite (and can't independently be done by a third party).
We're not currently looking to add additional gateways, but if you have a specific request then I'd be happy to pass on the request.
You can contact us here:

payment gateway using

I am getting the user credit card info and and I would like to submit to a company using webservice, what are the best practices for that?
I am using Webservices, soap and XML, how does the submiossion happens?
It depends on the specific payment gateway you use, there is no standard method. The payemnt gateway should provide documentation.
