I am running my website in hosting wordpress all was working fine but recently when I edit my page I see the blockquote is not rendering.
e.x. the following code is just showing as text the page is not rendering.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Patanjali”]Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists[/blockquote]
In rich edit page, I do have a drop-down to add this block but now I do not see any dropdown. not sure any plugin is removed automatically.
I am using soledad
I have update a page in my wordpress site using web admin back end, but what I see is that even if I update a page, it does not get updated online. Moreover, some of the content of the page which I see online /live are not actually texted in the area where we put the content.
On the right side navigator, in the page attribute area Parent has been set to No Parent, template --> Home Page.
Can you please let me know what could be the possible reason why the live content of the page is different from what I can see in the actual text area through web admin panel?
Also updating a page does not reflects on the page as well for that particular page.
First make sure you are editing the right page. Click in the frontend adminbar on edit instead of navigating in the backend through the pages list.
Secondly it can be any caching related issue. Check out if there are any plugins or settings for this.
Areas that are on the page but not editable via the content can be widgets or any kind of theme builder stuff. Check in the backend design->widgets.
The page hierarchy (parent: no parent) can be differ from the actually website navigation. Check out design->menus. It is possible to build other hierarchies in the menus.
So basically I'm stuck with this screen on some of my pages and they never load up. I'm using Avada theme and fusion builder. What could cause this problem because it's appearing only when I try to edit some pages and others I can edit normally
On the pages that won't load this appears in the console
Anything I do inside our Wordpress CMS for some of our pages does not reflect on the actual website. It's like as if it's disconnected. The other pages are confirmed connected though.
Why is this and where should I look especially that it happens only to selected pages?
Btw, I probably should've indicated a sample of the problematic pages. Here's one: http://www.criminal-lawyers.com.au/courts/locations.
Look the template of effected pages.
Take that page on admin panel on the right side of that page you can see page attribute section ,Look on the template that set for that page. It may be a static template that do not accept the content.
Just change the template to default template.
Then view that page .If content are reflected then request the developer to do that in the selected template also.
(NOTICE:entire style of the page is lost.You need to reselect to previous template and save it after seeing the change )
I'm trying to make a facebook app version of an existing page and am having a major issue: my exposed filter block isn't showing up.
I'm using themekey to switch to a facebook version of my theme for the url the facebook version of the page is on. When my page is displayed in my normal theme it works fine, the filter is there, all is good. In my special theme there is nothing. Thing is...the special theme is a straight copy of the normal theme (with the .info modified and all the template functions removed). The block is in the preface middle region, and
print $preface_middle;
is still in the page template for that page.
On my dev site I tried to simplify matters by making the facebook theme the site wide theme (thinking that themekey was throwing things off somehow) and I had the same issue. Eventually I fixed it (somehow) on my dev site, but when I tried to use those same fixes on the live site they didn't work.
What can prevent a block with exposed filters from displaying when it should be? Like I said, when I turn off themekey the filters are there, Drupal clearly knows that the filters should be displayed at that url. I'm going nuts...what can I do?
When you go to blocks section of your site: you need to add the block to the preface_middle section in the theme you want.
Make sure the "facebook" theme is active
Go to blocks section and click on the "fascebook theme"
Move the block to the section you want for this theme.
My issue is I have a drupal site and I am trying to create a Make Payment page. I was able to create the page but the issue I ran into is when I got the code for the button from PayPal and inserted it into the CKEditor. The CKEditor works when I put it in there but it wont publish.
Any tips would be helpful.
You probably have to set the Input Format for that text box to "Full HTML". Otherwise a lot of the HTML tags will be stripped out when it is displayed.