Keep user logged in after validating ID token from Google -

I want users to log in to my web application by using a Google sign in button. This will be handled by a React/Angular client that follows the steps from Google's own documentation where html code like this will be generated:
<div id="g_id_onload"
<div class="g_id_signin"
The problem I have is deciding on how to keep the user logged in after the id token has been validated by my backend application. It seems to me that using the access and refresh token provided from Google is the wrong way to go, even though that seems to be quite common, since those are created for accessing Google's own API's and not to check if the user is logged in to my application.
What is best practices here? Shouldn't I just create/update a user database table, create a simple session and send a session ID with a cookie the way you usually would do in whatever programming language are being used on the backend side. For example if I'm using ASP.NET, is it perfectly fine to just use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session package? Or if I'm using PHP just populate $_SESSION and $_COOKIE?
The way people send an access and refresh token back to the client makes me a bit confused, but I can't really find any good reason for doing so.


How to know if user is authenticated on the first request with firebase

Given a backend wrote in nodejs that returns a page that should either link to login (if the user is not logged in) or a link to logout (if the users is already logged in).
Considering I'm using firebase as authentication tool, how can I know in the first request, when the user is accessing the website, if is he authenticated to then
set the ejs template to respond with the correct link ?
Is there some header, or token that can I use ?
The only solution I found was use ajax after the server response, but I don't like this solution because apparently there is a delay in the link renderization.
As far as I know there is no way to know if the user is authentication on the initial request. From a quick inspection no data is sent along with that request. That kinda makes sense, given that upon this request it is not even known if you're using authentication to being with.
I actually just ran into this blog post from one of the Firebase engineers, which seems promising: Introducing session cookies for server-side web apps. I haven't fully read it yet, but the title sounds like it may be exactly what you want.

Meteor Restivus: keep user logged in if he goes to the main website

I have a Chrome extension that communicates with my Meteor app through a REST API created with the Restivus package.
The user authenticates to the REST API and then uses authenticated tokens to make any further requests.
So far, everything works fine, as long as he stays within the extension. However, from the chrome extension, I'd like to redirect the user to his profile page on my main website. When that happens, he's no longer authenticated, and must re-sign-in to access the profile page.
I figure this is because the REST API session and the webpage session are two completely different sessions on the server (even though both the API and the webpage run from the same server). My question is, is there a way to maintain the user's logged-in state as he moves from the extension to the main website?
I figure there are a few options:
I'm using the standard meteor accounts package. Is there a way to push whatever standard cookie / data that the accounts package uses, to the user's browser, so that when he goes to the website, he'll be considered logged in?
Push a custom cookie to the user, which I then check for and log him in when he first comes to the website. However, I don't know how to push a cookie through a REST API or generate one in the Chrome extension
Use DDP to communicate with the second session and transfer the login credentials.
I don't know if these are the best options (or even how to implement them if they are...). Has anyone figured out a way to do this already? Thanks!
I would suggest you to develop your own flow of authentification using a token as an URL parameter. You should achieve a similar experience that slack provides with magic authentification links
The idea is to generate a token and add it to the Meteor.users collection for the user logged in your chrome extension.
Then, redirect your user to an url with the token as a parameter. The app checks which user is linked with this token and log him in.
You can get inspiration on what is done in the account package to handle enrollment and reset links, or in the passwordless package

Google OAuth Always Showing Consent Screen

I'm building an installed application that will have features requiring the Google Drive REST API using Qt and C++. I understand Qt is now releasing new libraries to support OAuth flows but let's assume I'm a student and learning to use OAuth at this layer is a requirement for this project.
In my application, I have a working OAuth flow for installed applications that ends with an Access Token and Refresh Token being stored using QSettings (I'm open to input on whether this is a disastrously bad idea too). The application requires no authentication/login for its own sake/data, but it does need authentication to Google for calling API's using an Access Token. This application has no associated web backend being hosted; its simple and should be deployable completely locally (I've written and included a simple TCP server that will receive the authorization redirect_uri and will run and close when called from within the application).
As such, I'm curious about the best way to make sure that, when a user opens my application and wants to use the Google Drive features, they are appropriately authenticated on Google's end. Say, if I maintain an access token in the registry, and this access token is granted per-user/per-application basis (right?), then how can I make sure only the user the token belongs to is able to make calls to the API with it?
Here's my understanding and approach; feel free to correct me or educate me if I've got the wrong interpretation.
If an Access Token is found, perform the following:
Open a browser page to a Google login domain and have the user authenticate there (this could prohibit a user from being able to use a cached login session that would have access to a token they otherwise shouldn't have access to)
If user has correctly authenticated with a Google account, return control to the application and make a test call to an API using the stored token.
If the call fails (responds with an invalid_credentials) I should be able to be sure its because the access token has expired and the application will go through the flow to renew an Access Token from a Refresh Token.
If no Access Token is initially found:
Start a normal OAuth installed application flow
Get the tokens and store them so that when the user opens the application next time the former procedure is used
My issue then is the first two steps if the Access Token is found. Nominally this could be done by the typical OAuth flow but it appears that when using a localhost as the redirect uri, Google will always prompt for consent, regardless of settings for prompt and access_type authorization query parameters.
What can be done to accomplish these first two steps in a way that my application can control (i.e. not a solution that relies on a backend server being hosted somewhere)?
If this question is too open-ended for SO requirements I can make some more restrictions/assumptions to limit the problem domain but I'd rather not do that yet in case I unknowingly rope off a good viable solution.
Thanks for reading! Sorry if its a verbose; I wanted to ensure my problem domain was fully fleshed out!
If you are using an installed application, I wouldn't recommend using or storing refresh tokens. Storing refresh tokens on the client side means that if an intruder gains access to the client's application, they have infinite access to the user's application without ever having to enter the user's credentials. If you do insist on having a refresh token, ensure you follow the Google's installed app flow, with the code_verifier parameter included in your requests.
If the access token is found, you should try to verify it, and if verified then use it at the google api, otherwise force the user to login again (or refresh it if you chose to still use refresh tokens).
If no access token is found, your flow sounds fine.
A few notes on loggin in with Google:
Google will only return a refresh token if you specify access_type=offline in your auth request.
Google will only return a refresh token on the user's first authorization request, unless you always specify prompt=consent in your query params.
In my experience, when leaving out the prompt query param, the user is not prompted for their consent again. If they are logged in to google, you will get a new access token, but no refresh token, unless you have prompt=consent.
I think the idea is you use prompt=consent if you have no record of the user ever using your application. Otherwise if they have used it before, you may prefer to use prompt=select_account to allow the user to select which account he wants to use in case he has more then one, or you can just use prompt=none.
This is just my understanding of it all.
My approach I ended up using was just to deploy with an SQLite db that will be stored in the AppData roaming directory. The db schema includes a field for the user's Name (from the OpenID IDToken field if it exists), the user's picture URL (again from IDToken if it exists), the refresh and access token strings (will be stored as encrypted strings when I get around to it), the user's UID/sub string, and a field for a user name and password.
These latter two fields are authentication fields for within my own application, which, again, I wanted to avoid but it seems impossible to do so. So the user will be prompted to enter a username and password into a form, and these credentials will be checked against the existing SQLite db file mentioned previously.
If they exist and are correct, the user gets logged in and will have access to their respective access and refresh token.
If the user has forgotten their password, they'll be asked for reconsent (going through the installed app flow again), and whatever password they provided during initial login will be used as the reset password. It is considered, for my purposes, that logging into Google for the installed app flow is proof enough that the user account belongs to them and they should have authorization to reset the password.
If the user is a new user and doesn't have a record in the local SQLite db file, then they can also click a button to "Create New Account" - which effectively goes through the authorization flow as well but this time a whole new record is posted to the SQLite db with the appropriate fields filled.
There's still more optimization that could be done but at least I am getting closer to the level of security and control of access to Google user accounts that I want.
I'm not marking this as an answer because I feel like this solution is still not desired and that there should be an easier way. So if someone has evidence or experience of providing an equivalent level of authentication control without needing to maintain a local user account database then I would be more than happy to mark such a method as the solution!
Thanks again!

Google Calendar API . Can I write to a users calendar when the user isn't logged in?

This may seem like a totally idiotic question but I am looking at writing a web app/service that will utilize google's calendar API's and I needed to see if I have the ability to write to a users calendar when the user isn't logged into there google account. I couldn't find any clear documentation that illustrated whether or not I could do this or not. I pictured the authorization process something the user agrees to when they sign up for my site and then my app can go add things to there google calendar. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can someone hook me up with a link that illustrates how that works?
Thanks in advance
You're thinking about "logged in" wrong.
Because web connections don't persist between requests, any web-site or web-service is checking headers such as the Authorization header and/or Cookie header (depending on what authorisation method is used), with each and every request and matching the request to a user.
Hence logging in* means that the web client (browser or whatever) is set to use the details that relate to a particular user in making the request.
When you use the API, the authorisation information you send, is performing the same job. As such, when the user is using your API they are logged in through your API, whether they're logged in through a web page or other application or not.
My web browser is currently logged into google to an account I use for work stuff.
My mail client is logged into google calendar to an account I use for private stuff.
When I look at google calendar, I see that I don't have any calendars (I don't use it on my work account).
When I look at Thunderbird, I see my calendars.
If I peek at the traffic being sent by the browser and mail client, on both I see headers like:
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=...stuff I'm not going to share or it would help you impersonate me
So, I'm "logged in" on Thunderbird because the code using the API logs me in itself.
Indeed, the same application can access multiple accounts and be "logged in" to all of them, as long as it has the authentication details to do so.
*Strictly, some would argue that "logged in" isn't the correct term at all, and refers to different sorts of access mechanism where there is state on the connection. Whatever about that opinion, we use the metaphor of being or not being logged in, because users understand it.
The answer to your question is yes. Use OAuth 2 and the Authorization Code flow (web server flow), with offline enabled. Store the refresh tokens (which last indefinitely until the user has revoked), and you'll be able to upload events to Google Calendar even when the user isn't currently logged in.
More info:
Credits to Ryan Boyd for this note.

How to loggedin in LinkedIn automatically from Application?

I have created a username and password to enter and search people in linkedin. Now, I am devloping a web application using I need to open a popup page which is displaying the searched results in linked in as logged in.
When the popup page is displaying, I need to logged in automatically using the username and password.
So, here is my question,
How to logged in automatically when the button clicked in application using linked in username and password?.
The problem is twofold:
deciding which credentials to use
actually logging in
Logging in is fairly straightforward: post to LinkedIn's login URL in the manner that LinkedIn expects. Unfortunately, LinkedIn still does not have a public API, so this is going to require hackery. Go to a LinkedIn web page that allows login and analyze the page source. There will be a field names for username and password in the login form, and the login form will post to a specific URL. Duplicate the username and password with a web request to the URL of the form. You will receive a cookie as part of the response. Make sure you include that cookie in future requests to LinkedIn and you are then "logged in" for every request.
Of far more importance than the actual logging in, which is a simple programming challenge, is deciding which credentials to use. I'm guessing that you're building an application for others to use, rather than yourself. If so, you'll need to ask them to give you their LinkedIn credentials. Beware: this is something that most people simply will not do. It's a trust issue; if they give you their credentials, you now have access to their profile and can do nefarious things with it. You'll need a good disclaimer explaining how you would never do that, ever, and you'll need the people who read it to believe you. Not as easy as it sounds.
If, however, this is just for you, you're on easy street. Just use your own credentials.
