woocommerce shipping and billing address shortcode php - woocommerce

Is there a way to make a shortcode for shipping address and billing adress page?
I have made short codes for my orders and my account.
I want to make short codes for shipping address and billing adress page
and want to put it in one page so that customer can see 2 adreess edit form in one page.
Could you help me with this?
I havne't tried yet.


Pre-populate admin created order in Woocommerce

I have an external website with a list of addresses. I would like to add a link to that page that when clicked, takes me to the Add New Order form in Woocommerce admin, and have the billing and shipping addresses pre-populated, from like GET variables or something. The billing and shipping addresses would be the same.
Is there a way to accomplish this?

Why does my email shows up in Woocommerce check out page?

I am newbie in Woocommerce.
I filled out profile information in WordPress "Customer Billing address" and "Customer Shipping address"
And when I checked the "Checkout" page, all my information was filled out.
So, I removed all my information which was in Profile, the information was gone in Checkout page. (Which is good!)
However, the email did not remove. (The profile states email is required, and whenever I go for checkout, my email shows up.)
Can anyone know how to fix this problem?
Also, what plug-ins are there that if the customer buy multiple products and calculate the shipping costs at proceed to check out page?
For example, I want to set $9.45 for maximum weight/ dimension we set and if customer buy more products, I want to add percentage more for the weight/ dimension.
Hi happy to read your question .
As you are seeing your profile details on checkout page because you are logged in your site as administrator so .
log out from your wordpress site then check checkout page
Regarding second issue you need add variable products in site or else use below plugin - http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-shipping-calculator-on-product-page/11496815

How do I add my Shipping info to the 'thank you' page in WooCommerce (Wordpress)

I have a Wordpress site using WooCommerce for online transactions - on the order completed page (the thank you page) I see the Billing Address but not the Shipping Address (even when the addresses are different)
How do I get the Shipping Address to ALWAYS be displayed on this order confirmation page.
Edit order/order-details-customer.php , scroll to the bottom of the file, you'll notice the Shipping address has been wrapped in a conditional, just comment out the conditional and the shipping address will always be displayed.
You need to do this by overriding WooCommerce templates
Copy file from
and put it into
Take user shipping value from wp_user_meta table of wordpress. Its like override template. Add our field to that template.

Display WooCommerce Flat Rate Shipping Options on Cart page

I'm building a WooCommerce site and I have a need to display shipping options on the cart page vs the checkout page.
Shipping is flat rate across a single country and not dependent on user location.
Is there a way to accomplish this task?
Go to the General tab in Woocommerce Settings.
Set the shop base address to be the Default Customer Location
If you only have a flat rate and your shop's base address is under it, that's the one that will be displayed by default.
Make sure you have done this
On Woocommerce -> Settings-> Shipping and make sure that you check the boxes
Enable shipping
Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page
Save setting and Configure shipping rates as well, hope it will help

How to add order confirmation page after billing address page in Woocommerce?

The default WooCommerce checkout structure is this:
cart->billing address -> checkout
but i need an order confirmation page after the billing address is fill correctly.
So i need this:
cart->billind address->confirm order->checkout.
I found the woocommerce germanized plugin, but it's isn't working wel..
