Why does my email shows up in Woocommerce check out page? - wordpress

I am newbie in Woocommerce.
I filled out profile information in WordPress "Customer Billing address" and "Customer Shipping address"
And when I checked the "Checkout" page, all my information was filled out.
So, I removed all my information which was in Profile, the information was gone in Checkout page. (Which is good!)
However, the email did not remove. (The profile states email is required, and whenever I go for checkout, my email shows up.)
Can anyone know how to fix this problem?
Also, what plug-ins are there that if the customer buy multiple products and calculate the shipping costs at proceed to check out page?
For example, I want to set $9.45 for maximum weight/ dimension we set and if customer buy more products, I want to add percentage more for the weight/ dimension.

Hi happy to read your question .
As you are seeing your profile details on checkout page because you are logged in your site as administrator so .
log out from your wordpress site then check checkout page
Regarding second issue you need add variable products in site or else use below plugin - http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-shipping-calculator-on-product-page/11496815


woocommerce: SOLD is not displayed for unregistered users

Having trouble since last wordpress and woocommerce updates.
Cant get any idea what my be reason for such behavior. While I'll registered on site all "SOLD" signs shows correctly, but as soon as someone whos not registered on site checks item it doesn't display SOLD on single product page (but on catalogue view it`s visible).
For me this doesn't make any since, as site doesn't have any extra role and permission plugins..
any idea where might be issue?

Generate Email Coupon Wordpress

This might be off topic question but I would like to ask it anyway to the developers out there.
Is there a plugin or whatever, that can enable automatic single use coupon code delivery to a user on wordpress/page?
Basically WordPress will send an email to the customer and then the user takes an action (clicks button, clicks link from email), and can see a unique, single use, coupon code back to the wordpress site? Each user of course would see a unique coupon code because there would need to have been a list of unique coupon codes selected/uploaded to begin with.
Thanks for your kind answers if there is any. Please.
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for:

WordPress WooCommerce Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address WordPress

I am using the Custom Shipping Method, from which the customer has to choose by themselves.
However when you go on the cart or checkout page it only says
“Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address.”
To work around it I have tried to tick “enable the shipping calculator on the cart page” under “shipping options” but failed. Even the "Calculate Shipping" link is also not working. I have searched many tuts on shipping method but no success.
After doing few modification, now i get following error:
There are no shipping methods available. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.
Any help will be appreciated.
Please follow the below step..
Go to Woo-commerce setting select "Sell to all contries" in Selling location(s)
Then after select "Ship to all countries you sell to" in Shipping location(s)
After setting remove specific country from the "Shipping zones > Your zone" and Set shipping anywhere.
After all set up please check on cart page.
Thank you.

woocommerce payment plugin adding tax detail on checkout page

I am trying to add payment plugin to woocommerce.I am very new on woocommerce.
I followed this plugin example : https://github.com/wp-plugins/woocommerce-payment-gateway/blob/b1d2a53ea1a71aaa6eb404af1efd2148afe2b257/gateway-inspire.php
When user write credit card first 6 number I want to show tax details on checkout page.I am calling service for taking taxes. Here is my related checkout page:
I am confusing about that how can I show tax details when first 6 digits is on input.
What is true way for showing tax? I didnot find any example like this.
I am sory for bad English.
Thanks in advance.

Order send to email rather than checking out

I am using WordPress woo commerce on my website. I want my orders sent to email rather than checking out to paypal. I am selling medicine and paypal doesn't allow their services for websites that are dealing with medicine. So I want my orders straight to my email and where I can contact users.
I want to know Is it possible to do it with woocommerce?
Is there any plugin which can do that?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance. :)
In WooCommerce->Settings->Checkout, disable all payment options except for "Cash on Delivery".
Then change the title to something like "Pay by Phone" and in the Description and Instructions fields something like "Call 123-456-7890 to complete your order." then the order will be placed, but they have to call to complete payment.
Or you can change the wording to indicate that you'll call them. Just make sure that the phone number field is required if you take that route.
