When access this url: https://bar.com?type=search&keyword=foobar in PC, redirect to another url and whole source url as a request param,
Nginx config:
if ( $http_user_agent !~* "(Android|iPhone)" ){
rewrite ^/(.*)$ https://baz.com/qrCode?from=https://bar.com$request_uri? permanent;
But exists this problem, that is the source url incomplete.
desired effect like below
How to implement is in Nginx?
I have several url's that I would like to rewrite in NGINX
for example:
From: app.example.com/calendar
To: calendar.example.com
From: app.example.com/meetings
To: meetings.example.com
I would still like to keep the app.example.com so it's not being removed from the redirect, but just create subdomains for certain URLs.
How can I do this in NGINX conf file?
All the best.
Redirect Subdomain to Folder in NGINX
Just add the following location block in your server configuration, inside server block, above the location / block.
location ^~ /calendar {
rewrite ^/calendar/?(.*)$ https://calendar.example.com/$1 permanent;
In the above code replace blog.example.com with your subdomain, and /calendar with your subdirectory. The above location block will listen to all requests sent to example.com/calendar. It redirects all those requests to calendar.example.com subdomain of your website. $1 is the URL stub after subfolder in requested URL. We add permanent keyword at the end of rewrite directive to cause a permanent redirect.
So it will permanently redirect subfolder to subdomain along with URL string.
Currently I have a multilingual PHP website and have the following URL structure: https://qrcodeaz.com/?lang=vi.
Now I want to remove the element ?lang= from the URL and only leave: https://qrcodeaz.com/vi.
I use Nginx, please help me with the code.
Thank you
You can use the following code (before any of the location blocks):
if ($args ~ (.*)(^|&)lang=[^&]*(\2|$)&?(.*)) {
set $lang $arg_lang;
set $args $1$3$4;
if ($lang) {
rewrite (.*) /$lang$1;
Please note that this code would not generate HTTP redirect, https://qrcodeaz.com/?lang=vi URL will be served as https://qrcodeaz.com/vi transparently to end user. If you want to generate HTTP 301/302 redirects, use rewrite (.*) /$lang$1 permanent; for HTTP 301 redirection or rewrite (.*) /$lang$1 redirect; for HTTP 302 redirection.
I have file sitemap.xml in site public directory. When I use subdomain 'm.', it uses same public directory as general site. I need to return file '/mobile-sitemap.xml' from url '/sitemap.xml', when I'm on subdomain 'm.'.
What nginx modules and rules could help me to do this?
My first step was like this:
if ($host ~* m\.(.*)) {
#if url = /sitemap.xml, give back file /mobile-sitemap.xml as /sitemap.xml
Or maybe it's ok to google, if i just send 301 redirect to another sitemap file?
You could create a separate server block for your mobile subdomain, in which case the if statement would not be necessary. See this caution on the use of if.
However, to implement this in a single server block, use a location and a rewrite:
location = /sitemap.xml {
if ($host ~* m\.) {
rewrite ^ /mobile-sitemap.xml last;
See this and this for more.
We just updated all our product url to new url. It only add some letter in the URL.
An example
old URL:
new URL:
(just added "new-" in "parent")
I try with this but not work.
location /parent {
rewrite ^/parent(.*) http://$server_name/new-parent$1 permanent;
So anyone can help me to correct this redirection?
Try to put rewrite ^/parent(.*) http://$server_name/new-parent$1 permanent; into server directive, not into /parent location.
I have this redirect script in my nginx.conf file. I want to redirect to http:// site but my origin is https:// how do I remove the 's' from the url? Adding the http:// to the pass won't work
rewrite ^(?!/mt/)(.*)$ /content$1 break;
Origin: https://blog.com/mt/content/apple/site.php
Redirect: http://blog.com/content/apple/site.php
Use protocol and host in redirect:
rewrite ^(?!/mt/)(.*)$ http://blog.com/content$1 break;