Is there a way to use a getExistingDirectory for folders with the same view that getOpenFileName uses - qt

I've made a small app to convert folders into CBZ format, but when prompting the user to select a folder, the QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory method uses a tree view that I really don't like. The getOpenFileName have a standard view of the filesystem, but it only works for files and not directories.
My idea is to:
Make getExistingDirectory change it's view mode
Use or some getOpenFileName variation to load folders
I've tried using TK instead for the file dialog, but it is even worse on UI terms, so it's a no go for me.
Setting FileMode to Directory seems to not work at all (or maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the docs are really bad for that).

Following ekhumoro's suggestion and using the DontUseNativeDialog worked. It may look bad on Gnome, but on Plasma it looks better.
This is the line to call the dialog:
self.folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Abrir pasta', home_directory, QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog)


R Working Directory "cannot change"

Working Direcotry Cannot Change It's saying that there's an error in my code but I've tried it multiple times with countless variations on the code (I wiped my past attempts sorry) and it refuses to change the working directory. It won't change to other things either so it's not just this folder. What's the issue?
This probably means that the directory you want to change to does not exist. From the image I think you are using Windows, in which case the proper path to the directory would look like this:
Change the $USER$ to your own username and it should work.
Paths always start with the letter of the hard drive in Windows. The easiest way to find the proper path to a directory is, in my opinion, to right click on the folder and look for the "Location" in properties. The IDE RStudio has a menu which you can use to change the working directory, which may be easier than using vanilla R.
The exception is setwd("~") which links to the Documents folder of your current user (i.e. C:/Users/$USER$/Documents). Based on the comments I realised that other commands such as setwd("..") (i.e. one folder up in the hierarchy) can be combined with ~ which explains what you are doing. In this case the following works for me:

Unix app to write custom syntax to can check it

well the question is, exist some app or language/etc to write a custom syntax to can check files?
You know, when we works in different places, ppl and projects every one have differents rules to how write, code style and all that things, the idea its can check all this things because at least to me normally i forgot something.
Ideally some app without a heavy GUI, thinking maybe a terminal app, or editors like gedit, avoid plis apps like Eclipse and similars.
For now i need only check simple parts, if you can recommend both a simple/limited app and a complex/full app would be great.
Obvs, if exist a simple/full app, will be better.
If what you're looking for is a program that rewrites a source code given a specific coding style, I advise you to take a look at GNU Indent.
If you want to do more complex operations like build an AST and work on it to add things, edit, check for existing dependencies or whatever, you'll want to use a tool like Flex/Bison, Clang, Pyrser, etc.

cmake: qt resources inside a module

i have this tree structure:
where the applications are using some modules.
now, I'd like to put some resources inside a module (like a very colorfull icons inside a widget used by several applications) but.. something gets wrong.
inside the module CMakeLists.txt if I use only:
qt4_add_resources (${MODULE_NAME}_RHEADERS ${${MODULE_NAME}_RCS})
no qrc_colors.cxx are created anywhere. so I've tried to add:
but.. I get this weird error:
CMake Error at repo/modules/ColorModule/CMakeLists.txt:51 (ADD_EXECUTABLE):
add_executable cannot create target "ColorModule" because another
target with the same name already exists. The existing target is a static
library created in source directory
"repo/modules/ColorModule". See documentation for
policy CMP0002 for more details.
(I've changed the path of the error of course)
so.. don't know what to think because i'm new both to cmake and qt..
what can i try?
if I add the ${MODULE_NAME}_RHEADERS and ${MODULE_NAME}_RCS in the add_library command the qrc_colors.cxx is created BUT it is in repository/modules/module1/built and not copied in the application built directory...
There is at least two errors in your code.
1) It is usually not necessary to use ${MODULE_NAME} everywhere like that, just "MODULE_NAME". You can see that the difference is the raw string vs. variable. It is usually recommended to avoid double variable value dereference if possible.
2) More importantly, you seem to be setting ${MODULE_NAME} in more than one executable place, which is "ColorModule" according to the error output. You should have individual executable names for different binaries.
Also, the resource file focus is a bit of red herring in here. There are several other issues with your project.
You can cmake files as CmakeLists.txt instead of CMakeLists.txt which inherently causes issues on case sensitive systes as my Linux box.
You use Findfoo.cmake, and find_package(foo) for that matter, rather than the usual FindFoo.cmake convention alongside find_package(Foo).
Your FindFoo.cmake is quite odd, and you should probably be rewritten.
Most importantly, you should use config files rather than find modules.
Documentation and examples can be found at these places:
When you would like use a find module, you need to have that at hand already. That will tell you what to look for, where things are, or if they are not anywhere where necessary. It is not something that you should write. You should just reuse existing ones for those projects that are not using cmake, and hence the find modules are added separately.
It is a bit like putting the treasure map just next to the treasure. Do you understand the irony? :) Once you find the map, you would automatically have the treasure as well. i.e. you would not look for it anymore.

Flex 4 Run/Debug Path - How to use Macro/Variable there?

Let's say that I want all my programs under a flex project to go to a new url, with the name of the program's html and swf as variables. Now, normally, it's going to hardcode Foo.mxml to a URL of:
But I want it to go to:
Now, I can do this in a hardcoded way by editing Foo.mxml to be the above, but then I have to do the same for Bar.mxml and Baz.mxml. I really want to be able to do (something like) this:
And have it fill in the result for me. Then either set that as "the default" somehow, or at least make just one run-debug-setting and reuse it as needed. Any thoughts?
To clarify, the point isn't specifically to pass in "a" and "b" - yes I can use flash variables or other things. The issue is that I want my own "default" setting that takes the name of the project into account, because the default 'file:///' URL is not appropriate.
Also, yes, I'm using Flex Builder 4.
Are you using Flash Builder? The Command line tools? Or some other IDE?
In Flash Builder, you need to create a 'run' profile for each main application file. I'm not sure how to apply Macros / Variables in that situation. It is a one to one relationship between application and the run profile.
You can use some variables in the HTML template files, though, but off the top of my head I don't i know the complete list of the ones available [and couldn't find a list in Adobe documentation].
Pass them in as Flash vars.

What is the best way to determine URL for local/staging/production?

For local testing the url is something like:
For staging, the app is in a virtual directory:
For production, it's the root
However, sometimes we need to do a redirect to a particular directory. We don't always know exactly where we are at.
So, how would I do a redirect to say /subdir1/mypage.aspx?
I neglected an important item. This url is sent back to the browser so that some javascript code can perform the redirect. (Odd, I know). So a regular ResolveUrl("~/pagename.aspx") won't give the full info...
I ended up with the following, which seems to work across the board... It looks a little ugly though.
StringBuilder buildUrl = new StringBuilder(#"http://");
if (Request.Url.Port != 80) {
buildUrl.Append(String.Format("?AccountId={0}&tabName=Tab2&primaryCustomerId={1}", acctId, custId));
When paths start diverging between different environments, and you cannot bring any sanity to the situation, it's time to start puttin' paths in the web.config.
It's not a cure for inconsistent file paths, but it'll make your code consistent and you won't have to worry about having "let's figure out where i am" logic.
The tilde is a shortcut for HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath (more)
If the subdir1 is a directory within your web application, you can use a relative link (subdir1/mypage.aspx instead of /subdir/mypage.aspx -- note the lack of the first forward slash). This way, it won't matter where your application is because the links will be relative to the current page.
A suggestion is you can use the BASE tag for the page which can be the root. by using this, all your relative paths will be resolved based on BASE path.
General Advice
I recommend storing the path in your settings. There are reasons why some of our projects need various paths and urls, and we can't always get away with using the tilde (~).
Our Strategy
In our projects here at Inntec, our web.config contains a database connection string and a variable saying what the environment is - Production, Staging, Development, etc.
Then, in the database, we've got a set of variables for each environment, and there's a nice class that strongly types the settings and pulls/caches the right setting for the current environment. So in our code we can say: Settings.AppUrl and everything just works.
We use Redgate's Sql Data Compare to sync the settings across all instances (so each environments always has the settings for all environments), and there are unit tests that make sure each environment has a complete batch of settings.
That's one way to do it... So far it has worked really well for us.
