create automated Simulink test - automated-tests

Is it possible to import your test file from a document like word or excel in Simulink test?
I import excel as inputs, parameter override and custom criteria but i want to import the whole test with a command


Add replicationRegions to an imported DynamoDB table via CDK?

I have a dynamodb table that was created via console and I want to enable multi-region support by adding to the list of replicationRegions using CDK.
After importing the original table using:
const table = Table.fromTableArn(this, "ImportedTable", "arn:aws:dynamodb...");
I realized I did not have access to the tables replicationRegions field as I would when creating new one.
Is there a way add to the list of replicationRegions on an imported dynamodb table using CDK?
Yes, but use cdk import instead of Table.fromTableArn.
The fromSomethingArn-type methods create *read-only* references to an external resource.* You can't use these to modify a resource. The ISomething interface constructs these methods return are useful for things like creating new permissions and targets.
The cdk import command is preview functionality to properly import existing resources into a CDK stack. A DynamoDB Table is a resource type that supports import operations. Once this one-time import completes, the "adopting" CDK stack can modify the "imported" table like any other, say, by adding replication regions.
In other words, The CDK can only modify resources it owns. To make ad-hoc modifications to an existing resource without permanently "adopting" it, use the SDKs instead.
* Earlier versions of the CDK docs did call these from... methods "importing" operations, but have been updated to use the less ambiguous term "referencing".

Is there any way to import executable JAR file in Talend?

i'm trying to import an Executable jar in talend which i need to process. is there any way to do it?
Drop a tSystem component from the Palette to the design workspace.
Double-click tSystem to open its Component view.
Select the Use Single Command option to activate its Command field and type in the command for running the jar.
In the Standard Output drop-down list, select to both console and global variable.
Press F6 to run this Job.
You can use tLibraryLoad component and add the custom library.
You can also use tJava component to call the library

What are the advantages of QML modules inside a project?

ASAIK there is two way to create/import subfolders with QML :
Import with relatives path import "myQMLDir/mySubDir"
Import modules import myQMLDir.mySubDir 1.0 while you create qmldir files and add them to the import-path of the QtQuick engine.
The 1st one seems much simpler to do. The second one allows you to version your files or import them from external directories, but when you use them inside a project is it useful ?
From my experience I would always go with the import MyModule 1.0 approach for the following examples:
Readability: import MyModule 1.0 is clearly simpler than a path-wise import. Example: import "../../../someDir/nextDir/myModule"
Refactoring: If you decide to move MyModule into another folder structure you have to change the import for all your js/qml files which use this import. You dont need to do this with the import MyModule 1.0 approach.
Private files: When you define the qmldir for your module you can define which qml/js files are included in it. With the relative path import all qml/js files are included.

Exporting Flow type in CommonJS?

Is it possible to export and import Flow type definitions in CommonJS world similarly to ES6 like type imports/exports?
There is no CommonJS-style require for Flow, but Flow's import type/export type syntax can be used alongside CommonJS require calls.
Though the syntax looks similar, import type and export type are not actual JavaScript import/export statements. They must be stripped from your code before your code can be run in current browsers. If you use Babel to compile your code, for example, you use the transform-flow-strip-types plugin to strip Flow types and type imports/exports.

How to import common module namespaces in xquery

I have few module namespace xquery files which were used in multiple files. I want to have the namespaces in one common xquery file and import that file whereever I want to use.
Say for example,
I have process-lib.xqy, util-lib.xqy and query-lib.xqy.
I used to import these in multiple files like following,
import module namespace util = "util" at "util-lib.xqy";
import module namespace process = "process" at "process-lib.xqy";
import module namespace query = "query" at "query-lib.xqy";
Now I tried to use them in one common file named as common-import.xqy and import this file in multiple files.
when I tried this approach,
import module namespace common-import= "common-import" at "common-import.xqy";
It throws exception as prefix util has no namespace binding.
How to achieve this?
This is not possible, at least not in the way you want to do it and rightfully so. The XQuery spec doesn't allow this:
Module imports are not transitive—that is, importing a module provides access only to function and variable declarations contained directly in the imported module. For example, if module A imports module B, and module B imports module C, module A does not have access to the functions and variables declared in module C.
This is a deliberate design decision. If you want to have access in this way you could write a wrapper function for each function you want to access, e.g. in your common-import.xqy file you could have:
declare function common-import:test() {
But of course this can require a tremendous amount of wrapper functions. I would recommend you stick simply to inserting all required libraries. I see no benefit in doing otherwise.
