i'm trying to import an Executable jar in talend which i need to process. is there any way to do it?
Drop a tSystem component from the Palette to the design workspace.
Double-click tSystem to open its Component view.
Select the Use Single Command option to activate its Command field and type in the command for running the jar.
In the Standard Output drop-down list, select to both console and global variable.
Press F6 to run this Job.
You can use tLibraryLoad component and add the custom library.
You can also use tJava component to call the library
I've created a small application. The GUI is ugly, I've done it quickly. I've created a ui.qml file with Qt Design Studio.
My question is : is it simple to use my ui.qml file instead of my ui file ? I mean, do I have to change all my code when I call ui->ComponentName ?
I tried to understand how ui.qml files works, but it seems it's a completely different way to use component in C++ files than ui files..
Depending on the build system you are using, files ending with .ui are used by autouic to generate C++ code that you can call to create your user interface, usually from the constructor of your class that will be the parent for those components.
This is done by calling setupUi on the member variable 'ui', which is the same class name as the parent class, just under the Ui namespace.
QML code is interpreted, however, and can be read by QQmlApplicationEngine. You can expose properties with setContextProperty, taking a QString and a QObject*, as explained further here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-cppintegration-exposecppattributes.html#exposing-methods-including-qt-slots
I'm working on an application that requires saving and loading of files.
To load files, I'm using QtGui.QFileDialog(), and then calling file_browser.exec_(). That gives this result:
To save a file, I'm calling file_browser.getSaveFileName() which gives a completely different looking window:
Is there any way to make both of these windows look consistent?
The static functions like getSaveFileName will always use a native dialog, unless you include DontUseNativeDialog in the options argument.
On the other hand, the QFileDialog constructor will always create an instance of Qt's built-in file dialog, no matter what options are set. You can change the file-mode to get the type of dialog you want.
I have followed this tutorial to create a send email custom action using Java backed Webscript:
As has been mentioned above, there is an AbstractWebScript class defined just to execute the action without using a freemaker template, but I get this error:
Cannot locate template processor for template sendDocInEmail.get.html
I guess, there is a problem with the -context.xml file
My files are placed in the following folders:
1. the java .class files are in \tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes (placed with the package structure)
2. sendDocInEmail.get.desc in \tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\templates\webscripts folder (with the package structure)
3. services-context.xml file in the folder \tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module (again with the package structure)
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
You most likely derived your class from DeclarativeWebScript which extends AbstractWebScript and adds the template processing. Make sure to derive your class from the latter.
Tridion's user interface allows you to extend specific commands, which is a great way to modify the behavior of certain existing commands. In the configuration file of the editor this is done with a section like this:
<ext:command name="TextUnderline" extendingcommand="MyTextUnderline"/>
<ext:command name="TextStrikethrough" extendingcommand="MyTextStrikethrough"/>
I am working on a generic command extension class that can be used to modify the behavior of a number of commands:
<ext:command name="TextUnderline" extendingcommand="MyCommandExtension"/>
<ext:command name="TextStrikethrough" extendingcommand="MyCommandExtension"/>
So in this second configuration fragment, we have the same MyCommandExtension extending both TextUnderline and TextStrikethrough.
But now in the JavaScript for my MyCommandExtension, how can I determine which command was originally fired?
MyCommandExtension.prototype.isAvailable = function (selection, pipeline) {
In this scenario the this.properties.name will be logged as a less-than-useful-but-completely-correct:
I suspect that the information is available somewhere in the pipeline parameter, but haven't found it yet.
How can I find out the original command from MyCommandExtension?
Short answer: I couldn't.
I had to do something similar, and ended up having to extend various commands and set the "current" command as part of my "_execute" call (so I would now call _execute(selection, pipeline, originalCommand) for my command.
You cannot find out what the original command is. The assumption is that an extending command is specific to the command it extends and so would know which one it is extending. When creating generic extensions that work on different commands, I can see how it might be useful to know what the configuration would be.
Maybe you could add this as an Enhancement Request?
To work around it for now, you could create a base command with your logic - which takes the name of the command that it extends as a parameter. And then create specific classes for each command you which to extend, which just call the base command and pass in the name.
To put it differently, create a BaseExtendingCommand with all of the required methods - and then both a TextUnderlineExtendingCommand and TextStrikethroughExtendingCommand which call the methods on BaseExtendingCommand (and pass in "TextUnderline" and "TextStrikethrough", respectively, as arguments)
OK my project uses an xml file called Chart-app.xml inside this XML file there is a tag called <version></version> which I keep in the format like: <version>1.2.128</version> I am wondering if I can set it to append to the third number every time I run my project.
So if I ran it now it would be 1.2.129, then if i ran it again it would be 1.2.130
After reading VonC's answer I don't know anything about ANT or creating custom builds, but he did give me an idea that seems to be working:
I already have a method to tell if the app is running in the ADL (within eclipse), so if it is, I just have my app open the file itself and change the value.
I am not sure there is a native Eclipse way to do this.
You can increment the number within that xml file either:
programmatically, launching a special class which do that, and then call your primary application Class
through a dependency during launch, for instance, you can make a JUnit test suite which will first call a Java class doing the increment, and then call your main method.
But in both case, you would have to somehow code the increment process.
Note: it is easier when you want to increment something each time you build, because you can add a custom builder.