JavaFX missing "eu.hansolo" module - javafx

I'm using for the first time JavaFX on Intellij for an university project that requires me to develop a certain program.
I downloaded the version of JavaFX.
Then, i created a new project, and tried to run the HelloApplication file (the one it automatically creates), and it did not build. So, i started following around 10 different guides, so the steps i did were:
In 'Project structure', i created a new path to my lib file in the javafxjdk i download before.
In 'Edit run configurations', i added this code to the option 'add VM options':
--module-path /Users/User/Download/javafx-sdk-
I also changed the JAVA_HOME variable (i'm on Mac) using this command:
But whenever i run, it gives me this error:
Executing pre-compile tasks...
Running 'before' tasks
Checking sources
Copying resources... [TenthTry]
Parsing java… [TenthTry]
java: module not found: eu.hansolo.fx.countries
java: module not found: eu.hansolo.fx.heatmap
java: module not found: eu.hansolo.toolboxfx
java: module not found: eu.hansolo.toolbox
I have absolutely no clue how i can resolve this. Any help?

I fixed it!
Go to file->project structure->modules and in your modules find those four modules that are throwing an error. change them from "Runtime" to "Compile".


No main manifest attribute, Netbeans

I have the following problem when trying to launch a .jar file of my program in cmd: no main manifest attribute, in path/filename.jar
I tried to add the Main-Class to the MANIFEST.MF file, but then it says Error: Could not find or load main class.
In NetBeans I have set the Main Class at Properties->Run->Main Class to the one, which holds the function main(String[] args) in my case "com.nxp.vda_with_gui_1.version.App". I have also added VM Options for the JavaFX modules like the following:
--module-path C:\NetbeansJavaFX --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.base,javafx.fxml,,
In NetBeans I can build and launch up my program without any errors, but when I try to "Run File" (Shift + F6) a different error will be put out:
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application Command execution failed.
Any tips how to solve it?
Below you can find a picture of my file/package structure and some other information, maybe it helps finding a solution quicker:
file/package structure
JDK version: 16
JavaFX version: 18.0.2
OS: Windows

Azure Machine Learning Studio Custom Module Upload Error 0114 : An item with the same key has already been added

When trying to upload a custom R module to Azure Machine Learning Studio what causes the following error.
"ErrorId":"BuildCustomModuleFailed","ErrorCode":"0114","ExceptionType":"ModuleException","Message":"Error 0114: Custom module build failed with error(s): An item with the same key has already been added."}} [ModuleOutput] Error: Error 0114: Custom module build failed with error(s): An item with the same key has already been added.
I have tried renaming the module so a name that does not exists.
The duplicate key exception is a red herring. Build error 0114 is a general error that occurs if there is a system exception while building the custom module. The real issue my module was compressed using the built in compress folder option in the Mac Finder. To fix this compress the file using the command line interface for zip in Terminal in the following very specific manner.
The following example:
cd ScoredDatasetMetadata/
zip ScoredDatasetMetadata *
mv ../
Builds a zip file with the correct file structure.

XCode 4.3 - Build error "missing required architecture armv7"

After upgrade XCode from 4.2 to 4.3 I've got below problem. I can't build it.
Do you guys have idea how can I resolve this problem? even some clue would be helpful to me.
ld: warning: ignoring file /Applications/, missing required architecture armv7 in file
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_STComposeString", referenced from:
-[NSMutableURLRequest_ParametersTest verifyDefaultParametersForRequest:] in NSMutableURLRequest+ParametersTest.o
-[NSMutableURLRequest_ParametersTest verifyModifiedParametersForRequest:] in NSMutableURLRequest+ParametersTest.o
-[NSMutableURLRequest_ParametersTest verifyEmptyParametersForRequest:] in NSMutableURLRequest+ParametersTest.o
-[NSString_URLEncodingTest testURLEncodedString] in NSString+URLEncodingTest.o
-[NSURL_BaseTest testURLStringWithoutQuery] in NSURL+BaseTest.o
-[OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest testSignClearText] in OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest.o
-[OAMutableURLRequestTest testGenerateNonce] in OAMutableURLRequestTest.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SenTestCase", referenced from:
_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSMutableURLRequest_ParametersTest in NSMutableURLRequest+ParametersTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSString_URLEncodingTest in NSString+URLEncodingTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSURL_BaseTest in NSURL+BaseTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest in OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_OAMutableURLRequestTest in OAMutableURLRequestTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_OAPlaintextSignatureProviderTest in OAPlaintextSignatureProviderTest.o
_OBJC_CLASS_$_OARequestParameterTest in OARequestParameterTest.o
"_OBJC_METACLASS_$_SenTestCase", referenced from:
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_NSMutableURLRequest_ParametersTest in NSMutableURLRequest+ParametersTest.o
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_NSString_URLEncodingTest in NSString+URLEncodingTest.o
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest in OAHMAC_SHA1SignatureProviderTest.o
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_OAMutableURLRequestTest in OAMutableURLRequestTest.o
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_OAPlaintextSignatureProviderTest in OAPlaintextSignatureProviderTest.o
_OBJC_METACLASS_$_OARequestParameterTest in OARequestParameterTest.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I was getting the same linking error for the Simulator after upgrading from Xcode 4.2 -> 4.3.1. I noticed that new projects in 4.3.1 do work with Unit Tests, so just compared the project differences.
What fixed it for me was:-
Select Project in project navigator
Select Test Target
Select Build Settings
Go down to Framework Search Paths and single-click it
Delete whatever is there
Enter $(SDKROOT)/Developer/Library/Frameworks $(DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Frameworks
If you had any custom frameworks, add those back
Actually, Unit Tests run fine on the Device, too.
Looks like this was either an accidental (or on purpose) omission on Apple's part.
If (and only if) you are a registered Apple Developer, you can log into the Apple Developer Forums and if you copy this linked search query into your browser address bar, you will see other people have had the same problem.
For now, it looks like you can only use SenTestingKit on the simulator.
I had a similar issue with Xcode 4.4.
My solution path:
Removed SetTestingKit.framework from the main target's (the system under test) "link binary with libraries", leaving it in the test target as is. Not sure why it ended up there in the first place.
I believe this bug is now fixed in Xcode 4.4.1
Using xcode 4.6 and trying to add facebook SDK 3.1 I had this problem because I didn't select to add the files to my test target.
You should check both targets when you copy the framework.
I just upgraded to 4.3.1 There is a problem with SenTestingKit framework. I removed the test source code from the project, it builds ok. And it can run on 5.1 device. But I got _dyld_dyld_start error when I ran it on simulator. I had to remove SenTestingKit from the project to make it work on simulator.

Maven build(with Flexmojos) for multi module project throwing an error

I am trying to setup a Flex/Java multi module project in Eclipse. Using Maven to run the build and generate the war file. The details of the versions I am using are as follows:
Flexmojos : 3.5.0
Flex framework/compiler :
Target player : 10.2.0
And the playerglobal dependency in my pom file uses classifier as 10.2 with version
Now when I run the build using 'mvn install', I get the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-compile-swf) on project client: TargetPlayer and
playerglobal dependency version doesn't match! Target player: 10.2.0,
player global: 10.2 -> [Help 1]
Any ideas why this might be happening?
I tried just playing around changing those version numbers, but still couldn't make it work for Flex 4.5.1. Please let me know how to go about this (and if you need more information). Thanks.
Have you tried simply referencing "10.2" instead of "10.2.0"? I think there was only one Flash player deployed with a 3-segment version number.

New Static Library has build error "libtool exited with code 1"

I created a new static library in my iOS project and now I'm getting the build error
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool failed with exit code 1
How do I go about debugging this?
To see the actual output and not just the error message, try building your target or scheme with xcodebuild from command line.
I had a problem with the same error message. In my case, I couldn't build for the simulator, but it worked find when building for the device. The output from xcodebuild confirmed that Xcode could not set the proper architecture to build for the simulator.
Long story short, it turned out that one build setting was corrupted. The Mach-O Type setting in the Linking category was set to Relocatable Object File for some reason. I switched it back to Static Library and the error disappeared.
