How to export users who trigger an event in GA4? - google-analytics

I want to have user_id from users that they had an event.
I can see ids in user explorer and extract data into a CSV file.
but it is not a complete data set (sampled data).
I tried a short period of time (1 day).
I used looker studio too but there , ids are often null!


looker dev difference between PDT and regular DT

LookerML question:
I have got this snowflake query which joins one static table (does not refresh) and one table that refreshes every day.
I want to pop this query into Looker and create a simple Looker dashboard using it.
Two options I think are available to me to do so:
Create view file and PDT but that would mean I need to add a trigger value and the data including the static table would refresh, right? - Isn't this very inefficient?
Create regular DT with the explore being a PDT?
A derived table will be temporary and will not be written to the database. Each time the dashboard is refreshed, a query will be rerun against your data source to extract data.
A persistent derived table will store the data results in a database, whilst using a persistent strategy to refreshing the data based on time or a data driven trigger. If the persistent data already exists and is still valid, Looker will extract the results from the persisted data rather than creating a query against your source database.

Google Data Studio can't count user count for an analytics event

So i've an app that logs events to firebase/google analytics for instance lets say the event name is 'log_purchase'
I can use data studio and create a filter but now if i select my metric as
event count i can see a value but if i change it to 'Active Users' as in total number of unique users that triggered this event
It says no data, what am i doing wrong how can i see either active user count or event count that only logs users once
Turns out it needs at least around 40-45 users before the data studio shows them after that it starts to work properly.

GA4 - User Id reports in GA4 and exploitation in BigQuery

User Id implementation
Hello everybody, I implemented the User Id tracking for GA4. I did it properly, I am pretty sure I am collecting it correctly because I can see User Id in Real time report and also in Add Comparison tool.
I have 3 problems about how to exploit User Id in GA4 reports
#Problem 1
I donĀ“t figure how to exploit User Id as user_property or custom dimension in my reports. I tried to do it in the Aquisition report but the User Id column show me (not set) value everywhere. When I add comparison with the Comparision tool it shows me up all User Id numeric value in the column, against the (not set) value of the predifined column...
#Problem 2
I also tried to exploit User Id info in the Hub analysis tool but it also shows me all user id in (not set).
#Problem 3
I ended up thinking that GA4 doesnt allow to exploit User Id in it's own interface so I went through BigQuery. But I turned crazy today when I saw that in Bigquery my user_id field had been populated without any value, it shows me "null" in the table.
Could someone help me, I would just like to be able to create a report with a list of all User Id in a row (dimension) and total events count in columns (metrics). How could I do it?

Do previous intraday/s data get automatically merged to the main table?

So I am new with Firebase and also new to linking Firebase data to BigQuery (I have some BigQuery experience though).
According to the documentation:
"After you link a project to BigQuery, the first daily export of events creates a corresponding dataset in the associated BigQuery project. Then, each day, raw event data for each linked app populates a new daily table in the associated dataset, and raw event data is streamed into a separate intraday BigQuery table in real-time."
Let's say I have this dataset mydataset.myapp, the corresponding BigQuery tables containing streamed data from Firebase looks like this:
My question is:
Are the previous intradays (events_intraday_20191227) automatically merged/appended to the main table (events_) by the next day? So myapp will not be populated with intraday_<date> crumbs of data ? Just want to confirm how this works.
The table events_ contains all your data for different dates, the table events_intraday_ is a temporary table, which its data is moved into events_
In here you can find a video that explains how it works

Get all real analytics data having condition 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'?

I tried to automate test to validate GA events.
My approach is :-
List item use google analytics real time reporting api.
Before the test ends i will hit this api and collect the last 30 mins data
This data will be a huge chunk of formattedJson string
and in this string i will search my GA events which was supposed to push.
This approach seems to be in-efficient.
My issue is to find the analytics data which corresponds to test user.
Each user has unique user id, hence, i am trying for making the request such that api returns me the filtered data based on some custom dimension "custom:user_id='user_unique_id'" .
Is it possible to get all data having condition e.g 'custom:user_id="XYZ"'.
Please advise, how to get all ga events data for a specific event label / custom dimension ? Also, does it support dimensionFilterClauses like reporting api v4 ?
We can do it by filtering.
e.g rt:eventCategory==ProductPage
earlier i was using quote, rt:eventCategory=='ProductPage' which wasn't supported.
