I need to analyse very heavy data (~40Go, 3 million rows). The data is too big to open in a spreatsheet or in R.
To adress that, I loaded my data into a SQLite database. I then used R (and the package RSQLite) to split it in smaller parts that I can manipulate (70000 rows). I then needed my data to be in data.frame format, so I can analyse it. I used as.data.frame :
#Connecting to the database
con = dbConnect(drv=RSQLite::SQLite(),dbname="path")
#Connecting to the table
d=tbl(con, "Test")
#Filter the database and convert it
d %>%
#I filtered using dplyr
filter("reduce number of rows") %>%
It works, but it takes a lot of time to execute. Does someone knows how to make this faster (knowing I have limited RAM) ?
I also tried a setDT(), but it doesnt seem to work on SQLight data.
d %>% setDT()
Error in setDT(.) :
All elements in argument 'x' to 'setDT' must be of same length, but the profile of input lengths (length:frequency) is: [2:1, 13:1]
The first entry with fewer than 13 entries is 1
To process successive chunks of 70000 rows using con from the question replace the print statement below with any processing desired (base, dplyr, data.table, etc.) .
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from Test")
while(!dbHasCompleted(rs)) {
dat <- dbFetch(rs, 70000)
print(dim(dat)) # replace with your processing
I am connecting to a SQL Server database through the ODBC connection in R. I have two potential methods to get data, and am trying to determine which would be more efficient. The data is needed for a Shiny dashboard, so the data needs to be pulled while the app is loading rather than querying on the fly as the user is using the app.
Method 1 is to use over 20 stored procedures to query all of the needed data and store them for use. Method 2 is to query all of the tables individually.
Here is the method I used to query one of the stored procedures:
get_proc_data <- function(proc_name, url, start_date, end_date){
dbGetQuery(con, paste0(
"EXEC dbo.", proc_name, " ",
"#URL = N'", url, "', ",
"#Startdate = '", start_date, "', ",
"#enddate = '", end_date, "' "
data <- get_proc_data(proc_name, url, today(), today() %m-% years(5))
However, each of the stored procedures has a slightly different setup for the parameters, so I would have to define each of them separately.
I have started to implement Method 2, but have run into issues with iteratively querying each table.
# use dplyr create list of table names
db_tables <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM [database_name].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES;") %>% select(TABLE_NAME)
# use dplyr pull to create list
table_list <- pull(db_tables , TABLE_NAME)
# get a quick look at the first few rows
tbl(con, "[TableName]") %>% head() %>% glimpse()
# iterate through all table names, get the first five rows, and export to .csv
for (table in table_list){
tbl(con, table) %>% head(), str_glue("{getwd()}/00_exports/tables/{table}.csv")
selected_tables <- db_tables %>% filter(TABLE_NAME == c("TableName1","TableName2"))
Ultimately this method was just to test how long it would take to iterate through the ~60 tables and perform the required function. I have tried putting this into a function instead but have not been able to get it to iterate through while also pulling the name of the table.
Pro/Con for Method 1: The stored procs are currently powering a metrics plug-in that was written in C++ and is displaying metrics on the webpage. This is for internal use to monitor website performance. However, the stored procedures are not all visible to me and the client needs me to extend their current metrics. I also do not have a DBA at my disposal to help with the SQL Server side, and the person who wrote the procs is unavailable. The procs are also using different logic than each other, so joining the results of two different procs gives drastically different values. For example, depending on the proc, each date will list total page views for each day or already be aggregated at the weekly or monthly scale then listed repeatedly. So joining and grouping causes drastic errors in actual page views.
Pro/Con for Method 2: I am familiar with dplyr and would be able to join the tables together to pull the data I need. However, I am not as familiar with SQL and there is no Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) of any sort to refer to. Otherwise, I would build each query individually.
Either way, I am trying to come up with a way to proceed with either a named function, lambda function, or vectorized method for iterating. It would be great to name each variable and assign them appropriately so that I can perform the data wrangling with dplyr.
Any help would be appreciated, I am overwhelmed with which direction to go. I researched the equivalent to Python list comprehension in R but have not been able get the function in R to perform similarly.
> db_table_head_to_csv <- function(table) {
+ write.csv(
+ tbl(con, table) %>% head(), str_glue("{getwd()}/00_exports/bibliometrics_tables/{table}.csv")
+ )
+ }
> bibliometrics_tables %>% db_table_head_to_csv()
Error in UseMethod("as.sql") :
no applicable method for 'as.sql' applied to an object of class "data.frame"
Consider storing all table data in a named list (counterpart to Python dictionary) using lapply (counterpart to Python's list/dict comprehension). And if you use its sibling, sapply, the character vector passed in will return as names of elements:
db_tables <- dbGetQuery(
df_list <- sapply(db_tables, function(t) dbReadTable(conn, t), simplify = FALSE)
You can extend the lambda function for multiple steps like write.csv or use a defined method. Just be sure to return a data frame as last line. Below uses the new pipe, |> in base R 4.1.0+:
db_table_head_to_csv <- function(table) {
head_df <- dbReadTable(con, table) |> head()
"00_exports", "bibliometrics_tables", paste0(table, ".csv")
df_list <- sapply(db_tables, db_table_head_to_csv, simplify = FALSE)
You lose no functionality of data frame object if stored in a list and can extract with $ or [[ by name:
I'm a newbie to the bigstatsr package. I have a sqlite database which I want to convert to an FBM matrix of 40k rows (genes) 60K columns (samples) for later consumption. I found examples of how to populate the matrix with random values but I'm not sure of what would be the best way to populate it with values from my sqlite database.
Currently I do it sequentially, here's some mock code:
number_genes <- 50e3
number_samples <- 70e3
large_genomic_matrix <- bigstatsr::FBM(nrow = number_genes,
ncol = number_samples,
type = "double",
backingfile = "fbm_large_genomic_matrix")
# Code to get a single df at the time
database_connection <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "database.sqlite")
sample_index_counter <- 1
for(current_sample in vector_with_sample_names){
sqlite_df <- DBI::dbListTables(conn = database_connection) %>%
dplyr::tbl("genomic_data") %>%
dplyr::filter(sample == current_sample) %>%
large_genomic_matrix[, sample_index_counter] <- sqlite_df$value
sample_index_counter <- sample_index_counter + 1
big_write(large_genomic_matrix, "large_genomic_matrix.out", every_nrow = 1000, progress = interactive())
I have two questions:
Is there a way of populating the matrix more efficiently? Not sure if big_apply could be used here, perhaps foreach
Do I always have to use big_write in order to load my matrix later? If so why can't I just use the bk file?
Thanks in advance
That is a very good first try that you have by yourself.
What is inefficient here is to test for dplyr::filter(sample == current_sample) for every single sample. I would try to use match() first to get the indices. Then, what would be a bit inefficient is to populate each column individually. As you said, you could use big_apply() to do this by blocks.
big_write() is for writing the FBM to some text file (e.g. csv). What you want here is to use FBM()$save() (second line of the example in the README), and then use big_attach() on the .rds file (next line of the README).
I'm currently trying to read a 20GB file. I only need 3 columns of that file.
My problem is, that I'm limited to 16 GB of ram. I tried using readr and processing the data in chunks with the function read_csv_chunked and read_csv with the skip parameter, but those both exceeded my RAM limits.
Even the read_csv(file, ..., skip = 10000000, nrow = 1) call that reads one line uses up all my RAM.
My question now is, how can I read this file? Is there a way to read chunks of the file without using that much ram?
The LaF package can read in ASCII data in chunks. It can be used directly or if you are using dplyr the chunked package uses it providing an interface for use with dplyr.
The readr package has readr_csv_chunked and related functions.
The section of this web page entitled The Loop as well as subsequent sections of that page describes how to do chunked reads with base R.
It may be that if you remove all but the first three columns that it will be small enough to just read it in and process in one go.
vroom in the vroom package can read in files very quickly and also has the ability to read in just the columns named in the select= argument which may make it small enough to read it in in one go.
fread in the data.table package is a fast reading function that also supports a select= argument which can select only specified columns.
read.csv.sql in the sqldf (also see github page) package can read a file larger than R can handle into a temporary external SQLite database which it creates for you and removes afterwards and reads the result of the SQL statement given into R. If the first three columns are named col1, col2 and col3 then try the code below. See ?read.csv.sql and ?sqldf for the remaining arguments which will depend on your file.
DF <- read.csv.sql("myfile", "select col1, col2, col3 from file",
dbname = tempfile(), ...)
read.table and read.csv in the base of R have a colClasses=argument which takes a vector of column classes. If the file has nc columns then use colClasses = rep(c(NA, "NULL"), c(3, nc-3)) to only read the first 3 columns.
Another approach is to pre-process the file using cut, sed or awk (available natively in UNIX and in the Rtools bin directory on Windows) or any of a number of free command line utilities such as csvfix outside of R to remove all but the first three columns and then see if that makes it small enough to read in one go.
Also check out the High Performance Computing task view.
We can try something like this, first a small example csv:
X = data.frame(id=1:1e5,matrix(runi(1e6),ncol=10))
You can use the nrow function, instead of providing a file, you provide a connection, and you store the results inside a list, for example:
data = vector("list",200)
con = file("test.csv","r")
data[[1]] = read.csv(con, nrows=1000)
COLS = colnames(data[[1]])
data[[1]] = data[[1]][,1:3]
id X1 X2 X3
1 1 0.13870273 0.4480100 0.41655108
2 2 0.82249489 0.1227274 0.27173937
3 3 0.78684815 0.9125520 0.08783347
4 4 0.23481987 0.7643155 0.59345660
5 5 0.55759721 0.6009626 0.08112619
6 6 0.04274501 0.7234665 0.60290296
In the above, we read the first chunk, collected the colnames and subsetted. If you carry on reading through the connection, the headers will be missing, and we need to specify that:
for(i in 2:200){
data[[i]] = read.csv(con, nrows=1000,col.names=COLS,header=FALSE)[,1:3]
Finally, we build of all of those into a data.frame:
data = do.call(rbind,data)
[1] TRUE
You can see that I specified a much larger list than required, this is to show if you don't know how long the file is, as you specify something larger, it should work. This is a bit better than writing a while loop..
So we wrap it into a function, specifying the file, number of rows to read at one go, the number of times, and the column names (or position) to subset:
data = vector("list",rows_to_read)
con = file(file,"r")
data[[1]] = read.csv(con, nrows=rows_to_read)
COLS = colnames(data[[1]])
data[[1]] = data[[1]][,col_subset]
for(i in 2:ntimes){
data[[i]] = read.csv(con,
I have a very large .csv file (~4GB) which I'd like to read, then subset.
The problem comes at reading (memory allocation error). Being that large reading crashes, so what I'd like is a way to subset the file before or while reading it, so that it only gets the rows for one city (Cambridge).
id City Value
1 London 17
2 Coventry 21
3 Cambridge 14
I've already tried the usual approaches:
f <- read.csv(f, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=T, nrows=100)
f.colclass <- sapply(f,class)
f <- read.csv(f,sep = ",",nrows = 3000000, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
which seem to work for up to 1-2M rows, but not for the whole file.
I've also tried subsetting at the reading itself using pipe:
f<- read.table(file = f,sep = ",",colClasses=f.colclass,stringsAsFactors = F,pipe('grep "Cambridge" f ') )
and this also seems to crash.
I thought packages sqldf or data.table would have something, but no success yet !!
Thanks in advance, p.
I think this was alluded to already but just in case it wasn't completely clear. The sqldf package creates a temporary SQLite DB on your machine based on the csv file and allows you to write SQL queries to perform subsets of the data before saving the results to a data.frame
query_string <- "select * from file where City=='Cambridge' "
f <- read.csv.sql(file = "f.csv", sql = query_string)
#or rather than saving all of the raw data in f, you may want to perform a sum
f_sum <- read.csv.sql(file = "f.csv",
sql = "select sum(Value) from file where City=='Cambridge' " )
One solution to this type of error is
you can convert your csv file to excel file first.
Then you can map your excel file into mysql table by using toad for mysql it is easy.Just check for datatype of variables.
then using RODBC package you can access such a large dataset.
I am working with a datasets of size more than 20 GB this way.
Although there's nothing wrong with the existing answers, they miss the most conventional/common way of dealing with this: chunks (Here's an example from one of the multitude of similar questions/answers).
The only difference is, unlike for most of the answers that load the whole file, you would read it chunk by chunk and only keep the subset you need at each iteration
# open connection to file (mostly convenience)
file_location = "C:/users/[insert here]/..."
file_name = 'name_of_file_i_wish_to_read.csv'
con <- file(paste(file_location, file_name,sep='/'), "r")
# set chunk size - basically want to make sure its small enough that
# your RAM can handle it
chunk_size = 1000 # the larger the chunk the more RAM it'll take but the faster it'll go
i = 0 # set i to 0 as it'll increase as we loop through the chunks
# loop through the chunks and select rows that contain cambridge
repeat {
# things to do only on the first read-through
# read in columns only on the first go
# load the chunk
tmp_chunk = read.csv(con, nrows = chunk_size,header=grab_header)
# subset only to desired criteria
cond = tmp_chunk[,'City'] == "Cambridge"
# initiate container for desired data
df = tmp_chunk[cond,] # save desired subset in initial container
cols = colnames(df) # save column names to re-use on next chunks
# things to do on all subsequent non-first chunks
else if(i>0){
tmp_chunk = read.csv(con, nrows = chunk_size,header=grab_header,col.names = cols)
# set stopping criteria for the loop
# when it reads in 0 rows, exit loop
# subset only to desired criteria
cond = tmp_chunk[,'City'] == "Cambridge"
# append to existing dataframe
df = rbind(df, tmp_chunk[cond,])
# add 1 to i to avoid the things needed to do on the first read-in
close(con) # close connection
# check out the results
I have a data-frame (3 cols, 12146637 rows) called tr.sql which occupies 184Mb.
(it's backed by SQL, it is the contents of my dataset which I read in via read.csv.sql)
Column 2 is tr.sql$visit_date. SQL does not allow natively representing dates as an R Date object, this is important for how I need to process the data.
Hence I want to copy the contents of tr.sql to a new data-frame tr
(where the visit_date column can be natively represented as Date (chron::Date?). Trust me, this makes exploratory data analysis easier, for now this is how I want to do it - I might use native SQL eventually but please don't quibble that for now.)
Here is my solution (thanks to gsk and everyone) + workaround:
tr <- data.frame(customer_id=integer(N), visit_date=integer(N), visit_spend=numeric(N))
# fix up col2's class to be Date
class(tr[,2]) <- 'Date'
then workaround copying tr.sql -> tr in chunks of (say) N/8 using a for-loop, so that the temporary involved in the str->Date conversion does not out-of-memory, and a garbage-collect after each:
for (i in 0:7) {
from <- floor(i*N/8)
to <- floor((i+1)*N/8) -1
if (i==7)
to <- N
print(c("Copying tr.sql$visit_date",from,to," ..."))
tr$visit_date[from:to] <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date[from:to])
memsize_gc() ... # only 321 Mb in the end! (was ~1Gb during copying)
The problem is allocating then copying the visit_date column.
Here is the dataset and code, I am having multiple separate problems with this, explanation below:
'training.csv' looks like...
and code:
# Read in as SQL (for memory-efficiency)...
tr.sql <- read.csv.sql('training.csv')
# Count of how many rows we are about to declare
N <- nrow(tr.sql)
# Declare a new empty data-frame with same columns as the source d.f.
# Attempt to declare N Date objects (fails due to bad qualified name for Date)
# ... does this allocate N objects the same as data.frame(colname = numeric(N)) ?
tr <- data.frame(visit_date = Date(N))
tr <- tr.sql[0,]
# Attempt to assign the column - fails
tr$visit_date <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date)
# Attempt to append (fails)
> tr$visit_date <- append(tr$visit_date, as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date))
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "visit_date", value = c("14700", "14705", :
replacement has 12146637 rows, data has 0
The second line that tries to declare data.frame(visit_date = Date(N)) fails, I don't know the correct qualified name with namespace for Date object (tried chron::Date , Dates::Date? don't work)
Both the attempt to assign and append fail. Not even sure whether it is legal, or efficient, to use append on a single large column of a data-frame.
Remember these objects are big, so avoid using temporaries.
Thanks in advance...
Try this ensuring that you are using the most recent version of sqldf (currently version 0.4-1.2).
(If you find you are running out of memory try putting the database on disk by adding the dbname = tempfile() argument to the read.csv.sql call. If even that fails then its so large in relation to available memory that its unlikely you are going to be able to do much analysis with it anyways.)
# create test data file
Lines <-
cat(Lines, file = "trainingtest.csv")
# read it back
DF <- read.csv.sql("trainingtest.csv", method = c("integer", "Date2", "numeric"))
It doesn't look to me like you've got a data.frame there (N is a vector of length 1). Should be simple:
tr <- tr.sql
tr$visit_date <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date)
Or even more efficient:
tr <- data.frame(colOne = tr.sql[,1], visit_date = as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date), colThree = tr.sql[,3])
As a side note, your title says "append" but I don't think that's the operation you want. You're making the data.frame wider, not appending them on to the end (making it longer). Conceptually, this is a cbind() operation.
Try this:
tr <- data.frame(visit_date= as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date, origin="1970-01-01") )
This will succeed if your format is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. If not one of those formats then post more details. It will also succeed if tr.sql$visit_date is a numeric vector equal to the number of days after the origin. E.g:
vdfrm <- data.frame(a = as.Date(c(1470, 1475, 1480), origin="1970-01-01") )
1 1974-01-10
2 1974-01-15
3 1974-01-20