How to solve snap install permission denied on RHEL 7? - rhel7

I was following this guide to install clangd.
After installing snap smoothly, I tried to install clangd, but the following error occurred.
$ sudo snap install clangd --classic
error: cannot add authorization: open /[home directory]/.snap/auth.json: permission denied
OS is RHEL 7.
If anyone knows about that issue please fix it.


Unable to install yum-config-manager

While installing ansible I am getting below error - [Errno 14] curl#60 - "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user."
So I tried to run the yum-configure-manager to disable the check however to install yum-utilities I am also getting the same error .
How to install yum-config-manager
Basically any yum install is failing with the above mentioned error
You can try installing the package by disabling the certificate check.
To disable certificate check, add following line in /etc/yum.conf:
Then try yum install yum-utils

Cloudera installation failure

I am trying to install Cloudera on Centos7, when I install it using the command sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin, it shows the message that
Cloudera Manager 5 is already installed. please uninstall it (by running /usr/share/cmf/ before attempting to install it again.
When I try uninstalling it by running sudo /usr/share/cmf/ , it shows
No such file or directory
I tried uninstalling everything using the script, sudo yum remove 'cloudera-manager-*'
and then removed the guid file:
sudo rm /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/cm_guid
And tried reinstalling it, but it still shows the same Fatal error meesage as seen above. Can someone please help?
I removed the folder cmf using rm -rf /usr/share/cmf and its working, thanks.

Instal devStack on Ubuntu14.04 faild

I run ./ to install OpenStack but failed with
[ERROR] ./ If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes
So I use this cmd FORCE=yes ./ to install OpenStack on Ubuntu but failed as:
[ERROR] /opt/stack/devstack/functions-common:602 git call failed: [git clone git:// /opt/stack/requirements --branch master]
I search this error but I got nothing from google, can someone help me to resolve this problem?
Many Thanks!

Installing OpenSSL on CentOS vagrant box gives 404 error

I'm running a CentOS 6 vagrant virtual machine under VMWare Fusion. The machine is working well. I need to test LDAP over SSL which requires me to install OpenSSL, so I ran sudo yum install openssl and I get the following errors: [
Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 7 - "Failed to connect to 2a01:4f8:11a:b1f::1: Network is
Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYC
URL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: repoforg
eextras. Please verify its path and try again
Googling this error led me to try and clear the metadata cache with sudo yum clean metadata and sudo yum clean all, both of which evidently work but when I try and install OpenSSL I get the same errors.

jenkins install errorno -3 error performing checksum on RHEL 5.7

I tried to install Jenkins on an RHEL 5.7 server (sudo yum install Jenkins) and I keep getting the error shown below:
[Errno -3] Error performing checksum Trying other mirror. Error:
from jenkins: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
I tried
Adding “http_cache=packages” to the yum.conf file
Ran “createrepo –s sha /etc/yum.repos.d”
Ran “sudo yum clean all”
But I still get the error. Any clues as to why this error is occurring?
It's looks like there is allready a ticket regarding this problem:
In order to upgrade jenkins I download the latest rpm from:
and instaled manualy with
rpm -Uvh jenkins-2.10-1.1.noarch.rpm
This will only upgrade jenkins but on my system, also a CentOS 5.11, yum update still have problems with perfoming checksum for jenkins packages. For me is at the moment acceptable.
Cheers, duderoot.
