I am trying to install Cloudera on Centos7, when I install it using the command sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin, it shows the message that
Cloudera Manager 5 is already installed. please uninstall it (by running /usr/share/cmf/uninstall.sh) before attempting to install it again.
When I try uninstalling it by running sudo /usr/share/cmf/uninstall.sh , it shows
No such file or directory
I tried uninstalling everything using the script, sudo yum remove 'cloudera-manager-*'
and then removed the guid file:
sudo rm /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/cm_guid
And tried reinstalling it, but it still shows the same Fatal error meesage as seen above. Can someone please help?
I removed the folder cmf using rm -rf /usr/share/cmf and its working, thanks.
Have installed GNS3 on my Linux (Debian Strech) and getting below error message, please help, installed from package, OS updated. qt and sip at their newest version on my machine (installed).
Fail update installation: No module named 'sip' **
**Can't import Qt modules: Qt and/or PyQt is probably not installed correctly...
Any help/direction to solve the problem will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in-advance.
For anyone still getting this error, I found that it was due to Xenial to Bionical upgrade that left a PPA hanging around, I guess there was a dependency missing. Here is exactly what I did to fix it.
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gns3*
sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gns3/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y -u dist-upgrade
Then you can start gns3.
Try to install this python module:
sudo pip install pyqt5
i found out that the problem was a source in source.list.
in my case was the firefox quantum
I resolved this by installing from source file, by following this link, replaced 1.3.9 to 2.1.2 and worked.
I got this after upgrading Ubuntu to 20.04. Only thing that worked was backing up my GNS3 folder with my project files, uninstalling gns3-server and gns3-gui, then re-installing. Everything works now.
I am trying to (re)install Firebase, however, when I run sudo npm install -g firebase-tools the following error shows up:
I have no idea what is wrong, it used to work well a few month ago.
You try running
npm cache clean
and then trying to install again.
If the error is not lost try below
Have you tried installing homebridge with the --unsafe-perm option?
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
If npm detects it is running as root it drops to a non-privileged user which then doesn't have permissions to write to /root/.node-gyp. The --unsafe-perm option stops it from changing user.
nvm doesn't have this problem when not using sudo because it stores everything under the current users' home directory.
I tried to install R on Ubuntu (14.04) with this command:
sudo apt-get install r-base
The network connection went down during the download / install so I had to end the download (ctrl-c). I retried the same command to restart and it is a mess. There are indications of all kinds of dependency problems. I researched and tried 'sudo apt-get remove r-base' (along with autoremove) and that does not allow me to try to reinstall. In fact, I have tried all kinds of ways to remove but nothing. How can I rectify this? Thank you!
For some reason, I could not install the rJava package without root privilege (using sudo R and then install.packages('rJava')). It should have solved my problem, however I can only use this package when launching R with sudo R. If I launch it without sudo, R will act as if this package is not installed.
I tried looking at /usr/local/lib/R/site-library, every package belongs to my user and group "staff" except this one, that belongs to root and staff. The rights for every package are rwxrwxr-x and I am in group staff, so I should have all the permissions I need. In addition, I tried changing the owner of the rJava folder to my user and it didn't change anything. Do anybody have any idea why rJava is not recognized if I start R without sudo?
I also had issues installing rJava so I'll outline the steps I took to fix it even though it may be specific to my system. There's at least a chance it will work for you too.
Remove rJava and openjdk:
sudo apt-get purge r-cran-rjava
sudo apt-get purge openjdk-7-jre
Install oracle java:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Reinstall rJava
sudo apt-get install r-cran-rjava
After that everything was hunky-dory. glmulti installed fine as well.
Try unsetting the JAVA_HOME environmental variable before starting R:
i have ubuntu-10.10 desktop version i installed following packages using apt-get install
i downloaded qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.05.1.bin
changed permission of bin file
chmod u+x qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.05.1.bin
it gives me an error like not able to create symbolic link to libQtCore-4.7.0 and installation aborts.
can any one suggest me what is going wrong and how can i over come this issue
You can just install qt-sdk package from Ubuntu repositories, if you must install by hand, try running it with sudo;
sudo ./qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.05.1.bin