Mail problem during the authentication process - wordpress

Apparently when someone signs up on my website using their email address, during the authentication process a few numbers gets attached to the email address resulting in the following error(image attached). Does anyone know the solution to this?enter image description here
I have checked the mail server and things seem to be fine. I am really desperate at this point.


Is html style blocked by gmail for unsigned mail?

I am trying to set up an email verification system as part of a side project web application I am working on. The system uses rails to send email on a linux server via a mailer. I am using my personal email address, which happens to be a gmail address, as a test case. Style information for the HTML email is embedded in a <style> tag in the <head> of the HTML email. This appears to be right, although it's difficult to tell that it's exactly correct, since the style data is pretty long. (This same style data works on a web version of the application and I'm embedding it into the email message - I will eventually create a separate stylesheet just for emails, that contains only the relevant styles, but for now, I'm using my web stylesheet for simplicity)
None of the styles appear to be shown in the email as I expect. I noticed that the email that I receive has a little question mark next to the name, indicating that the email is not authenticated with google. The message headers also contain the following:
ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;;
spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of
I'm wondering if the lack of SPF verification is causing google to not show the style data for the HTML version of the email? I can't seem to find another rationale for it. I don't have another email address that doesn't use gmail as a client (both my work and other personal emails utilize gmail), so it's not as though I could test to see if it wasn't routed through google if it would be resolved.
The mailer previews for rails seem to show that the HTML email should work, but gmail doesn't show it the same way as the mailer previews (in fact, not even close). I'm not quite sure what I can do to troubleshoot this, so any suggestions on what I can do to help solve this problem are welcome.
SPF should not be issue for style related issues. You can make sure this by sending email from gmail domain (sender domain in SMTP configuration) and your own gmail address. If it works then problem should not be in SPF.
But you would face issue when your email landed in SAPM, in this case external URLs won't work as Gmail will restrict external API calls for security purpose, so if you loaded any image or any other assets then it won't work. That's why images in emails were not opening in SPAM emails.
Note: Gmail will remove whole style in case your style tag has syntax error. So please make sure you don't have any syntax errors. You have lot of online tools to validate syntax errors.
FYI: It's better to solve SPF issues as well, otherwise your email would land in SPAM as most of ESPs are expecting to pass SPF, DKIM and DMARC.

How do I constantly send a username and password to a specific IP address(captive portal)?

This question is not language specific.
I want to send my username and password as soon I get logged off from the captive portal because many people are using an admin ID (infinite data benefits) in my college and I want to send the http POST packet asap.
So I want to run a piece of code which runs infinitely (as long as I am online) send the username and password and I have absolutely no clue of how to go about it, is there a batch file that I can run? or something else I haven't the slightest clue.
This is a simple python automation problem. Try this:
How I created a Python Bot to automatically log into a Captive Portal by Ritvik Khanna

Use a QR code to enter a password/username combination on a website

I'd very much like a qr code that does the following thing when being scanned, e.g. with a camera on the new IOS 11:
Go to a specific website
Enter login information on that website, including username and password. It should not press the actual login button.
As far as I understand scanning a QR code basically mimics the keyboard, as such I'd assume this to be possible. However, the websites I use to generate a QR code can only generate one for a website, and I am not able to find anyone who have tried this problem before.
I thought that a potential way to do this would be to keep everything in the URL string and then redirect it to a script that automatically parses information into the login boxes, depending on the URL string. However, to be frank I am fairly lost on this.
Any and all help is appreciated.
QR codes do not mimic the keyboard. They contain data. When you scan a QR code, it may have a URL in it, such as Your phone then automatically opens this URL in your web browser. Therefore, it is not possible to embed username and password data into a QR code which can be used on any website.
Also, this would create a huge security risk as anyone could scan the QR code and get your login details!
As pointed out by the comments, it is technically possible to put the username and password in the url, or even to embed an OAuth token, but this would be like sticking your front door keys to your front door.
You can do exactly this way....
That will read the id from DB and get user and password and redirect to another page with username and password in result page. So we do not need to pass credentials over url.
But it should be separate QR codes anyway...
Without any security risk you can do it.
In your QR, you need to mention a ID related to your user AUTH.
NOTE: It will work on scenarios like Wi-fi cards etc...since it will be personal/unique to buyer.

Changing verification email Microsoft cognitive services

Anyone know how to change the default verification email when subscribing? Its not using my microsoft email and it doesn't give me an option to change it. At least I don't see anywhere.
its this page
Appreciate the help
For Reference
Registration Page Image
I logged in using a social network account and the default email changed. This probably seemed like a rookie issue but it really was a pain. There should be a way to set the email you want your confirmation sent to.

use QR code to login to website

I am thinking of using a QR code to login to a website. This way a user doesn't have to enter a user id/password.
users goes to a website.
the website need autorisation.
the website present a QR code.
the user scans the QR code with his/her phone.
Somehow the originating website gets confirmation that the QR code was scanned by a known phone.
Now the website knows the user and the user is logged in.
This is safe because the phone is known to the site.
If needed the user can protect the phone with a PIN code or other locking system.
Does anybody know if somebody has already build such a system?
Some code would be nice :-)
When logging in to a site, the web server sends the
PC browser a QR code that encodes a cryptographic challenge; the user
takes a picture of the QR code with his cell phone camera which re-
sults in a cryptographic response sent to the server; the web server then
logs the PC browser in.
Excerpt from: Secure, Consumer-Friendly Web Authentication
and Payments with a Phone
The have some real code too:
Because there are some challenges with sending data from the server to the waiting client, i.e. the page that showed the QR code we made
This will just make some of the infrastructure easier, but the logic of the authentication is the same as in the answer from pods
It's a bit old discussion but I was looking for a solution to this kind of problem and I found this:
