Changing verification email Microsoft cognitive services - microsoft-cognitive

Anyone know how to change the default verification email when subscribing? Its not using my microsoft email and it doesn't give me an option to change it. At least I don't see anywhere.
its this page
Appreciate the help
For Reference
Registration Page Image

I logged in using a social network account and the default email changed. This probably seemed like a rookie issue but it really was a pain. There should be a way to set the email you want your confirmation sent to.


Verification required for word press site

I have no experience with this and I'm in need of major help. I have a word press website that I am trying to connect a gmail account to. So that the contact form gets sent to a gmail address. I got it all set up and it is telling me I need verification. This is only being used for my word press website. Probably very few users, not a business. Can I get around the verification process or not?
You would need an OAuth Consent Screen for your Project.
You can refer to this blog post on how you can connect a Gmail account on your Wordpress site

How to change email address of account owner?

This is not a technical question at all but for some weird reason your support insisted I post this question on SO...
So anyways, I would like to change the email address of my account. I do not have access to the current email address anymore. I could just go ahead and create a new account, but wanna avoid the hassle of updating API keys, etc.
I tried doing it in but there is an error "Unauthorized" when pressing submit.
How can I do this?
Turns out there was already an account using the email I was trying to use. A more meaningful error message would have avoided all this confusion.

Not able to integrate MailChimp with my WordPress Site

I have created a new website using wordpress and elementor pro. Main purpose of building this website is to collect email IDs.
In return on email ID, I’m giving away an opt in.
The problem I’m having is when someone enters their email ID and clicks on “Sign up”, the opt in I have created in templates of mail chimp isn’t going in their mailbox (not even in spam).
I believe the issue to linking the opt in with that form. I’m not sure.
Can someone please guide me how do I fix this?
Thank you
When they click "sign up" the form is not supposed to send an email to you, it is supposed to send that user/email to your MailChimp list on
Therefore first check if the information goes to your MailChimp. If it does, you can then contact MailChimp support to get help on how to configure email notifications once a user is added to a list.
And if it is not sending to your list then the issue may be with your setup/API/plugin. We cannot troubleshoot that without a login access or link.

WordPress Form E-Mail delivering

I 'm trying to fix a problem here in a wordpress eviremont which I'm also new to. I want to get a form running but it isn't sending emails. Currently I'm using Caldera Forms with the WordPress email system. What I want to do is that everytime somebody applies a form, I want to get a email with the content of the form and the user who applied to the form should get a normal autoresponder email. I think this should work without any email plugin or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to fix a probleme here on a wordpress site which crashed after too many people visited this page. Now, the email system espacially the send and receive a email if somebody applied on a form, is not working anymore.. As mentinoed, I don't think that you need a email plugin to do that. I'm right?
Further, the emails get hostet by CrazyDomains. If I use the webmailer, I can receive and send emails from the emails on CrazyDomains.
Where could be the problem?
A plugin called Postman SMTP generates a log which also logs the form emails. This log says:
"250 OK" (I shorted the log). So, it means, the email should be send. For no reason, as already written, I do not receive and get emails with the form...
This plugin is connected with GMAIL API. I don't know why and for what that is...
I already deactivated all email plugins and tried different form plugins like Gravity Form or Contact Form. But same result...
How can I figure out whats the problem and how can I solve it?
I would be very happy about help.
Greetings and Thank You!
Here you can find a Quick config smtp
Maybe email went in the spam section, or you had not configured good the smtp.
You can try to install and configure email sent from wordpress as say the crazydomains guide, so with the port 587 etc.

Changing Drupal notifications e-mail address

I am using built in Drupal 6 user module, fore user registration, forgot-your-password-emails and all that stuff.
When a notification is sent by e-mail for confirming reistration, resending passwords, etc, these are sent from a different e-mail address to the one I want.
I dont remember where I configured this setting, and cannot find where to change it again.
Can you help me? Thanks!
Email address field.
