How to solve Error: Package subpath './lib/node' is not defined by "exports"? - tailwind-css

I am running a gatsby project with tailwind css with version of tailwind 2.0.2.
But while running the project i am getting a package error "Package subpath './lib/node' is not defined by "exports"
How to solve this issue?
Thank you

Possibly there is a version mismatch between the tailwindcss package and the #tailwindcss/node package.
It seems that the version of tailwindcss package that you're using is 2.0.2 and this version is not compatible with the #tailwindcss/node package,
Try to update these package using
npm install tailwindcss#latest
and also update your gatsby-plugin-tailwindcss
And then delete node modules folder and package-lock.json and then run npm install again.
Hope it helps!


Vue3 migration "Could not resolve dependency: peer vue#"^2.x" from #vue/vue2-jest#29.2.2" Error

While resolving: vma#0.6.9
Found: vue#3.2.47
dev vue#"^3.2.47" from the root project
Could not resolve dependency:
peer vue#"^2.x" from #vue/vue2-jest#29.2.2
dev #vue/vue2-jest#"^29.2.2" from the root project
trying to run my project after I updated my vue2 version to version3
The error message is indicating a compatibility issue between the installed version of the vue package (vue#3.2.47) and the required version specified by the #vue/vue2-jest package (peer vue#"^2.x").
In order to resolve this issue, you need to either upgrade the #vue/vue2-jest package to a version that is compatible with vue#3.2.47, or downgrade the installed version of the vue package to a version that satisfies the requirements of #vue/vue2-jest.

Problems with devtools 2.3.2 package - package is not found

This is the output of the flutter pub cache repair command:
Failed to repair devtools 2.3.2. Error:
Pub failed to delete entry because it was in use by another process.
This may be caused by a virus scanner or having a file
in the directory open in another application.
Reinstalled 229 packages.
Failed to reinstall 1 package:
devtools 2.3.2
Reactivating devtools 2.3.2...
Installed executable devtools.
Warning: Executable "devtools" runs "bin\devtools.dart", which was not found in devtools.
I already turned off my antivira.
The project structure also shows this issue:
Library Dart Packages has broken classes paths:   C:\Users\annaH\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\\google_fonts-2.1.0\lib   C:\Users\annaH\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\\path_provider_macos-2.0.0\lib [Fix]
The Fix option does not work
I am really appreciative of any help or tipps on how to fix this issue :) !!
dart pub global activate devtools

Error found while developing games with react

I am getting the following error while duilding tic-tac-toe game with react.
"./src/index.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-3-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./src/index.css)
Error: Package exports for 'G:\Nodejs\projectReact\tic-tac-toe\node_modules\colorette' do not define a valid '.' target"
I faced a similar issue when I had the latest colorette version installed i.e. 1.2.1. As per my understanding, this version of colorette requires Node 14+ while I have Node 13.1. Therefore there are two options to resolve this, either upgrade Node to 14+ version of downgrade colorette to its previous version 1.2.0.
I have not tried upgrading Node as it will effect my other projects so I have just downgraded colorette to 1.2.0 and it works fine for my case by using following commands.
To uninstall colorette:
npm uninstall colorette
To install colorette version 1.2.0:
npm install colorette#1.2.0
Had the same problem when using node v 13.1.x upgrade it to 14.x helped so far using command :
sudo n latest

Dependency issue installing DevStack

I am trying to install Openstack using DevStack. After correctly creating the user stack and running ./, the script starts to install the required dependencies until it hits Obtaining file:///opt/stack/cinder. Then I obtain the following errors:
ContextualVersionConflict: (grpcio 1.21.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('grpcio<1.16.0,>=1.0.0'), set(['tooz']))
I understand that there is a conflict in grpcio, but I don't know how to solve it. I already unsuccessfully tried to install a specific version between 1.0.0 and 1.16.0.
The Devstack version I am using is the latest from the git master.
I think I solved the problem myself.
I had the tooz package installed with version 1.62 which was causing the issue.
After removing that package the installation completed.

Installing a Meteor Package from GitHub

I am new to meteor and custom packages. There is a meteor package on GitHub ( which is a modified version of the meteoric:ionic package listed in the package repo.
I am wondering what command is required to add this package from GitHub into Meteor.
This command should ne help: meteor add urigo:ionic and link to this package
From the markdown of meteor-ionic, it has the following dependencies
They are published Meteor packages and the command to install one or multiple Meteor packages is
meteor add <package> [package...]
Have fun!
