Problems with devtools 2.3.2 package - package is not found - firebase

This is the output of the flutter pub cache repair command:
Failed to repair devtools 2.3.2. Error:
Pub failed to delete entry because it was in use by another process.
This may be caused by a virus scanner or having a file
in the directory open in another application.
Reinstalled 229 packages.
Failed to reinstall 1 package:
devtools 2.3.2
Reactivating devtools 2.3.2...
Installed executable devtools.
Warning: Executable "devtools" runs "bin\devtools.dart", which was not found in devtools.
I already turned off my antivira.
The project structure also shows this issue:
Library Dart Packages has broken classes paths:   C:\Users\annaH\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\\google_fonts-2.1.0\lib   C:\Users\annaH\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\\path_provider_macos-2.0.0\lib [Fix]
The Fix option does not work
I am really appreciative of any help or tipps on how to fix this issue :) !!

dart pub global activate devtools


How to solve Error: Package subpath './lib/node' is not defined by "exports"?

I am running a gatsby project with tailwind css with version of tailwind 2.0.2.
But while running the project i am getting a package error "Package subpath './lib/node' is not defined by "exports"
How to solve this issue?
Thank you
Possibly there is a version mismatch between the tailwindcss package and the #tailwindcss/node package.
It seems that the version of tailwindcss package that you're using is 2.0.2 and this version is not compatible with the #tailwindcss/node package,
Try to update these package using
npm install tailwindcss#latest
and also update your gatsby-plugin-tailwindcss
And then delete node modules folder and package-lock.json and then run npm install again.
Hope it helps!

Dependency issue installing DevStack

I am trying to install Openstack using DevStack. After correctly creating the user stack and running ./, the script starts to install the required dependencies until it hits Obtaining file:///opt/stack/cinder. Then I obtain the following errors:
ContextualVersionConflict: (grpcio 1.21.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('grpcio<1.16.0,>=1.0.0'), set(['tooz']))
I understand that there is a conflict in grpcio, but I don't know how to solve it. I already unsuccessfully tried to install a specific version between 1.0.0 and 1.16.0.
The Devstack version I am using is the latest from the git master.
I think I solved the problem myself.
I had the tooz package installed with version 1.62 which was causing the issue.
After removing that package the installation completed.

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘arulesViz’: object ‘cividis’ is not exported by 'namespace:viridisLite'

In R 3.4.3 (Windows 10) while loading the packages arulesViz:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘arulesViz’: object ‘cividis’ is not exported by 'namespace:viridisLite'
I tried to uninstall and install, but did not help. What is wrong and how can i correct it?
Basically you need to install the dependencies of arulesViz.
I tried with Scatterplot3d , viznetwork, vcd, virdislite.
I also faced similar problem.
This problem can be resolved by installing package "viridisLite" along with "arulesViz"
for me it worked no need to reinstallthe R or Rstudio
It get solved , after reinstall RStudio + removed old version of R.
Disadvantage is all libraries will also get removed. So you have to load again.
I had the same issue with the seriation package. Ultimately I found that I just had to uninstall and reinstall r and r studio. Then i ran update.packages() and I had no problems.
This is a pain, as there are several packages with dependencies for packages which in turn import viridisLite, and this error is very opaque for users...
One thing I've found works (apart from manually install.packages("") each package mentioned in the error) is to switch repositories to the RStudio-maintained Cloud repo. (repo 0).
The problem seems to have hit people with a default repo that has incompatible versions of packages at the time people use it, and the cloud repo seems to avoid/not suffer from this problem.
Hope this helps

How to install rword2vec package

Please provide me the steps how to install rword2vec. I referred to the previous posts and followed installation steps and got the error:
Downloading GitHub repo mukul13/rword2vec#master
from URL
Installation failed: Could not find build tools necessary to build rword2vec
I also tried to follow the steps regarding build tool provided in this link, but no success (I am using macOS).
Try installing Rtools (3.4 latest), mine showed similar error and automatically installed it. Hope it helps

R's devtools - install from github with "configure" file

I have an R package on github that uses a "configure" script (since some of the C code depends on GSL libraries). I try installing the package using github_install() function from devtools package and get the error:
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package ‘wrightscape’ ...
ERROR: 'configure' exists but is not executable -- see the 'R Installation and Administration Manual'
Not sure what to do -- are there such a thing as execute permissions for a file on github? is this a devtools issue or a configuration issue? (Installing the package from source works fine for me). The package is here.
This is now fixed in the latest version of devtools (0.7).
Git does not manage file permissions directly. It is usually the responsibility of a build or install script to adjust permissions correctly once the bits are delivered from git. There are third party tools that can help with this. See the discussion on SO question Retaining file permissions with Git.
Hope this helps.
I had a similar issue which was caused by my /tmp dir being mounted noexec, and solved by setting a different TMPDIR, as explained here
export TMPDIR=~/tmp
