Firebase PhoneAuthentication OTP not showing 11 charector hash - firebase

I have the app deployed on the play store. The SHA1 and SHA256 are added in the firebase project settings. I'm using phone authentication to receive the OTP for the app. The message comes in the following format:
123456 is your verification code for APP_NAME.


Flutter Authentication with Firebase email & email link

I'm writing the flutter app (ios/android) using firebase auth.
My app users are just signed up with their phone number at first.
I want my users' accounts link with their email.
Is there any way to send email which contains just code (not auth link) with firebase auth?
or is there any way to link users' accounts(phoneNumber auth) with their email?

Phone otp and Verification without Firebase

i have Google sign-in in the Logins screen, and i have another page to verify the user phone number.
I have use firebase Phone auth to verify phone number but it change the FirebaseAuth.currentUser from google uid to phone authentication uid, which is not what i want.
so i found a package flutter_otp but this plugin is not working fine.
so i want to send SMS otp and verify it without firebase.

Using sms otp with authentication (oidc) in IdentityServer4 and Dotnet Core Identity

I'm using Identity Server 4 and Dotnet Core Identity for authentication service. Authentication service has custom react spa.
I'm trying to get started a authenticate a user using their mobile number. I have a user data (email, password, phone number, etc.)
I want this steps;
User:Key in email and password (done)
Server:Send sms with code to mobile number (?), i have a sms server
User:Key-in code from SMS
Server:Send access token (done)
I developed a project using this example.
I have no idea how to integrate two factors, how can I help you? Thank you.
A solution for this issue can be like this:
Step 1
Generate an SMS code in your IDP (Auth server).
Step 2
Store that SMS code as a claim for the user with an expiration time (if needed).
Step 3
When the user comes to sign in to your IDP using his username, you can compare the entered SMS code by the user with that one you stored in DB as a user claim. Also, you may want to check the expiration time of the SMS code.
Step 4
If everything was ok so you remove that claim of the user then log him into your IDP and done.

Firebase Auth and Dialogflow agent

Can I use the telephone Firebase Auth code sent by SMS in a Dialogflow agent?
Like this: user receives the code by SMS and is prompted to call the Dialogflow agent that will ask for this code to finish the auth process.
Is it possible?
The final step of Firebase's phone number authentication to sign the user in with their verification code as shown here. As far as I can see this is only possible with the client-side SDKs of Firebase, which means that the sign-in must be completed on the device itself.
In DialogFlow you'd typically use the Firebase Admin SDK. While the Admin SDK supports related operations ("Create a new user with a phone number without having to go through the SMS verification flow" and "Change a user's phone number without having to go through the SMS verification flow"), it doesn't allow you to verify that the user has control of the phone number based on the code that was texted to them.

Firebase Authentication backendError code 99

I have a web app that uses Firebase Authentication for login. Recently, users of the app have been unable to authenticate due to an error emitted from Google's APIs.
Upon sending the request to
an error is returned:
"message":"Error code: 99"
"message":"Error code: 99"
According to, Firebase Authentication is good to go. I've also tried migrating to a new Firebase project, but the error persists.
What is the meaning of this error code, and how may it be resolved?
I had the same error when trying to attach second (alternative) firebase project to the application (for development). It turns out that I forgot to upload APNs Auth Key which was required for authorization with phone number (in my case predefined testing number)
Upload your APNs authentication key to Firebase. If you don't already
have an APNs authentication key, see Configuring APNs with FCM.
Inside your project in the Firebase console, select the gear icon, select Project Settings, and then select the Cloud Messaging tab.
In APNs authentication key under iOS app configuration, click the Upload button.
Browse to the location where you saved your key, select it, and click Open. Add the key ID for the key (available in Certificates,
Identifiers & Profiles in the Apple Developer Member Center) and click
You can find details about the solution under the following link:
Authenticate with Firebase on iOS using a Phone Number
