Firebase Authentication backendError code 99 - firebase

I have a web app that uses Firebase Authentication for login. Recently, users of the app have been unable to authenticate due to an error emitted from Google's APIs.
Upon sending the request to
an error is returned:
"message":"Error code: 99"
"message":"Error code: 99"
According to, Firebase Authentication is good to go. I've also tried migrating to a new Firebase project, but the error persists.
What is the meaning of this error code, and how may it be resolved?

I had the same error when trying to attach second (alternative) firebase project to the application (for development). It turns out that I forgot to upload APNs Auth Key which was required for authorization with phone number (in my case predefined testing number)
Upload your APNs authentication key to Firebase. If you don't already
have an APNs authentication key, see Configuring APNs with FCM.
Inside your project in the Firebase console, select the gear icon, select Project Settings, and then select the Cloud Messaging tab.
In APNs authentication key under iOS app configuration, click the Upload button.
Browse to the location where you saved your key, select it, and click Open. Add the key ID for the key (available in Certificates,
Identifiers & Profiles in the Apple Developer Member Center) and click
You can find details about the solution under the following link:
Authenticate with Firebase on iOS using a Phone Number


microsoft authentication using firebase

I am working on Microsoft authentication using firebase. its a web project in vuejs 2 tech. I have followed this Documentation step by step for firebase and code section also followed this Documentation for creating account in azure portal but getting this error:
error FirebaseError: Firebase: Error getting verification code from response: error=invalid_request&error_description=Proof%20Key%20for%20Code%20Exchange%20is%20required%20for%20cross-origin%20authorization%20code%20redemption.&state=AMbdmDnE2TjhyB-T1hIHqYTh73Za9GIrASM-9NFz4trUb4QSLmP6W_qIFNCSl2fmUyq0tTvTNeB3Yg1a3XmOHg93aDItLCJTEEf9B-6EdpPLzR-_mkV9bI3QLoTyT3JQl9Pldczh3BfRlTZQ2KwKfV8IxgpHoXxKJByVzaB-M1wxWO9ESh7Ap_2BvNYHrq2tSFQHbK9D70l7xzi292de6G4rbGUgKmtuTtND4B671A1sxhD2-1WTWaCXkLMv_R7q5JTiWmfqn12ZipA_RWnMBDkPRhglBVReg6jBCRWKv1PvWN2dVQOQfjIoTKRfUs8VK4KfMDR6rYAVst8UStsO79nPN27_32yBjoU9pdl3 (auth/invalid-credential).
at _errorWithCustomMessage (vendors~app~._node_modules_#firebase_auth_dist_esm2017_index-1679a2b2.js~8334e211.js:568:20)
at _performFetchWithErrorHandling (vendors~app~._node_modules_#firebase_auth_dist_esm2017_index-1679a2b2.js~8334e211.js:1085:23)
at async _performSignInRequest (vendors~app~._node_modules_#firebase_auth_dist_esm2017_index-1679a2b2.js~8334e211.js:1100:29)
at async _signInWithCredential (vendors~app~._node_modules_#firebase_auth_dist_esm2017_index-1679a2b2.js~8334e211.js:4706:22)
at async PopupOperation.onAuthEvent (vendors~app~._node_modules_#firebase_auth_dist_esm2017_index-1679a2b2.js~8334e211.js:7965:26)
please suggest what could be the possible fix for the above issue
I was able to fix this problem by doing under written 2 steps
step 1 : I created SPA platform on azure portal but it should be web platform so just deleted the SPA and added web platform to fix this problem
To configure application settings based on the platform or device you're targeting, follow these steps:
In the Azure portal, in App registrations, select your application.
Under Manage, select Authentication.
Under Platform configurations, select Add a platform. Under
Configure platforms, select the tile for your application type
(platform) to configure its settings.
step 2: we have to Application secret in fire base console which need to be copied correctly from azure portal
basic steps to create and add a client secret
In the Azure portal, in App registrations, select your application.
Select Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret.
Add a description for your client secret.
Select an expiration for the secret or specify a custom lifetime
Select Add.
Record the secret's value for use in your client application code. This secret value is never displayed again after you leave this page.
please read the last step properly which says we have to copy key value if you left the page the value will be hidden like this with *** so in that case just delete this key and add new client key then copy the value (it "Value" field not "Secret ID" field)
now just add that key to your fire base console in application secret field
Note: try to follow these documentations properly Firebase documentation and microsoft azure documentation

What service account permissions are required for firebase cloud messaging on app engine?

we have an app engine app that we want to use to send push notifications through fcm. We're using the firebase admin sdk (go) and authorize with a service account json. It seems like the roles required on the service account are different once the app is deployed. Using Firebase Admin is enough, but once deployed I can't seem to find a role other than Project Owner that would let the app post messages. Anything less and it seems like the app throws a http error status: 403; reason: sender id does not match regisration token; code: mismatched-credential; details: The caller does not have permission.
What roles are required for a service account to send messages to fcm on an app engine app? Project Owner works, but, would like to avoid that if possible.
There is no existing role that I know that allows to send push notifications through FCM, so you'll have to create a custom role yourself and give it the cloudmessaging.messages.create permission as described in the Firebase IAM Permissions documentation

Server key (for legacy protocols) - authorizes your app server for access to Google services . Meaning?

Do Server key (for legacy protocols) gives access to other fcm/gcm projects associated with a developer account .
In my case ,
1. I already have a gcm project(server key1) and I created new fcm project(server key2) for the same app.
2. Now my new app with fcm and my old app with gcm are both generating tokens and sending to my messaging platform ( Moengage )
3. In moengage I have entered only server key1(gcm server key)
Problem : Although I have not entered server key for fcm . Still my new app is receiving notification.
So , I want to ask whether the server key gives access to all the fcm/gcm associated with the developer account ????
If this is not the case ,what can be the reason for such behaviour .
Each FCM/GCM project has a different Server key does not give access to all other associated accounts.
The order in which you are passing the token to the MoEngage SDK would matter here. The second token sent to MoEngage SDK will be the one which will eventually get saved and will be used to target the users whenever you send out a campaign from MoEngage platform.
Can you please provide more details about the integration when is the FCM token passed when is the GCM token passed, if the app is registering for push token or the SDK is doing. I'll be able to help better with these details available.
I would recommend you to drop and e-mail to with above details and the Application name on MoEngage for faster response/resolution.
PS: I am a member of the MoEngage Team.

how to change existing appname from firebase sms verification. %LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code for %APP_NAME% [duplicate]

in console firebase, in the menu Authentification -> Templates
There is a sms verification template :
%LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code.
How to change this message template?
firebaser here
Neither the email verification template nor the SMS verification template can be modified. You can select the language from the Firebase console, however this is a per project setting and you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse of the service.
Update 1 year later, still a no go, but I received this back from support
The Firebase SMS Authentication message content will depend on the
platform you are requesting that message from. Here is a list of the
possible variations you may get:
iOS and Android - The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. One an app is published, the correct name
should start appearing. There may be a small delay (a week or two at
Web - It will always use the domain that the SMS is requested from. To modify it, you can setup a custom domain.
iOS (using Recaptcha) - Phone authentication on iOS will show the project's url instead of the app's name in the verification
SMS when using the reCAPTCHA flow. This is expected behavior. The
reCAPTCHA flow was added for cases where an APNS token is not
available (including on real devices). If APNS is not correctly
configured, a real device will default to the reCAPTCHA flow.
Unfortunately, neither the email verification template nor the SMS
verification template can be modified. You can select the language
from the Firebase Console, however this is a per project setting and
you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the
user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse
of the service. I hope this clears your consults about this topic. If
you happen to have any more questions, please, do not hesitate to
write back!
Meanwhile you cannot change the content of the message, you can change the app's URL mentioned in the SMS.
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
Send a new test message, you're good to go.
As per Firebase Support the %APP_NAME% should be shown in your firebase settings wherein the %APP_NAME% is called after Public-facing name in public settings.
I checked first where is the location of "localhost" and wherein i found on "Authentication>Sign-in method" then under 'authorized domain' you will find "localhost" in order to change the localhost you need to add a new domain.
be careful on deleting localhost to your authorized domain. It will take time to function OTP request.
This one helps;
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.

How to change the sms verification template in firebase phone auth

in console firebase, in the menu Authentification -> Templates
There is a sms verification template :
%LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code.
How to change this message template?
firebaser here
Neither the email verification template nor the SMS verification template can be modified. You can select the language from the Firebase console, however this is a per project setting and you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse of the service.
Update 1 year later, still a no go, but I received this back from support
The Firebase SMS Authentication message content will depend on the
platform you are requesting that message from. Here is a list of the
possible variations you may get:
iOS and Android - The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. One an app is published, the correct name
should start appearing. There may be a small delay (a week or two at
Web - It will always use the domain that the SMS is requested from. To modify it, you can setup a custom domain.
iOS (using Recaptcha) - Phone authentication on iOS will show the project's url instead of the app's name in the verification
SMS when using the reCAPTCHA flow. This is expected behavior. The
reCAPTCHA flow was added for cases where an APNS token is not
available (including on real devices). If APNS is not correctly
configured, a real device will default to the reCAPTCHA flow.
Unfortunately, neither the email verification template nor the SMS
verification template can be modified. You can select the language
from the Firebase Console, however this is a per project setting and
you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the
user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse
of the service. I hope this clears your consults about this topic. If
you happen to have any more questions, please, do not hesitate to
write back!
Meanwhile you cannot change the content of the message, you can change the app's URL mentioned in the SMS.
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
Send a new test message, you're good to go.
As per Firebase Support the %APP_NAME% should be shown in your firebase settings wherein the %APP_NAME% is called after Public-facing name in public settings.
I checked first where is the location of "localhost" and wherein i found on "Authentication>Sign-in method" then under 'authorized domain' you will find "localhost" in order to change the localhost you need to add a new domain.
be careful on deleting localhost to your authorized domain. It will take time to function OTP request.
This one helps;
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
