Woocommerce My Account tab title not showing? - wordpress

I need some help!
In the default my account component for woocommerce (using elementor blocks) the title for the 'Addresses' tab is not displaying?
Live side view
Inspect Element - Just not there?
The tab works fine when you click it, just the title isn't there?
The title for Addresses to show.


Flatsome theme, show sidebar without clicking on mobile product page

I have a quick question about the theme’s product pages on mobile. How can I show the sidebar below the content. I know how to show the sidebar by using the ”filter” button but I need to show it without having to click.
I looked at the event on the filter button but it is a minified function inside flatsome.js?ver=3.12.1
but didn't figure out how to call the funcion.
Thank you in advance!
From the WP dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Page and uncheck the option that says "Off-canvas Sidebar for Mobile."
screenshot of Customizer option described above
This should place the sidebar below the product page content on mobile.

Wordpress Mobile view Sidebar

Good day,enter image description here
I'm building an ecommerce website on wordpress
I have a sidebar on my products page but when on mobile view, the sidebar is seen after all the contents on the website.
Is there any way I can make a button that will be sticky and when its clicked the side bar will show on mobile view
I want it to lool like what's in the picture or the link below enter link description here
I'm using astra theme
Thank you...
Maybe u can inspect your browser (right click - inspect) and check your properties in elements when you click the "sidebar" html tag.
On the right side you will finde the Sytles properties where you can try out your changes.
I guess you have to adjust the width.
Edit: If you work with elementor you have the possibility to add css code in the tab "additional css".

Category in wordpress theme customization / Image slider not coming up

I am new to wordpress. I am using doctorial theme for my website. By default it did not have Image Slider on home page as shown in the link. So I am trying to add it through customize option.
I can see slider option in Homepage Section > Slider Section. where one can enable slider. One has to select Category for it. There are only 2 options in dropdown, 'Select Category' and 'Uncategorized'
No matter which option I select, slider is not coming up. Am I missing something?
I have even tried to create new category as per this.
But not able to create slider.
After searching for 2 days. Finally found the answer on following links
If explanation in Link 2 is not clear
Go to page where you want to add slider. Dashboard -> Pages -> (Edit Page)
Check the Page attribute section on right corner. Expand section.
Click Template dropdown.
Select 'Home Page'
Update page.

Tiny mce tool bar custom button in wordpress for layer slider

I am using layer slider in my word press site. I need the available sliders as a list in the tiny mcein the add/edit page section. can we do this ?
Thanks in advance.
Adding buttons is in their API documentation. Check here: http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/API3:class.tinymce.ControlManager

How to create categories menù in WordPress?

I am new in WordPress world (before now I always used Joomla and some other old CMS)
Now I am testing WordPress and I have some doubts about how create a navigation menù in my WP Site.
This is my test site (that at this time have not content but only a template): http://www.scorejava.com/WPTest/
I plan to create articles organized by category and I would have an horizontal top menù like this WP blog: http://viralpatel.net/blogs/
As you can see in this second WP site there is an horizzontal top menù that contains some voices, like "Java", clicking on this voice appear a page showing all the Java posts preview.
As you can see this menù work also with submenù, for example, moving the mouse curso on Java appear the "Java EE" subvoice.
What can I do to have something like this in my Word Press?
And if I want a similar vertical menù in my right sidebar?
It's just a matter of using the "menus" screen from the Dashboard (when you're there, click on "Screen options" and enable all the possible item sources you want to use). Once you've created your menu, assign it to whatever area your theme designates for the top menu.
If you want to add it to a sidebar, just use the "widgets" screen and pick the "custom menus" item.
I think it would help if you read some of the introductory documentation from the Codex.
