How to get nam working with ns2 simulator - networking

Currently I have installed ns2 in my linux pc and when I run the following on terminal
$ ns sampleprog.tcl
all I get is
There should have been a nam pop up window opening instead.
I don't know how to solve this problem as I have installed both ns2 and nam. I think it is due to me updating my Ubuntu 22.04 with which nam also got updated and is now not compatible with version of ns2. Before update nam was working fine.
How should I go about solving this problem or maybe possibly degrading the version?
I tried updating to the latest version but to no avail. The network animator window that i was expecting doesn't open

I faced same problem in my nam 1.15 version,I downloaded nam 1.14 Deb file from this link a lower version.
After downloading Deb file .Open terminal in folder where nam 1.14 Deb file is downloaded And run this command.
$sudo dpkg --install nam_1.14_amd64.deb
This solved my problem.


Python: Camelot-PY (Error: GhostscriptNotFound while it is installed) for M1 MacOS

Problems using Camelot-py for PDF parsing. Cannot locate 'gs' package, although it has been installed in any imaginable way... Using M1 Monterey OS.
While GS is clearly installed (gs launches from Terminal root just fine), home-brew installation of python / Xcode, PATH variables added through 'export PATH'. Still getting the same error with Ghostscript not being installed when trying to parse a PDF table.
Any suggestions / experience on this please? One would have thought it should not be such a massive pain to resolve...
I had the same issue, which was resolved by installing camelot-py from Anaconda:
conda install -c conda-forge camelot-py

module 'torch.jit' has no attribute 'unused'

I am a student trying to get my hands into facial recognition using Ultra96 and I am having troubles running my program.
I have tried to install nightly version into my Ultra96 however, it does not solve my problem. The current OS is pynq 2.6 which is Linux and it is using jupyter notebook to run the codes.
Please offer me some guidance!
use torchvision 0.4.0:
pip uninstall torchvision
pip install torchvision==0.4.0 -f
This will work for sure
EDIT : if above cmd wont work , use this pip install torchvision==0.4.0

Jupyter command not found on Mac OS Catalina

I'm trying to run Jupyter notebook on Mac OS Catalina. I followed the basic instructions:
pip3 install jupyter
I tried everything that is mentioned in the other answers here on stack overflow. I have edited the .bash_profile file, and I have tried to start the notebook with
But nothing is working. My .bash_profile looks like this:
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH"
# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
How can I run Jupyter Notebook on Mac OS Catalina?
I have encountered the similar annoying problem and here is my one-line solution:
Open terminal and type:
brew install jupyter
If you haven't install brew on your Mac, please follow the instruction here:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Wait for around 10 minutes until the installation finishes and try jupyter again.
It helps download a lot of "Catalina" related packages, like
==> Downloading
==> Downloading
for the latest discussions on this issue.
From the comments:
Try opening Visual Studio Code and installing Jupyter extensions there if the above method does not work.

Error : Could not find build tools necessary to build

I installed Xcode on my Mac, running on the El Capitan version 10.11. I need to get files from a github repository to my workspace in R, so I run the line:
And this error appears:
Downloading GitHub repo Myrepository
from URL
Erreur : Could not find build tools necessary to build func
I thought the problem may come from my gcc command line tools, but when I hit
gcc -v
I have it installed:
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.3.0
Thread model: posix
Any ideas?
I had the same problem when installing the forecast package from GitHub on my Mac running El Capitan. The suggested readline fix above did not work for me. I noticed that my shell wasn't seeing R (e.g. when I typed R at a shell prompt it said command not found). I also was operating as a non-admin user of my computer and I think had installed R as a non-admin user. So I downloaded R again (same version) and installed it as an admin user. (This was based on a hunch after reading about some of the finnicky issues with R and paths in El Cap) After reinstalling R as an admin user I could then open R in a terminal, and at that point
worked fine.

How to uninstall Boost 1.55 with unix?

I just installed boost 1.55 onto my server with unix.
For some reason the installation had some errors and I would like to uninstall it
and try installing it again, but I can't manage to figure out how to uninstall the program.
