Jupyter command not found on Mac OS Catalina - jupyter-notebook

I'm trying to run Jupyter notebook on Mac OS Catalina. I followed the basic instructions:
pip3 install jupyter
I tried everything that is mentioned in the other answers here on stack overflow. I have edited the .bash_profile file, and I have tried to start the notebook with
But nothing is working. My .bash_profile looks like this:
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH"
# Setting PATH for Python 3.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
How can I run Jupyter Notebook on Mac OS Catalina?

I have encountered the similar annoying problem and here is my one-line solution:
Open terminal and type:
brew install jupyter
If you haven't install brew on your Mac, please follow the instruction here: https://brew.sh/
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
Wait for around 10 minutes until the installation finishes and try jupyter again.
It helps download a lot of "Catalina" related packages, like
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/jupyterlab-2.1.5.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/ipython-7.16.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
for the latest discussions on this issue.
From the comments:
Try opening Visual Studio Code and installing Jupyter extensions there if the above method does not work.


Cannot start jupyter notebook after deleting anaconda

What happened:
I have had Pip and Anaconda installed on my Mac. I tried to tidy up and decided to delete Anaconda since I assumed I only needed Pip for my Python programming.
My question:
I have been using jupyter notebook for my university project. Apparently, it had been installed by me using anaconda. Now that anaconda is gone, when I try running jupyter notebook, it is still looking in the deleted anaconda directory and throws the following error in the command line
/Users/username/anaconda3/bin/jupyter: No such file or directory
Furthermore, I now get this error when installing jupyter using pip3:
WARNING: The scripts jupyter, jupyter-migrate and jupyter-troubleshoot are installed in '/Users/username/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.
Unfortunately, I barely have an idea of what I am doing when installing anything using the command line. Could you help me out in fixing the issue?

Cannot get IRkernel::installspec() to work, jupyter-client not visible

I am still in progress to get Jupyter-Notebook and R working together on Windows 10 machine. After solving the problem with install_github() I am now facing just another issue. I am still following the official installation guide, I am stuck at step 2:
Every time I get this error - I have tried this in R GUI and RStudio, the same:
> IRkernel::installspec()
Error in IRkernel::installspec() :
jupyter-client has to be installed but “jupyter kernelspec --version” exited with code 127.
In addition: Warning message:
In system2("jupyter", c("kernelspec", "--version"), FALSE, FALSE) :
'"jupyter"' not found
My attempts so far: It was suggested here and here, that this could be a problem with the PATH variable setting, so I have added Anaconda to the PATH enviroment. I also installed the jupyter-client via the Anaconda console. No change so far. Any ideas?
This answer is based on this by #Ryan, but since the question answered was actually about a Linux based system I put it here in a Windows question:
One way to overcome the problem - if adding PATH variables to the environment doesn't work - is the following:
If Anaconda is installed and the Jupyter-Notebook with it (should be the standard install), open up the Anaconda prompt, not the Windows command prompt or the Anaconda Navigator
Look up the executable of R (not Rgui or Rstudio), it should be somewhere like C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.1\bin and copy the path
Paste the path into the Anaconda prompt and start R by typing R
Now execute IRkernel::installspec() once again, this time there shouldn't be an error
Now you can start an R kernel within Jupyter-Notebook
You should try to open R in the terminal, if you changed directory where R il located type:
and then run:
I was having this issue trying to run Jupyter Lab on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS headless server running in an Azure VM.
To resolve the issued, I had to navigate to /usr/bin and open R from there. It turns out that despite my path, calling R from the terminal opened the anaconda3 version in /home/<you>/anaconda3/bin/R.
Run IRkernel::installspec() from /usr/bin/R in as sudo and it should add the kernel.
If jupyter.exe is installed under c:\python36\sripts, run
"setwd("c:/python36/scripts")" on R GUI, run "IRkernel::installspec()"
Simply create a new virtual environment for R. Either using the CLI or the anaconda Navigator (best recommended, If and if you're using Anaconda).

Jupyter Lab Window Not Showing Properly

I just installed Jupyter Lab and tried it, however it doesn't showup properly. I tried reinstalling and installing but it show the same bug.
I am using dell xps 13, I tried installing it using:
'pip install jupyterlab', and
'conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab'
Both gave same error. Is there a solution to this? The Jupyter Notebook is working just fine.
Jupyter Lab Error
I had a similar issue using the pip-installed jupyter lab (Using Win64 with Python 3.6 in a virtualenv). Finally, I managed to run it by uninstalling the pip installer version and using the conda installer version:
"pip uninstall jupyterlab"
"conda install jupyterlab"
I had the same issue with jupyterlab-3.4.5 on firefox 104.0.
When I refreshed the browser (Alt R) it fixed the display.

Rpy2 windows installation through Git Bash

I first encountered the error referenced here:
Installing rpy2 on windows
which is that I couldn't install rpy2 because '.sh' isn't recognized by the default windows terminal as a command. To get around that, I'm using a Git Bash terminal, but then I get the error mentioned here:
Installing the R interpeter and R as a shared library uder the same tree
However, the solution in that post is for a Linux install only (I think).
As I understood that post, I should navigate to the bin/ directory in R and run ./configure (which doesn't exist in my directory). Any thoughts on how to fix this error for a Windows install?

Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10

I am trying to open Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10 and I am having trouble. I already downloaded and installed it. When I click on the Jupyter Notebook icon in my start menu, a black terminal appears titles Jupyter Notebook. Then I just disappears after that like nothing happened.
Things I have done to combat this issue:
I downloaded VirtualBox with Ubuntu and downloaded the Linux version there. However, it stated it could not be installed since it was not a 64-bit system. I tried to download the 32 bit version but the download always failed.
Next I add the the link http://localhost/* to my Kapersky Internet anti-virus exceptions page thinking it was preventing Jupyter from opening. This didn't work and turning off the firewall completely also didn't work.
Any help would be great help!
There are several ways to use jupyter notebook under windows, especially windows 10 professional.
My favorite way is the lovely ubuntu subsystem of windows 10. You can install it directly from the app store, which is free for all windows 10 users. Then install jupyter notebook from the subsystem:
apt install python3-dev python3-pip
pip3 install jupyter
or you can just do
apt install python3-dev python3-pip jupyter
then just run
jupyter notebook
open any windows browser, copy paste the localhost.... thing from ubuntu terminal
then you can using jupyter notebook with a linux core.
As mentioned by #cricket_007, you have to run jupyter first before opening notebooks. From the terminal, run:
> jupyter notebook
After a few seconds, a server will start. If your dashboard does not open automatically, point your browser to http://localhost:8888. Note: if you installed Jupyter with Anaconda, there should be a shortcut you can click to do all of the above.
The dashboard will point to your default working directory. Place notebooks in this directory or navigate to your notebook's directory to open it through the browser.
Should you wish to change the default working directory, see more on configuring notebook paths in the docs.
