Chrome scroll snap glitches - css

I'm building a site for a client and man I'm having a hard time with CSS Scroll Snap in Chrome...
{{redacted URL}}
I'm using Chrome 109.0.5414.87 on OSX. After the intro animation (FYI I hate these but clients love them) you should see:
Scrolling from first red section into blue I see a flash
Scrolling from first red section into blue, often times it will almost get to blue, but then glitch back to red.
You can actually scroll UP past the top of the page
Works great on Firefox and even Safari (OMG).
All the issues seem to be related to going from first slide to the second.
I have noticed that the length of the scroll-handle seems to change when going from section 1 to 2, I have no idea why but perhaps that is related?
Any tips or help would be most welcomed!

OK looking into this now, I see that it was because I had an element (footer) at the bottom of the page that was toggling to display:none. Not sure why this should effect scroll snap, but I suppose it's because it is changing the length of the scrollbar and Chrome didn't like that.
This doesn't stop the scroll up issue (#3), but it does seems to solve all the visual glitches.
So for all future people: When using scroll-snap, make sure you aren't doing anything that might change the height of the page during scroll, Chrome doesn't like that. 100vh on mobile was another culprit of this.


iOS Safari weird transparent horizontal line on top of browser

So I am getting this strange horizontal line on top of my page on iOS Safari, and the strangest thing is that it appears only sometimes. If I scroll down the page it can disappear, and then reappear at random times. The changes only take place during scroll. I've tried a number of things to fix, but nothing seems to work. (position changes, border changes, body changes, etc.) The one thing that worked is making the menu sticky (and not fixed as it currently is) and then top: -1px, but that is not the functionality that I want for it. There are other hacky ways of doing it, like placing a 1px sticky hr on top of it, but I imagine there is something more elegant that can be done.
The issue does not appear on any other browser that I've tested.
Does anyone have any ideas? You can also check the website on
The menu is built with react-boostrap.
Thank you.

Issues with ScrollMagic and GreenSock on Chrome

I am doing an animation with ScrollMagic and GreenSock's TimelineMax. The animation is suppose to go in a WordPress page. However the animation has some glitches when the page is open in Chrome. This problem does not occur in Safari and Firefox. I can't test for IE.
This is how the problem looks like:
And this is how it is suppose to look like:
The most bottom part with title Your web site goes up, and the two top parts move down. As I said, it works perfect on Safari and Firefox, but on Chrome you have to scroll up and down to fix the issue. However this is not acceptable for us, since the users of our page wont see the animation properly when they first scroll down.
Here is JSFiddle of the animation. Now, this will most probably work without problems in JSFiddle, but when I put this in WordPress page it looks like on the first image. Does anybody have a clue why this happens?
I found the solution :) I don't want to delete the question, because I hope somebody will find it useful.
The solution is to increase the z-index of all the elements (images, divs, everywhere where I have z-index in the css.). I increased it for 1000 on every element and it worked.

Navbar overflows scrollbars

I've been struggling with this problem for a few days now. Navigation bar on my page hides browser scrollbars. This happens in Chrome (both desktop and mobile) and Firefox - I didn't chceck other browsers yet but I suppose the result will be the same.
I tried like every single solution I found on Google and Stack Overflow but none of them fully worked. The navbar either kept covering the scrollbars or it wasn't clickable because it was under the rest of the page.
Can somebody browse my CSS and help me with this problem? Thanks a lot!
P.S.: I use no CSS framework. I downloaded the template from here and sligtly modified it.

Chrome hide an element on scroll after orientationchange

I'm facing a problem I can't figure out how to solve. I'm almost sure this is a Chrome bug since in other browsers it works like a charm but I want to be sure. On my website, developed using a mobile first and responsive design approach, I have a menu that uses the Left Nav Flyout pattern. On Tablets and desktops, I show it full width.
When I load the website on my smartphone (specifically an Android device) using Chrome in Portrait mode, once I rotate the device (passing in Landscape mode) and start to scroll the page, as soon as I reach the menu position, the latter magically disappears. What is really strange is that if you try to click the space that now is completely white, you can see that the links are actually there. I tried to use the inspector to find the problem but didn't succeed.
So, wow can I solve the problem? Anyone else had this issue before? If you know it's a bug, I'm glad to add a temporary workaround as well.
I didn't find a real solution but a reasonable workaround. Of course, I still hope that someone will explain what's the cause of this issue and how to solve it.
In the meantime, I found that the problem occurs because the menu, 240px wide, is completely out of the viewport. In fact, as soon as I changed the margin-left to 239.5px the menu didn't disappear anymore.

Webkit rendering quirks for element with "position:fixed" and "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;"?

Recently I encountered a rendering issue in Webkit which I suspect to be a bug with the Webkit engine. But I am not confident enough to say so. So I would like ask here and see what you think.
It'd be a bit difficult for me to describe the case in plain text, so I prepared a snippet here:
First you can see a yellow background with red border. This is not a background of the <body> tag but a <div> with id "backdrop" which has 100% width and height. By default it links to the "backdrop-no-problem" class. Also there is a horizontal list with some images. The list is surrounded by a green border. Inside the list there are some Wikipedia logos wrapped with a dotted red border.
I tested the page with the following 3 devices:
1. Chrome 21 on Windows 7
2. Mobile safari on the first generation iPad (running iOS4, I'll call it iPad1)
3. Mobile safari on the "new" iPad (running iOS5, I'll call it iPad3)
Try clicking "right" or "left" to scroll the list. Pretty good.
To reproduce the my problem, first click on "Issue #1". This will change the backdrop div from "position:absolute" to "position:fixed". Then click "Issue #2". This will add "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;" to the element (The reason for adding this style is to ensure smooth animation on the iPad).
Now click "left/right" to scroll the list. You should see a strange behavior in all three browsers:
The green div is scrolling properly and smoothly, but not its child elements. The child elements simply "out-sync" with the position of the scrolling parent. The movement not only looks laggy, it sometimes even stuck. And the child elements will stop at a wrong position when the scrolling animation finishes. You have to move your mouse over the picture (or tap on it in a tablet) to trigger an update to have the element re-drawn at the right place. Even Chrome shows this weirdness makes me feel that it is a Webkit issue.
Things gone worse in iPad3. In iPad3 you don't need to add "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;" (Issue #2) to see this weird behavior. Just add "position:fixed" (Issue #1) will do. The strange thing is that this doesn't happen when you view the snippet in jsFiddle. In case you are interested I have put the source in a single file at pastebin:
When writing this question I saw quite a number of questions regarding backface visibility. I've checked some but none of them matches my problem.
Ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
(Post updated to fix many typos)
