How to remove the (invisible to document overview) page title - wordpress

I have this
I want to remove/hide the page title that comes by default when creating a new page (1) and keep the one that I'm using in column group (2)


Is it possible to duplicate a row in grafana?

I want to have many rows on the same dashboard which are very similar, so row duplication would prove very handy.
However from what i can see it's only possible to duplicate a panel.
So is it possible to duplicate a row (consisting of multiple panels)?
Or you can use wizzy to duplicate a row on a Grafana dashboard
wizzy copy row 1 2
Here are the links for getting starting with wizzy:
You can. First create a template: On your dashboard click settings, Templating and create your template variable.
Next, in your panel click on the green bar, Row Editor, select Repeat Row and put your template-variable there.
There is a nice gif-example here underneath "Repeating Rows and Panels":
Per How to automatically repeat rows and panels in dynamic dashboards
Edit the panel by clicking the title of the panel, and click Edit.
In the panel editor, open the Repeat options section.
In Repeat by variable, select the instance variable.
In Repeat direction, select Horizontal to lay out the repeated panels horizontally.
Apply your changes to go back to the dashboard.
Click Add panel, and then click Convert to row. The panels you created earlier are automatically assigned to the row you created.
Hover your cursor over the Row title and click the gear icon to open the Row Options.
In Title, enter $service.
In Repeat for, select the variable you want to repeat rows for. For this example, select service.
Click Update.
Select multiple services from the service drop-down menu. Grafana creates a row for each selected service, each within its own set of repeated panels.
Find the left-most panel in the top-most row and edit it.
In the text area for the Text panel, enter $instance and $service.
Save the dashboard and refresh the page.

Adding a panel to a theme region

Below is my theme layout :
What I would like to do is to use the panels module to add
a 4 column block at the region labeled 'content'. I have
already tried adding a node to the content region and creating
a variant using the panels module for the particular node.
But this didn't work. I tried switching the selection rules
from "Node:Type" to "Front-page" but still no luck with this.
Suggestions appreciated!!
I think you are misunderstanding the use of the panels module. Panels makes panel pages, in which you place panes in whatever arrangement you want. The panel needs a url to control, and that url can have variables in it like Node ID.
So, here is a walk through of how to use the panels in the way I think you want from the selection rules you mention:
The panel should have a path assigned, like "welcome" or "welcome/%nid"
If you have used the %nid path, set up the context to use that argument for the node id.
You only need a selection rule if you have more than one variant, as that is how the panel selects which one to use. Example, selection rule on variantA says use it when %nid validates to a node of node:typeA. Selection rule on variantB ... etc.
In the content section of you panel control, upper left point, is a button or link that says "show layout designer", click that.
That will let you change how many rows and columns and regions you have on the panel. If I recall correctly a row can hold columns or regions, a column can hold rows, and content in the same region gets stacked vertically.
Since panels layouts are inside the "content" of a page, the 3-segment header and 4-segment footer of your theme will stay. You will probably want two rows, one of which with the 4 regions to make the columns in your question, and one of which with a single region to hold the full-width content. If you have the %nid setup, you can use pieces of the node (specific fields) in the regions.
Then in your site information page set "welcome" as your homepage.

How can i use a common header in Cognos among many report pages?

I have a Cognos report and i have created 3 pages and 1 common prompt page. According to a radio selection in the prompt page i show the appropriate among these 3 pages.
In each page i have a block that is the header and there i just show title, current date and the selected values of the prompt controls (parameter values).
This header is the same among all pages and i want to find a way to create only 1 header section and then assign it on the top of each page. So if later i want to change anything in the header i will do it in one place.
Any ideas?
Re-using parts of a report (either from the report or other report in Cognos Connection) can be achieved with the help of layout component refenrences which are inserted into your report page and which refer to other existing components.
To use them proceed as follows:
Indentify the layout component(s) to be re-used (e.g. a table or a text or more or less anything less).
In the property list of that component go to the name and give it a unique name.
In the report page that is supposed to re-use the component drag an instance of the layout component reference to the appropriate location in the page.
Specify the target of the reference by choosing the report and within the report the named component (same name as given above).
A block component (which could be incorporated into a header) is to be re-used. Give the block a name, e.g. my_block:
From the toolbox drag the layout component reference
to the report page. A dialog box opens which permits choosing the target component:

How can i limit one group per page in Cognos?

I have a block with a list with 5 columns and i have grouped it on the first column. I have added sum aggregation below each group.
How can i limit results to show one group per page?
You can achieve this by using a Page Set as follows:
Go to the Report Pages in the Page Explorer
Drag a Page Set from the toolbox into Report Pages
Drag your current report page into the Detail Pages folder of the new Page Set
Click on the new Page Set
In the properties of the Page set:
Select the query of your report page
Click on Grouping and Sorting (a small dialog box appears)
From the data items on the left drag the grouping criterion into the Group folder on the right.
Close dialog.
Run the report.
The following figure shows the Report Pages windows after successful configuration.

How do I add a line of text to the instructions which are displayed on the node creation form for a custom content type?

In a node creation form, which is a custom content type, I want to add a text, not a text input field, but just a text line, as a remark or an NB, I search for long time in vain.
How can I do that?
Are you using the FieldGroup ( module? If so, when creating a field-group for a content type's fields, select Vertical Tab as the type of fieldgroup and once you've placed the fields you want to include 'under' that group, save the page. You will then see a gear icon listed under the Operations menu within the row for your newly created field-group. Clicking on this gear icon will give you some additional options, including a Description area where you can write in instructions or whatever you like that will display on the node creation page within that particular tab and at the top of all the fields you have in that tab.
You should be able to add text using the markup form element.
Description: Generate generic markup for display inside forms.
Example from the documentation:
$form['contact_information'] = array('#markup' => variable_get('contact_form_information',
t('You can leave us a message using the contact form below.')),
This will work to give you overall instructions for the node creation form:
Create a new block.
Don't give the block a title.
Set block body to whatever you want the instructions for the node form to be.
Under the "Pages" option of the block creation set "Only the listed pages". Then add "node/add/[custom-content-type]" for whatever type of content it is.
Drag the new block to the top of your content section of your active theme.
