Cannot perform routes in quasar app even after registering components - vuejs3

I initialized a quasar app with npm in it quasar and installed dependency, after creating vue files I was unable to perform routes to them even though I registered them in router.js


Use quasar V2 SSR with Firebase hosting

I try to configure firebase with quasar V2 to get my website accessible in SSR mode.
Stack: quasar CLI V2, VUE 3,
I build my ssr app with : quasar build -m ssr
In src-ssr i have :
in dist/ssr i have :
client folder
server folder
index.js at root of dist/ssr
render-template.js at root of dist/ssr
and more
Now, how to say to firebase to use the dist/ssr folder to render quasar ssr ? Should i use cloud functions ? How ?
(Btw building in spa mode and deploy to firebase with firebase deploy works perfectly. But i need the ssr now.)
I've already used this methods without success :
Deploy Quasar SSR vue/node app to Firebase Hosting
Possible to have a clear method that works pls ?

Is it mandatory to have nginix to deploy NEXTJS app on Ec2?

I'm basically from react background where i have deployed my react app's on EC2 just by building with (npm run build) the project and using packages like Pm2 and serve.
Now when i tired to do the same thing with NextJs App it is not happening. So my question is it mandatory to use Nginix for NextJs App's while deploying them on ec2?

Using production or dev firebase app based on build mode in flutter web

While developing a flutter web app, I was using the dev firebase project. Now, when the development is finished it is required to use the production firebase project for production. How can this be done other then simply swapping the firebase dev configuration from index.html with the prod firebase config before building the app.
I tried this tutorial Dynamic HTML elements but I couldn't adapt it to my solution.
I thought that the configuration could be added as a child but an error was thrown:
Expected a value of type 'Element', but got one of type 'FirebaseOptions'

Auto configure Vue app for multiple Firebase projects via /__/firebase/init.js

Firebase Hosting has a nice feature for auto initialising your hosted web app by inserting
<!-- Previously loaded Firebase SDKs -->
<!-- Initialize Firebase -->
<script src="/__/firebase/init.js"></script>
See . This allows me to deploy test/dev/staging/production Firebase project instances without updating the Firebase config.
What I’d like to do is add this as Webpack import with node_modules imports for Firebase SDKs. I’m actually using Quasar Framework which can be configured to use Webpack rules.
I’ve had a few attempts using import ‘/__/firebase/init.js’ but Webpack is still complaining that it can’t find this dependency so I think it needs it as an external dependency.

Correct Nginx configuration for Vue PWA

I'm using Vue to create a PWA. I initialized it using vue-cli, as following:
vue init pwa my-app-name
What could be a proper configuration of Nginx for it in production?
