Correct Nginx configuration for Vue PWA - nginx

I'm using Vue to create a PWA. I initialized it using vue-cli, as following:
vue init pwa my-app-name
What could be a proper configuration of Nginx for it in production?


Use quasar V2 SSR with Firebase hosting

I try to configure firebase with quasar V2 to get my website accessible in SSR mode.
Stack: quasar CLI V2, VUE 3,
I build my ssr app with : quasar build -m ssr
In src-ssr i have :
in dist/ssr i have :
client folder
server folder
index.js at root of dist/ssr
render-template.js at root of dist/ssr
and more
Now, how to say to firebase to use the dist/ssr folder to render quasar ssr ? Should i use cloud functions ? How ?
(Btw building in spa mode and deploy to firebase with firebase deploy works perfectly. But i need the ssr now.)
I've already used this methods without success :
Deploy Quasar SSR vue/node app to Firebase Hosting
Possible to have a clear method that works pls ?

Is it mandatory to have nginix to deploy NEXTJS app on Ec2?

I'm basically from react background where i have deployed my react app's on EC2 just by building with (npm run build) the project and using packages like Pm2 and serve.
Now when i tired to do the same thing with NextJs App it is not happening. So my question is it mandatory to use Nginix for NextJs App's while deploying them on ec2?

How to deploy laravel and vuejs serparately in apache server

I have an application laravel as backend and vuejs as frontend separately. The problem is I don't know how to deploy this app to the server separately using apache server. I need help please provide me a detail instructions on how to do it. I have successfully deploy the laravel application api but I'm having trouble with the vuejs frontend also I'm using one ip address for this two application.
Thanks for your help.
It is very simple to deploy Vue SPA on the apache server.
Run this command in your project for production build
npm run prod
yarn build
This command will create a dist folder in your Vue project.
spa folder contains index.html and other files (images,css and compiled js filed)
Give path of this index.html in your apache environment.
In ubuntu look like this.
eg /var/www/dist/spa
In ubuntu how we make the symbolic link
ln -s /your_project/dist /var/www/dist

NextJS app does not recognize env variables on AWS App Runner

Good day everyone.
My issue is the following. We use a NextJS app with SSR as the Frontend for our services. We want to deploy everything on AWS App Runner via docker images. Locally the frontend container registers all env variables we have in .env.local but on App Runner all env variables turn out undefined
Of course, we don't want to use an .env file for production. We set up all env variables in the config service of App Runner and we use the NEXT_PUBLIC prefix as we should with SSR. But still nothing.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed from here?

Deploy Blazor to Firebase and have error Firebase Hosting Setup Complete

I want to deploy my Blazor project with Firebase hosting. I have tried a few times to deploy but have the same erorr Firebase Hosting Setup Complete. Deploy Blazor project
firebase login
firebase init
What do you want to use as your public directory? public
Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? No
Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? No
File public/index.html already exists. Overwrite? No
Skipping write of public/index.html
firebase deploy
First of all, you can deploy to firebase hosting only client side app. So your app must be Blazor WebAssembly single-page app. Moreover you are not overwriting index.html so you will see the default firebase file (you can check this). So you have to overwrite default index.html with yours.
