Running julia on google colab - julia

I'm trying to run julia on google colab, but it does not work for some reason.
I'm using this template:
I can run the first cell without issues, but it doesn't run anything else without errors. It basically doesnt recognize julia syntax after installation. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: Sometimes, when I try to run the installation cell I get this error:
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/google/colab/ in check_returncode(self)
132 def check_returncode(self):
133 if self.returncode:
--> 134 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
135 returncode=self.returncode, cmd=self.args, output=self.output)
CalledProcessError: Command 'set -e
' returned non-zero exit status 134.
Sometimes there is no errors, but there is no any output either and cant run any julia code.

After running the cell, you need to follow step 4 in the instructions:
Reload this page (press Ctrl+R, or ⌘+R, or the F5 key) and continue to the next section.


Rcpp debug in Rstudio with lldb

The Jim Hester YouTube video video looks like a potentially really helpful way to put breakpoints in Rcpp code that passes some variables in unexpected ways. However, when I follow the start up directions (Rstudio console copied below) it fails with a message that is not helpful to a new user of lldb.
gcn#GCN-MacBook-Pro-7 ISIMIPData % R -d lldb
(lldb) target create "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R"
Current executable set to '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R' (x86_64).
(lldb) run
error: process exited with status -1 (attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process. Look in the console messages (, near the debugserver entries when the attached failed. The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.))
The output that I could find is not very useful.
A later post post describes an updated process but it too fails in a similar way. I'm using Rstudio version 1.4.1717 with R version 4.1.

R: "Error calling capture_console_output: 87" when using terminalExecute()

I am trying to run an executable called swat_edit.exe in R. It works perfectly when I run it directly in the command prompt, and also when I run it directly in the Terminal tab in R. However, when I try to write a function in R to run the executable, I get an error (I get a number of different errors...).
I have tried to use different methods of running the file:
1: I used system("swat_edit"), which returns the following error:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.IOException: The handle is invalid.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.Console.set_CursorVisible(Boolean value)
at SWEdit.Program.Run(String[] args)
at SWEdit.Program.Main(String[] args)
[1] 17234
2: I used shell("swat_edit"), which returns the exact same error as (1).
3: I used shell.exec("swat_edit"). This works, but it opens the executable in a new window, which then runs for a few seconds and closes (as intended). I need the program to run in the R terminal window so it can run many iterations in the background without disrupting other things. This is not a viable option.
4: I tried using terminalSend(ID,"swat_edit") (from the rstudioapi package). This works in that it sends the command to the terminal window in R. When I move there and hit enter it executes perfectly, running in the terminal window like I want it to. However, I need to run many iterations so this is not viable either. I tried using KeyboardSimulator to go to the Terminal tab and hitting enter (which worked), but this also does not let me use the PC for other purposes while running my code.
5: I tried using terminalExecute("swat_edit"), which returns the following error code:
Error calling capture_console_output: 87
[Process completed]
[Exit code: -532462766]
6: I tried making a python file that runs swat_edit.exe, and then running that file in R. The python file works when I run it by itself, from the command prompt, or from the terminal in R. It does not, however, work when I try to run it in the R terminal using terminalExecute (same error as in (5)).
NOTE: I have another executable called swat.exe (entirely different program) that works with all of the above-mentioned methods.
So in summary: swat_edit.exe runs perfectly in command prompt and R terminal, but does not work when I try to run it using R code (either system(), shell(), or terminalExecute().
I can't figure out the difference between terminalExecute() and typing the string into terminal and hitting enter, but apparently there is something happening in between...
It will be tedious to reproduce this since it uses external programs, but if anyone has any idea about the error messages or how I can copy a string and run it in the terminal without any interference, that would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I found a method that solves my problem. I created a .bat file that runs swat_edit minimized. I was able to run this .bat file with the shell function (or any of the other commands I mentioned) in R. This doesn't answer why I was having the issues I described, and it doesn't let me run swat_edit in the R terminal, but it's good enough for me.
The .bat file was simply the following:
"START /MIN /WAIT C:\~\SWAT_Edit.exe"

Pythonwin.exe does not indicate the line of code for runtime errors

This is a tricky problem because it deals with the Pythonwin.exe user interface itself, and not my code.
When I run a file with the following code in it, I would expect that if it errors, it would show the line that it failed on in the traceback output
I literally just create an untainted 32-bit python 3.5 environment, installed pywin32, and opened my to run it and here were the results.
If you see the line saying
File "C:\", line 2, in <module>
foo = 2 #this line works fine, but is identified as the traceback line
I would have expected this to point to line 5 and not line 2.
Inside a larger script, this is much more problematic as I need to guess which line caused the error based on the context.
To replicate my situation in an anaconda-based environment:
1. open the Anaconda Command Prompt
2. run the following lines to generate our environment
conda create -n test python=3.5
activate test
conda install -y pywin32
Save "" file with text:
foo = 2 #this line works fine, but is identified as the traceback line
a=b #this line causes the error, but isn't identified
Open PythonWin.exe, open the "" file and hit F5 or click Run
And it is not just an issue in anaconda installed environments.
If anyone has any insight into how to make it report the bad line of code, or why it is acting in this way, please let me know. Thanks!

Robot framework exit status of a command is wrong?

I'm trying to execute a command remotely through Robot Framework which is failing through Robot framework and giving me the wrong exit status of 13.
But if we run this manually exit status of is 112 which is actually pass(Not the standard return codes).
am I doing something wrong here?
You are not getting the remote code of the remote command, in fact the RC 13 you are getting from the run is most probably from the robotframework - on run completion its RC is the number of failed cases. I.e. 13 cases should have failed, when you observed this.
To get the return code of your command, a few changes in the case are needed; this is how the semi-last line should look like, with explanations below:
${rc}= Execute Command your_command_from_the_question &>/dev/null; echo $?
First, all the output of your command (stdout & stderr) is redirected to /dev/null - to not return it. Then the special var $? is printed - it holds the RC of the last executed command (and is available in most *sh variants, like bash).
Finally, that value is stored in the ${rc} robotframework variable, and you can do whatever checks you need on it, further in the case.
This approach has one drawback - as stderr is hidden, you will not be able to see any errors coming from running the command. But if it was not, then they would be interleaved with the RC, which would have required further processing of the {rc} var, to get the desired value. If you need it (the stderr output in case of failures), change accordingly.
P.S. don't add screenshots of a source in a question, it is much less usable than a text version.

Running command had status 1

I've tried to run command in R 2.15.2
rsaga.geoprocessor(lib="ta_channels", module=0, param=list(ELEVATION="DEMflt.sgrd", CHNLNTWRK=paste("channels", i, ".sgrd", sep=""), CHNLROUTE="channel_route.sgrd", SHAPES="channels.shp", INIT_GRID="DEMflt.sgrd", DIV_CELLS=3, MINLEN=40), show.output.on.console=FALSE)
and I'm constantly getting this warning:
Warning message:
running command '"C:/Users/Nenad/Documents/R/win-library/2.15/RSAGA/SAGA-GIS/saga_cmd.exe" ta_preprocessor 2 -DEM "DEM1.sgrd" -RESULT "DEMflt.sgrd" -MINSLOPE "0.05"' had status 1
I use windows 8 and also tried to ran R as admin.
Any idea what is the problem? Thanks!
Idk how actual it is, but I've been struggling with "had status 1" warning a lot. Especially it got really annoying when I tried to use seasonal package to conduct the X13-ARIMA-SEATS seasonal decomposition of time series. The seasonal::seas command just didn't work, because in the code of this command there is a stop condition when running a certain stuff with cmd.exe returns non-zero status. While, as it was mentioned before, 'status 1' doesn't prevent command execution, in case of seasonal package it does.
The problem in my case was caused by some mistake in Windows Registry (Win 10), that in turn caused warning System cannot find the path specified when launching CMD.exe or PowerShell, which caused warning inside R as well. So to fix it:
Press Win+R -> regedit
In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor folder clean the value of Autorun record (it should be empty)
Do the same for Autorun in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
After these actions annoying warning with "has status 1" has gone and seasonal::seas started to work perfectly.
Hope it will be usefull for somebody.
Running system commands from R can be really tricky. In my experience, as long as the exit code is not 127 then the command did run, and you could use the intern=TRUE switch in the system command for a more verbose output. If you run the command again, the warning message could contain a errmsg attribute as well for some more info. hth
