Rmarkdown officedown block_landscape no page number - r

I use officedown because I want to take advantage of the ability to <!---BLOCK_LANDSCAPE_START---> and <!---BLOCK_LANDSCAPE_STOP--->.
When I used the Officedown template (the advanced Word document) page numbers were only displayed after the landscape section. When I deleted the landscape section, all pages were numbered.
I want to have page numbers throughout the document, i.e. before landscape, in landscape and after landscape.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?


React-Pdf Is not printed correctly even after using all elements provided by the Library

So I'm trying to build a mid-complex invoice for an app, but I'm having many problems getting the right layout printed, and I don't know the reason, I have tried some of the things.
So this is the design before I'm printing it (the React-pdf template):
So I want you to pay attention, to the items below that are iterated and printed. (Don't worry the logo will be shown on the print page, I don't know why is not showing by default on the design page).
And here is the template after the print, that the layout of items is broken, and it doesn't show the one I designed. But rather something else. Here it is:
Here is the live link to the React Pdf Editor, so you can check the code (because is to long for here):
React PDF Editor Online

Is it possible to create an RMarkdown document in landscape mode?

I am creating a flexdashboard document that looks like this (dashboard style basically). However, our end-users will not be interacting and drilling down to this like one would in a traditional dashboard. Instead, we are going to send these out as PDFs to our audience. I know you can create parameterized reports in a traditonal PDF or HTML RMarkdown report, however I am looking to create that document in a landscape mode/dashboard style view.

RMarkdown in RStudio - is it possible to completely hide LaTeX preview

I'm starting to use RMarkdown for documents with a lot of equations. RStudio has a nice feature of previewing latex when I'm writing it which I like, however after I've written the equation I don't need it taking up space in my text editor area, see image:
There is the option to "hide it" by clicking the two arrows in the corner of the preview but even after this it still takes up loads of space and clutters my text editor area, especially since my text is filled with many equations. So my questions is first if it's possible to keep the live preview when I'm writing the equation and then completely hide it or if that's not possible, completely disable this feature of latex preview?

Knitr Bookdown - building high res graphics and hyperlink from RMD

I am using R/Rstudio/bookdown to generate a large document with many figures and tables.
I'd like the user to be able to click on the document image and be passed through to a high-res version of the image that is in the document. Ideally this happens in a new browser window, rather than into GIMP, etc.
This could happen by clicking on the document image, or via a simple hyperlink near to the image. Any suggestions?
Ideally I would be able to build the document image and the high-res image at the same time and this could be relatively automated.

Microsoft Report Viewer to convert export to pdf, it cuts half the report off and puts it on a second page

Microsoft report Viewer to convert export to PDF, it cuts half the report off and puts it on a second page. When report is converted to PDF form the system, the document is cut off over 2 pages.
Take a look at the dimensions of your Page control.
Typically the PDF is going to emulate a 8.5" by 11" piece of paper - considering margins you should keep the width of your report width to less than 7.5".
If you want to support non standard sizes, take a look at how to change paper size
To ensure that your body doesn't overflow your report, you can check in report designer that dimensions of the body are less than dimensions of the report.
