Is it possible to create an RMarkdown document in landscape mode? - r

I am creating a flexdashboard document that looks like this (dashboard style basically). However, our end-users will not be interacting and drilling down to this like one would in a traditional dashboard. Instead, we are going to send these out as PDFs to our audience. I know you can create parameterized reports in a traditonal PDF or HTML RMarkdown report, however I am looking to create that document in a landscape mode/dashboard style view.


Rmarkdown officedown block_landscape no page number

I use officedown because I want to take advantage of the ability to <!---BLOCK_LANDSCAPE_START---> and <!---BLOCK_LANDSCAPE_STOP--->.
When I used the Officedown template (the advanced Word document) page numbers were only displayed after the landscape section. When I deleted the landscape section, all pages were numbered.
I want to have page numbers throughout the document, i.e. before landscape, in landscape and after landscape.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

Is it possible to format an RMarkdown report dashboard style?

For this use case I cannot use flexdashboard, however I am looking to see if I can create something similar to flexdashboard but in RMarkdown (knitted to html). I am looking to format an RMarkdown report like the format you see below and in a landscape mode. I've only created markdown reports in a portrait style.
I found this online in a video and I wasn't sure how it was created but this was created in RMarkdown. If there is a way to do this, is it possible someone can share a reproducible example?

Knitr Bookdown - building high res graphics and hyperlink from RMD

I am using R/Rstudio/bookdown to generate a large document with many figures and tables.
I'd like the user to be able to click on the document image and be passed through to a high-res version of the image that is in the document. Ideally this happens in a new browser window, rather than into GIMP, etc.
This could happen by clicking on the document image, or via a simple hyperlink near to the image. Any suggestions?
Ideally I would be able to build the document image and the high-res image at the same time and this could be relatively automated.

Disable save button in Adobe PDF reader and hide menu bar in IE window

I am trying to render a PDF via servlet,using Itext for getting PDF file.
Need to disable save ,print option in adobe pdf reader menu bar while other options like scroll,find should be there and in addition need to disable the file menu of the browser window in which it is rendered.
I have disabled print and file menu using below code
PdfWriter.HideWindowUI, PdfWriter.STRENGTH40BITS);
Problem is
disable save button in Adobe PDF reader menu bar (using **Adobe Reader 9**).
We need to distinguish two different aspects: printing and saving.
You can encrypt a file and set the permissions in such a way that printing isn't allowed. However: if you only encrypt a document with an owner password, it is very easy to decrypt the document and to remove the restrictions. Encrypting a document with an owner password only works on a psychological level: for instance: you indicate that the original producer of the document doesn't want the document to be printed.
If you want to avoid that an end users saves a PDF document, you are asking something that is impossible. The only way to avoid that an end user doesn't have a copy of the PDF is by not sending him the PDF. A PDF can't be opened in Adobe Reader without having the actual bytes on the disk. Even if you would disable saving (for instance in the context of a web application), you'd always find the PDF somewhere in the temp files and people would be able to copy that file as many times as they want.
In your code snippet, you try hiding the toolbar (a viewer preference), but that doesn't make sense. Whether or not this viewer preference will be respected entirely depends on the PDF viewer. For instance: in Adobe Reader X and later, you have a special widget that appears when you hover over the document. This widget allows users to save the document.
Even with Adobe Reader 9, hiding the toolbar isn't sufficient: if the user chooses the appropriate menu item or hits the appropriate "hot key", the toolbar would appear and they could happily click the Save button. In addition, they could have right-clicked and chosen "Save" as well.
In short, you're asking the wrong question.
What you need to do is NOT prevent saving BUT control the actual use of the PDF and that's where DRM (Digital Rights Management) comes in. DRM however is usually very expensive, it requires a custom PDF viewer and it's out of the scope of iText.

How to show powerpoint in iframe

I am able to show pdf in the iframe but ppt is not loading in the iframe. It is opening as a new window. I need to show it inline. Is there any specific parameters for ppt ?
The best way I can think of is to convert your powerpoint file to Flash.
That way you can easily add it to your webpage, iframe or whatever you like.
Here is a link to some free software that you can use to convert your powerpoint presentations.
Link to Powerpoint to Flash Convertor
In case you want to still use powerpoint files on your webpage, check out this page for full explanation and directions.
Putting your Powerpoint on the web
Hope it helps.
Google Docs Viewer is a version of Google Docs that supports being included via iframe, and it supports viewing Powerpoint Presentations.
You can share it if you upload it to Skydrive, set the share permissions to Everyone and get the Embed code. Note that this is just another way of converting it to HTML.
