How to add prefix to html file name in nginx? - nginx

I have a front-end folder. For example, there is an index.html file and its German copy, de_index.html. For any html file, there is a version with the de_ prefix.
I want to make it so that, for example, when a user requests an index.html page and they have the lang=de cookie, nginx should return de_index.html. And for example, if the user requests about.html, then the server will give him de_about.html.
To begin with, I decided to try to simply replace all *.html files with their de_ version. And added the following block to the nginx configuration.
location ~ \.(html|htm)$ {
if ($uri !~ \/de_(\w)*.(htm|html)$) {
rewrite "(?<=\/)(\w*).(html|htm)$" de_$1.$2 break;
location / {
if (!-e $request_filename){
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.html break;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
The purpose of the first block is:
If the location has .htm or .html at the end
If the $uri file does not have the de_ prefix yet
Then change $uri to the same one, just add the de_ prefix to the file name.
But maybe I did something wrong or I don’t understand the meaning of rewrite, because I get a 404 error.


Nginx Location based try files?

I was reading this page here that had a nifty idea of having a file present means nginx would route to a maintenance html page.
But then reading through the nginx docs it seems like if statements within the location block are not ideal, and instead to use try files. Whats the proper way to rewrite whats in the above to how nginx would like it?
I assume is something like: but what about a rewrite?
try_files /my/file/path/maint.on
error_page 503 #maintenance_page;
location #maintenance_page {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /maintenance_page.html break;
this is my current config snippit, which happens to for some reason result in a 404 even through the maint.on file doesn't exist.
location / {
if (-f /opt/staytus/staytus/maint.on) {
return 503;
port_in_redirect off;
error_page 503 #Performing-Maintenance;
location #Performing-Maintenance {
rewrite ^(.*)$ Performing-Maintenance.html break;
any thought on the issue?
As the same article states,
The only 100% safe things which may be done inside if in a location context are:
return ...;
rewrite ... last;
so the example you're found can be considered completely safe. (I'd say it is safe to use any directive from ngx_http_rewrite_module inside the if block which extends this list to break, return, rewrite and set). You can't do what you want with the try_files directive because it is requires at least one file argument before the last uri (or the name of named location or HTTP error code) argument which would be used if none of the files/directories from the list are actually exists. Well, I could imagine something like
location / {
try_files /maintenance.html #default;
location #default {
but you can't make it serving some location like
location = /maintenance.html {
, it would just return the contents of maintenance.html file. And if maintenance.html page would refer to some additional assets (like CSS, JS etc.) all user browser requests for that assets would lead to the maintenance.html contents (because that file exists and passed the try_files check). Just FYI, this directive
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/index.php =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
won't serve the $uri/index.php file through the PHP location handler (it just return its raw content), while this
location / {
index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
However example you provided would have some performance impact (especially on the high-load servers) due to the extra stat kernel call made for every incoming request. I'd recommend this method of enabling maintenance mode with nginx.

Nginx remove leading slash and trailing file type suffix and pass to php

I have received to migrate an existing website written in old php hosted on Apache, and I will deploy to an Nginx.
I wish to have URL like this:
To be executed like this
So I need to remove leading slash and remove html. The config below works if I hardcode a specific page:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /content.php?page=about;
But of course it always serve about regardless if I access our-company.html, or our-services.html. I am not sure what I need to replace the "about" string in the config.
You should use a rewrite directive to perform the actual translation. You can invoke it from a named location specified as the last parameter on the try_files statement.
For example:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ #rewrite;
location #rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.*)\.html$ /content.php?page=$1 last;
See this document for more.

nginx rewrite with try_files 403

I have a webserver with /usercp/ and usercp.php. I'm using tryfiles and re-write to see if file.php exists do file, otherwise goto /file/ (in my case file = usercp)
Here is my nginx conf.
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ #extension-php;
location #extension-php {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1.php last;
This also makes give a 403 error. Any ideas?
The problem is that you are prioritizing the folder indexing over the php file if you want the opposite I recommend not to use the autoindex on because it exposes the contents of your folder and swap the last 2 items in the try_files, try this
location / {
try_files $uri $uri.php $uri/;
PS: $uri/ will always return 403 if it doesn't contain the index file specified in index because by default it forbids folder listing, you should either put the index file if that's what you intend to do, or just remove the whole $uri/ from the try_files so that it would return 404 instead of 403
What it does is simply checks the existence of files, and then serves the file that exists.
You claim /usercp/ exists. As such, that's what it'll try to serve. But you probably don't have autoindex on, hence, directory listing is disallowed — 403 Forbidden.

Look for file in subfolders in nginx

I am changing the file structure.
Some of the urls, that were previously available at root level of the site are now moved to a subfolder.
So I have an $uri.
I try_files $uri #check_subfolder;
If the file (normal .html file) still exists at the root level, or it's url is written properly, then try_files $uri works as it should.
But if the file is moved to a subfolder, then I enter
location #check_subfolder {
And if here I just make a redirection rewrite ^(.*) $scheme://$host/articles$1 permanent; then everything is still perfect.
But I want first to check if the $uri really exist in the /articles subfolder or not.
So I do
location #check_subfolder {
if (-f "/articles${uri}") {
rewrite ^(.*) $scheme://$host/articles$1 permanent;
It just falls down to error 404. Redirection doesn't happen. Without the if redirection works. So obviously the problem in the way how I formulate the condition.
if (-f "/articles${uri}") doesn't work.
if (-f "/articles${request_filename}") doesn't work.
if (-f "/articles/${request_filename}") doesn't work.
if (-f /articles/$request_filename) doesn't work.
if (-f /articles/$uri) doesn't work.
I obviously write wrong concatenation.
My answer is that I didn't think that -f looks for file in filesystem, not for a web-page, so I had to include $document_root.
So now it works like
location #check_subfolders {
if (-f $document_root/articles/$uri ) {
rewrite ^(.*) $scheme://$host:8090/articles$1 permanent;

rewrite rule nginx

Can someone help me for my nginx rewrite rule. I have the problem like this
if file not found in* it will redirect to .
for example :
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
the problem i have thousand of name_dir. I have nginx.conf like this
if (-f $request_filename) {
if (-d $request_filename) {
rewrite (^.+$) $1/
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/xxx/(.*)$ /xxx/index.php?$1 last;
rewrite ^.+?(/.*\.php)$ $1 last;
In configuration above only redirect name_dir xxx. How rewrite rule to redirect all directory ?
Thank for your help
You want to use try_files to check for the existence of files instead of if statements here (because If's are Evil in Nginx).
To to a single directory, it would be like:
location /xxx/{
try_files $uri $uri/ /xxx/index.php;
index index.php
What this does is try the uri as a file first. If that doesn't work, it'll try as a directory. If neither work, it'll default to index.php of /xxx/. The extra index line is to keep it from showing a blank page if you go directly to
Using regex, we can expand this rule to work with more than one directory:
location ~* ^(/.*)/{
try_files $uri $uri/ $1/index.php?$uri&$args;
index index.php
This should grab the full directory structure and rout it to the appropriate index. ==> ==>
If you only wanted the second example to go to yyy/index.php, use this regex in the location instead:
