How to add encrypted variables in codemagic.yaml? - codemagic

I'm new to Codemagic, and I want to use it to automatically build, test and deploy my Flutter app.
Following this tutorial, I would like to encrypt some variables and add them in my codemagic.yaml file, using the Encrypt environnement variables utility, as shown in the tutorial.
But it looks like it's an old interface, and I can't find it anywhere anymore.
So how can I encrypt sensitive variables and add them in my codemagic.yaml file, using the Encrypted() command?

Encrypted() variables were deprecated time ago and now you should add all secret variables in Codemagic UI. You can read more here


How should I deal with twitter auth token in shinyapp?

I built simple shinyapp that download tweets from a particular account and display some simple statistics and graphs (sentiment analysis, word clouds, etc.). I used the rtweet package. I would like to publish it at The app works as intended locally using twitter auth token saved as a global environment.
How should I safely authorize my app publishing it online? Hardcoding my API keys into the script feels a terrible idea.
You could use library(secret) and add your API key to a vault. In your shiny application you add a field where your privat key needs to be provided and with this key you can get the API key from the vault.
Alternatively, you can add a field in your APP where the api key needs to be entered directly.
I found the answers I needed using these two instructions together:
How to pass environment variables to shinyapps
This allowed me to publish the app to without hardcoding any secret information into the app. Instead I used the functions rtweet::rtweet_app and rtweet::auth_app like this at the top of the server.R file:
app <- rtweet::rtweet_app(bearer_token = Sys.getenv("MY_BEARER_TOKEN"))
The part saying Sys.getenv("MY_BEARER_TOKEN") retrieves the token from an environmental variable that you store according to recipe 2 above (the bearer token that you need to put in that .Renviron file is gotten from the Twitter developer platform and your app project there). The only thing to note regarding the recipe in link 2 above is that you should not store the .Renviron file locally at your computer but in the app that you publish to, (as commented by the user Erik Iverson: "This worked for me after creating a copy of my .Renviron file in the root directory of my Shiny application").

How to handle environment variables on a deployed SF4 application

Symfony introduced a new Dotenv component since Symfony 3 which allows us to handle environment variables as application parameters. This looks really nice and it's the best practice to follow according to 12factor app manifesto.
Now, regarding Symfony 4 they went further by pushing forward this practice and that's why I started using environment variables via the .env file.
And then I wanted to deploy and I realized that the .env file must not be persisted on the server as it would be the same as having a parameters.yml file.
So I've been digging into the documentation a bit and I found this article which explains that we can directly create environment variables via some webserver directives. That's great for code being executed via FPM but it does not tell us how to handle environment variables when running a command via the CLI for instance.
How can I achieve this ?
Should there be an equivalent of a .env file stored somewhere? But then parameters would be duplicated ?
I'm welcoming any help ;)
Finally had the time to check the link Neodan posted and everything is in there!
So for those of you wondering what to do, simply edit the /etc/environment file and add your variables. Then reboot your server and all your processes will have access to these variables.
I guess that's the simplest solution. The only drawback of this method is that these variables are available by any process / users but that's ok as far as I'm concerned.
If you want a more secure solution I suppose that you could, as I stated before, configure your webserver to add environment variables and export them via your .bash_profile or .bashrc file but be careful about how you start your shell (when deploying your application for instance). It's more complicated to maintain and prone to errors I'd say.
N.B.: You also might want to be careful about how you name your variables to prevent collisions.

How to lock a python variable file in robot framework?

I need to store my user id and password in a python variable file in robot framework. This credential will be utilized to login to website to test it. No other person should be able to view my credential (even in git also). Hence, I have to lock this variable file. Is there any way to lock this python variable file?
Due to their nature Source Code Repository systems are public in nature. So, either you lock the repository or it's open to everyone. This makes storing any type of sensitive data in such a system a bad idea.
For these types of information it is typically best to have a separate file and refer to that file when executing the run. In Robot Framework this can be done using Variable files. These can be referred to using the Variables myvariables.<ext>. There is support for Python and YAML files.
Securing these files can be as easy as placing them in a location that only few can access to setting up tools to store them encrypted and only make them available when having the right key. This is a separate topic on it's own with it's own challenges.

how to add a pushkey when manually entering data via the firebase console?

I would like to create data in a new firebase database and I need to include pushkeys. I know it can import data via a JSON file I do not know how to create a pushkey in a JSON file.
I have tried using the firebase console data entry tool but could not figure out how to do it. Googling the problem did not supply and results.
If anyone can help I would prefer to use the firebase data entry tool.
you can write any key just be sure that your key is not duplicated and upload your JSON file, there is no problem doing that

Using MagicalRecord to prepopulate a database (swift). -wal journal created, however, data not copied to database

(Forgive me since I am not use to posting here. Will do my best)
I am working on an iOS application that will be using a pre-populated database. In my workspace, I have a project for the iOS app and a separate command line tool project to populate the database. I have dragged the database file from the "/Library/Application Support" folder into my iOS project (without using the "Copy Items If Needed"). So when there is a change in the data or additional data is required, I can just run the command line tool to pre-populate the data. From there I will remove the app from the simulator and do a clean. When I run the app, I would think everything would be ok.
It was driving me crazy for the longest but sometimes, I don't see the changes reflected after I remove the app, clean the project and then run. It seems the only way I can get this to work is, after I run the command line tool to pre-populate the database, I have to open the database file using Base, SQLiteStudio or Firefox's sqlite add-on. Once I do that, it seems to work.
When I look in finder, I do see the files .sqlite, sqlite-shm and sqlite-wal. Before opening the database file, I see that the wal file is the biggest (for now it's 2mb). Once I open the file using Base for example, and then close it, the sqlite file is now 2mb.
When the command line is about to finish, I have tried running PRAGMA statements on the file (vacuum, wal-checkpoint) but those did not work. What am I missing here. I also tried using NSManagedObjectContext.MR_defaultContext.saveToPersistentStoreAndWait
I am using the following code to setup and save.
MagicalRecord.saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlockAndWait({(context)->Void in
println("Data saved, I hope")})
Any help would be appreciated
You need to enable the DELETE pragma mode for your sqlite store. This will not create the -wal and -shm files. This will make it easier for you to have a single file for use at your pre-populated data store. You will need to use MagicalRecord 3.0 with some of the extra abilities to add custom options to your stores if you'd like o go that route. However, you can still add a store to a coordinator and have that store configured with the proper pragma option as well. That is, MagicalRecord is not necessary if you use normal Core Data.
