How to lock a python variable file in robot framework? - robotframework

I need to store my user id and password in a python variable file in robot framework. This credential will be utilized to login to website to test it. No other person should be able to view my credential (even in git also). Hence, I have to lock this variable file. Is there any way to lock this python variable file?

Due to their nature Source Code Repository systems are public in nature. So, either you lock the repository or it's open to everyone. This makes storing any type of sensitive data in such a system a bad idea.
For these types of information it is typically best to have a separate file and refer to that file when executing the run. In Robot Framework this can be done using Variable files. These can be referred to using the Variables myvariables.<ext>. There is support for Python and YAML files.
Securing these files can be as easy as placing them in a location that only few can access to setting up tools to store them encrypted and only make them available when having the right key. This is a separate topic on it's own with it's own challenges.


Making sqlite3_open() fail if the file already exists

I'm developing an application that uses SQLite for its data files. I'm just linking in the SQLite amalgamation source, using it directly.
If the user chooses to create a new file, I check to see if the file already exists, ask the user if they want to overwrite the file, and delete it if they say yes. Then I call sqlite3_open_v2() with flags set to SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE to create and open the new data file.
Which is fine, except, what happens if a malicious user recreates the file I'm trying to open in between the file being deleted and SQLite opening it? As far as I'm aware, SQLite will just open the existing file.
My program doesn't involve passwords or any kind of security function whatsoever. It's a pretty simple app, all things considered. However, I've read plenty of stories where someone uses a simple app with an obscure bug in it to bypass the security of some system.
So, bottom line, is there a way to make sqlite3_open() fail if the file already exists?
You might be able to patch in support for the O_EXCL option flag of open(2). If you are using SQLite on a platform that supports that.

Java FX app - unique id for each distibution

I have Java FX app which is available for download on my site. I am looking for a way how to remotely and uniquely identify each downloaded application. Is it possible to store the id (for ex. in txt file) into a package of the Java FX app immediately before download?
Thanks for any suggestions
Each time you distribute it, you could try signing and timestamping the jar file for distribution. That way you can ensure that the file is not tampered with and validate it's signature and timestamp either locally or in a callback to a service you provide if necessary.
Also consider java-webstart cited here.
Yes, signing and webstart technologies can be used together if desired. Those two technologies can be used separately or together, so you can choose what is appropriate for your app. See the javapackager documentation for more details of the packaging process for web start (go through the documentation and refer to the sections that reference jnlp). Be aware that web start currently only works with Oracle JDK (as far as I know).
For your purposes, you would create a script that executes on each download request to generate a unique id or timestamp (or gets a timestamp from a timestamp service) and adds that to the package before signing and offering the package for download. You could add the download instance UUID and timestamp together with the referring IP address or user id (if you have a login system on your website), to a server-side database to track who downloaded what at what time.
If using webstart, you use a JNLP deployment as mentioned in the linked documentation. There are options for the packaging the JNLP to interact with some Javascript on a webpage, which can reduce network traffic and speed up the download and usage process. Sophisticated deployment mechanisms can dynamically generate that download package, and the download page with Javascript calls which embed JNLP data. Details or samples of such systems are outside the scope of the information I can provide here.

single download file for multiple applications

I have a website on which I have published several of my applications.
Right now I have to update it each time one of the applications is updated.
The applications themselves check for updates so the user only visits the website if they don't have a previous version installed.
I would like to make it easier for me by creating a single executable that when downloaded and executed, will check with the database which version is the most recent and then download that one and run that setup.
Now I can make a downloader for each application, but I rather make something more universal with a parameter or argument as the difference.
For the download the 'know' which database to check for the most recent version, I need to pass on the data to the downloader.
My first thought was putting that in a XML file, so I only have to generate different xml files for each application, but then it wouldn't be a single executable anymore.
My second thought was using commandline arguments like: downloader.exe databasename
But how would I do that when the file is downloaded?
Would a link like: " databasename" work?
How could I best do this?

How can I create and download a zip file using Actionscript

I'm developing an application using Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK, in which the user would be able to export multiple files bundled in one zip file. I was thinking that I must need to take the following steps in order for performing this task:
Create a temporary folder on the server for the user who requested the download. Since it is an anonymous type of user, I have to read Sate/Session information to identify the user.
Copy all the requested files into the temporary folder on the server
Zip the copied file
Download the zip file from the server to the client machine
I was wondering if anybody knows any best-practice/sample-code for the task
The ByteArray class has some methods for compressing, but this is more for data transport, not for packaging up multiple files.
I don't like saying things are impossible, but I will say that this should be done on the server-side. Depending on your server architecture I would suggest sending the binary files to a server script which could package the files for you.
A quick google search for your preferred server-side language and zipping files should give you some sample scripts to get you started.

Best practices place to put URL that configs my app?

We have a Qt app that when it starts tries to connect to a servlet to get config parameters that it needs to keep running.
The URL may change frequently because we have to test the application in several environments. Right now (as a temporary solution) the URL is a constant in source code, but it is a little bit ugly.
Where is the best place to mainting this URL, so that we do not need to change the source code every time I want to change the environment target?
In a database table maybe (my application uses a SQLite DB), in a settings file, or in some other way?
Thank you for you replies.
You have a number of options:
Hard coded (like you have already)
Run-time user input
Command line arguments
Read from a bespoke file as text.
I would think option 3 would be the most simple to implement without being intrusive, but it does depend on what kind of application you have.
I would keep the list of url in a document, e.g. a XML, stored in a central, well known place, e.g. a known web server, and hardcode the url of the known place in the app.
The list could then be edited externally without recompiling your app;
The app would at startup download and parse the list, pointing to the right servlet based upon an environment specified as a command line parameter.
