NumberAnimation does not take into account property change until stopped - qt

I have a QML application with 2 rectangles: a large rectangle and a small rectangle inside the large one.
The small rectangle is animated and moves inside the large rectangle.
The animation is done by combining 2 NumberAnimation in a SequentialAnimation.
It works well, except that the to property of one of the NumberAnimation can change.
I would except the change of value to be applied immediately.
However, it is not taken into account until the animations are fully stopped and restarted.
Calling stop()/start() or restart() does not do anything.
I need to wait for the animation to actually finish and then start it again.
This can be demonstrated with the following QML code:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
RowLayout {
Rectangle {
id: topRect
width: 400
height: 400
border {
color: "red"
width: 2
Rectangle {
id: animatedRectangle
width: 100
color: "blue"
id: animation
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: cbAnimate.checked
alwaysRunToEnd: true
NumberAnimation {
id: forwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "x"
to: sbWidth.value
duration: 2000
NumberAnimation {
id: backwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "x"
to: 0
duration: 2000
ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
id: cbAnimate
text: "Animate"
SpinBox {
id: sbWidth
value: 300
to: 400
SpinBox {
to: 999
Start the animation with the checkbox
Change the value of to with sbWidth
See in the other SpinBox that the value of to was changed
Observe that the animation is still using the old value
Stop the animation, wait for the Rectangle to stop moving, Start the animation
Observe that the animation is using the value set in step 2
Isn't there a way to make the animation use the new value of to immediately?
This behavior is particularly painful when a QML element is animated by default and the to value depends on the geometry of Items, as during the creation of the QML scene Qt will create and then resize Items. Meaning that animation started at creation time won't get their values updated during the resize.

In this particular case the best solution is to use the workaround suggedted by #stephen-quan: animate a proxy property property real animatedX between 0.0 and 1.0. And then bind the property I want to animate to this animated property and do the extra computation in this binding: x: animatedX * sbWidth.value. Eliminating the need of changing the to property of the animation.
The issue of animations not taking property change into account until restarted is a very old issue. It has been reported numerous times:
PropertyAnimation ignores from/to changes
Changing an Animation
duration has no effect
Since Qt 6.4, the state has slightly improved. Quoting Qt documentation:
Since Qt 6.4, it is possible to set the from, to, duration, and easing properties on a top-level animation while it is running. The animation will take the changes into account on the next loop.
However, it still does not affect the current loop and requires the animation to be top-level. So even with this improvement, I still need to animate a proxy property, ensuring changes are taken into account in real-time.

I made various changes to your sample.
I introduced from: 0 to your first NumberAnimation. This ensures that whenever you stop/start the animation, it will reset. Also, removing alwaysRunToEnd helps with that.
I introduced a new property double val: 0 property which will range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is what I used NumberAnimation on instead of x. The advantage is, we know that the NumberAnimation will happily move from 0.0 to 1.0 and back to 0.0 consistently.
Then, I introduced a formula linking val to x and takes into account of sbWidth.value.
To make it easier to change sbWidth.value I changed it from a SpinBox to a Slider.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
RowLayout {
Rectangle {
id: topRect
width: 400
height: 400
border {
color: "red"
width: 2
Rectangle {
id: animatedRectangle
property double val: 0.0
x: val * sbWidth.value
width: 100
color: "blue"
Label {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: parent.x.toFixed(2)
color: "white"
id: animation
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: cbAnimate.checked
//alwaysRunToEnd: true
NumberAnimation {
id: forwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "val"
from: 0
to: 1.0
duration: 2000
NumberAnimation {
id: backwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "val"
to: 0
duration: 2000
ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
id: cbAnimate
text: "Animate"
Slider {
id: sbWidth
value: 300
from: 100
to: 400
Text {
text: sbWidth.value.toFixed(2)
You can Try it Online!


QML Behaviour without "on" specified

According to Animation documentation in section "Default Animation as Behaviors", they say that
There are several methods of assigning behavior animations to properties.
One of them is that we should be able to use Behaviour without on property but I don't succeed in having it working.
Here is my example code. I have a colored circle, and changing the color should trigger the ColorAnimation but it doesn't
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Rectangle {
width: 75; height: 75; radius: width
id: ball
color: "salmon"
Behavior {
ColorAnimation { target: ball; duration: 100 }
Component.onCompleted: timer.start()
id: timer
onTriggered: {ball.color = "blue" }
interval: 1000
If I add on color, it works. I also tried to add property: "color" into ColorAnimation definition but nothing happens.
After browsing the docs a bit more I do not think there is another way to specify the property for Behaviors in QML, even though the animation docs suggest so.
Behavior is a Property Modifier Type more specific a property value write interceptor. Currently Behavior is the only one, see:
Writing Behavior without the on <property> only defines a new Behavior component. To use it, it must be applied on a property. Code from Qt 5 documentation:
// FadeBehavior.qml
import QtQuick 2.15
Behavior {
Then use that Behavior:
Text {
FadeBehavior on text {}

How can I get the drop effect of a DragArea to animate towards the DropArea that received it?

Hope this makes some sense as a question. In my app, I have a DragArea defined which I use to start dragging things over top of various Rectangles that each contain a DropArea. Everything is working fine in my code except for a cosmetic effect that I would like to change.
In QML, when you start dragging from a DragArea and eventually drop, the animation effect is such that the thing you're dragging animates (while fading out) back to the spot from which you started dragging. This happens even when you drop over a DropArea that successfully captures the drop.
What I would like to do is have the drop effect animate towards the DropArea that received the drop - so that it appears I am dragging-and-dropping things into the Rectangle. Is there any way to do this?
I'm guessing that this in some way involves the .source and .target properties of these areas, but no luck so far in having any effect on where the drop animation goes.
By default, QML will give you no cosmetic behavior for drag and drop whatsoever. The drag target will begin at the drag start location, and will end wherever it is dropped, regardless of whether the drag is accepted or not.
Thus I assume the behavior you describe is implemented in your user code, which you have not disclosed. Regardless, what you want to do is quite easy, it involves tracking the position the drag originates at and it ends at, so you can use the two coordinates to animate the position.
In the following example the red rectangle can be dragged, and if dropped outside of a drop area it will animate from its current to its initial position, whereas if dropped in the yellow rectangle, it will animate from its initial to its drop position.
Window {
width: 600
height: 600
visible: true
Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 200
color: "yellow"
DropArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onEntered: drag.source.accepted = true
onExited: drag.source.accepted = false
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 50
height: 50
color: "red"
x: parent.width * 0.5
y: parent.height * 0.5
property point begin
property point end
property bool accepted : false
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent parent
onPressed: rect.begin = Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y)
onReleased: {
rect.end = Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y)
aX.from = rect.accepted ? rect.begin.x : rect.end.x = rect.accepted ? rect.end.x : rect.begin.x
aY.from = rect.accepted ? rect.begin.y : rect.end.y = rect.accepted ? rect.end.y : rect.begin.y
ParallelAnimation {
id: anim
NumberAnimation { id: aX; target: rect; property: "x"; duration: 200 }
NumberAnimation { id: aY; target: rect; property: "y"; duration: 200 }

QML Moving text with timer

I need to create moving text on the screen continuously from right to left, I have implemented it using QML Timer and Text element.
The below code works fine but I am concerned about the below code causing more cpu or memory usage mainly because the timer is triggered every 33 ms. I have to use this in my places in my application and in multiple instances, like inside many grid windows.
Is this right approach? or does anything exist better than this?
color: "#333333"
Timer {
id: resetTimer
interval: 33
repeat: true
running: true
onTriggered: {
moving_text.x = moving_text.x-1
text:"Moving text"
color: "white"
Why to make things so complected. You could use NumberAnimation on x as follows:
import QtQuick 2.0
id: root
color: "#333333"
text:"Moving text"
color: "white"
NumberAnimation on x{
from: root.width
to: -1*moving_text.width
loops: Animation.Infinite
duration: 3000
As for your concern about memory and cpu usage, you should compare both the methods and check which one suits you. But my personal recommendation is to use NumberAnimation.

How to set initial value of a custom slider in qml?

I am using Qt 5.4.1. I have made a custom slider element to be used in other qml components like so:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
Item {
id: root
width: 150
height: 30
property int val: slider.value
property int maxVal: slider.maximumValue
property int minVal: slider.minimumValue
property int step: slider.stepSize
Slider {
id: slider
anchors.margins: 20
stepSize: step
maximumValue: maxVal
minimumValue: minVal
style: customStyle
// onValueChanged: print("From Slider.qml" ,value)
Component {
id: customStyle
SliderStyle {
handle: Rectangle {
width: 20
height: 12
antialiasing: true
color: Qt.lighter("#468bb7", 1.2)
groove: Item {
implicitHeight: root.height
implicitWidth: root.width
Rectangle {
height: 8
width: parent.width
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: "#847878"
opacity: 0.8
Rectangle {
antialiasing: true
radius: 1
color: "#1a0d0d"
height: parent.height
width: parent.width * control.value / control.maximumValue
And in another file test.qml I am using this slider like so
import QtQuick 2.3
Rectangle {
id: test
width: 640; height: 480
Slider {
id: slider
width: 300
height: 30
anchors.centerIn: parent
maxVal: 1000
minVal: 0
step: 50
val: 500 // when commented out, onValChanged is triggered on sliding
onValChanged: print(val)
I want to set the slider to an initial value when instantiated in test.qml, using the property val. But when I set initial value, onValChanged does not get triggered when sliding the slider. But when I comment that line out (val: 500), onValChanged is triggered when the slider is slid, but the slider starts with initial value of 0 which I don't want. I don't understand what I am doing wrong here!
The setting of the property val to a specific value overrides the binding, as defined in your slider component. Once the binding is lost, any update of the slider is not delivered to val resulting in the behaviour you experienced. On the other way around, if you don't set the property the binding is maintained, i.e. as the slider value changes the value of val changes accordingly, triggering the signal.
That's not the way to go in this case, also because you are adding a set of properties which simply exposes inner properties of Slider. Just use properties alias:
Property aliases are properties which hold a reference to another property. Unlike an ordinary property definition, which allocates a new, unique storage space for the property, a property alias connects the newly declared property (called the aliasing property) as a direct reference to an existing property (the aliased property).
Rewrite your properties inside Slider.qml as follows:
property alias val: slider.value
property alias maxVal: slider.maximumValue
property alias minVal: slider.minimumValue
property alias step: slider.stepSize
This way val is slider.value and setting it to 500 directly affect the slider without breaking any binding.
On a sidenote, you can also for example write
property alias maximumValue: slider.maximumValue
i.e. expose inner properties with their very same name to maintain the consistency in API naming.

ListView scrolling animation

I want to implement a scrolling animation for QML ListView. Here is a sample image:
Can anybody advise me for implementing this?
Thank you.
The ViewTransition provides a lot of interesting examples on how to animate a ListView for operations like populate (the transition for the initial items at component creation), add, remove (self-explanatory) as well as other operations.
Given a ListView you define an element Transition for each operation you want to animate. The animation framework can be exploited to create compound animations, by simply combining the basic animations to create the (more or less) complex behaviour you are interested in (see also here for an actual example).
Here a definition for a ListView (the first linked document provides some nice images):
ListView {
// data model, delegate, other usual stuff here...
// transitions for insertion/deletation of elements
add: Transition {
NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0; to: 1.0; duration: 500 }
NumberAnimation { property: "scale"; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; from: 0; to: 1.0; duration: 750 }
addDisplaced: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; duration: 600; easing.type: Easing.InBack }
remove: Transition {
NumberAnimation { property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0; duration: 200 }
NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 1.0; to: 0; duration: 200 }
removeDisplaced: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutBack }
Finally, note that some behaviours can be obtained by using Shaders and combining animation on the elements and transitions on the delegate/elements of the delegate. A nice example is Tweet Search, in which a shading effect (see [ShaderEffect][5]) on the bar item is combined with a simple Transition on ListView add.
Provide a customized scrolling like in the examples requires to take in account the position of the Items inside the ListView. A key to a working solution is to find a way to calculate the current position of the Item inside the visible part of the view and use that value to calculate the appropriate transformation. ListView derives from Flickable which has several useful properties for this purpose.
However, the y property of the Item is referred to the overall height of the content inside the ListView. To have its position w.r.t. the beginning of the visible area we can use the contentY property. A picture is worth a thousand words in this case:
The difference between y and contentY provides a value which can be used to calculate the required transformation factor (maybe in relation to the height of the ListView). Indeed, as the ListView is flicked, the two values and their difference change and so changes the transformation factor for a specific Item.
Such transformation covers only part of the problem. Once the flicking/movement ends the Items animation must be "finished" to make all the visible items usable. For this purpose we can exploit Binding and its when property to activate the finishing animation only when required, i.e. when flicking or dragging ends.
Given all this (boring) introduction, let's take in account the second animation (the simpler one). Here we can use scale to obtain the desired effect. The delegate code inside the ListView looks like the following:
ListView {
id: list
model: 100
spacing: 10
delegate: Rectangle {
id: itemDelegate
property int listY: y - list.contentY // stores the difference between the two values
width: parent.width
height: 50
border.color: "lightgray"
color: "red"
Binding {
target: itemDelegate
property: "scale"
value: 1 - listY / list.height / 2 // the "scale" property accepts values in the range [0, 1]
when: list.moving || list.flicking || list.dragging // ...when moved around
Binding {
target: itemDelegate
property: "scale"
value: 1 // flick finished --> scale to full size!
when: !(list.moving || list.dragging) // not moving or dragging any more
Behavior on scale {
NumberAnimation { duration: 100; to: 1}
enabled: !(list.flicking || list.dragging) // active only when flick or dragging ends!
The first Binding define the scaling factor on the basis of listY whereas the second one set the scaling to 1 but only when the ListView is not moving. The final Behavior is necessary to smooth the transition to the fully scaled Item.
The third effect can be obtained in a similar fashion with a Rotation:
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
id: list
spacing: 10
model: 100
delegate: Rectangle {
id: itemDelegate
property int listY: y - list.contentY
property real angleZ: (90 * listY) / list.height // 0 - 90 degrees
transform: Rotation { origin.x: width / 2; origin.y: 30; axis { x: 1; y: 0; z: 0 } angle: angleZ}
//transform: Rotation { origin.x: 0; origin.y: 30; axis { x: 1; y: 1; z: 0 } angle: angleZ} <--- I like this one more!
width: parent.width
height: 50
border.color: "lightgray"
color: "red"
Binding {
target: itemDelegate
property: "angleZ"
value: 0
when: !(list.moving || list.dragging)
Behavior on angleZ {
NumberAnimation {duration: 200; to: 0}
enabled: !(list.flicking || list.dragging)
This time I've choosen to (arbitrarily) use only one Binding. The same could have been made for the first example, i.e. we could have written in the first delegate scale: 1 - listY / list.height / 2.
Following a similar approach you can also create the first animation and others. For the first animation I think that combining a Rotation with a Translate should suffice.
After many hours of work, research and #BaCaRoZzo's great help (Thanks #BaCaRoZzo), I finally found the right solution. Just use Component.onCompleted() event handler to run the animation associated with each delegate.
Here is an example, enjoy!
import QtQuick 2.3
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
id: list
model: 100
cacheBuffer: 50
delegate: Rectangle {
id: itemDelegate
Component.onCompleted: showAnim.start();
transform: Rotation { id:rt; origin.x: width; origin.y: height; axis { x: 0.3; y: 1; z: 0 } angle: 0}// <--- I like this one more!
width: parent.width
height: 50
color: index % 2 === 0 ? "#EEE" : "#DDD"
SequentialAnimation {
id: showAnim
running: false
RotationAnimation { target: rt; from: 180; to: 0; duration: 800; easing.type: Easing.OutBack; property: "angle" }
A PathView displays data from models created from built-in QML types like ListModel and XmlListModel, or custom model classes defined in C++ that inherit from QAbstractListModel.
The view has a model, which defines the data to be displayed, and a delegate, which defines how the data should be displayed. The delegate is instantiated for each item on the path. The items may be flicked to move them along the path.
