QML Behaviour without "on" specified - qt

According to Animation documentation in section "Default Animation as Behaviors", they say that
There are several methods of assigning behavior animations to properties.
One of them is that we should be able to use Behaviour without on property but I don't succeed in having it working.
Here is my example code. I have a colored circle, and changing the color should trigger the ColorAnimation but it doesn't
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Rectangle {
width: 75; height: 75; radius: width
id: ball
color: "salmon"
Behavior {
ColorAnimation { target: ball; duration: 100 }
Component.onCompleted: timer.start()
id: timer
onTriggered: {ball.color = "blue" }
interval: 1000
If I add on color, it works. I also tried to add property: "color" into ColorAnimation definition but nothing happens.

After browsing the docs a bit more I do not think there is another way to specify the property for Behaviors in QML, even though the animation docs suggest so.
Behavior is a Property Modifier Type more specific a property value write interceptor. Currently Behavior is the only one, see:

Writing Behavior without the on <property> only defines a new Behavior component. To use it, it must be applied on a property. Code from Qt 5 documentation:
// FadeBehavior.qml
import QtQuick 2.15
Behavior {
Then use that Behavior:
Text {
FadeBehavior on text {}


NumberAnimation does not take into account property change until stopped

I have a QML application with 2 rectangles: a large rectangle and a small rectangle inside the large one.
The small rectangle is animated and moves inside the large rectangle.
The animation is done by combining 2 NumberAnimation in a SequentialAnimation.
It works well, except that the to property of one of the NumberAnimation can change.
I would except the change of value to be applied immediately.
However, it is not taken into account until the animations are fully stopped and restarted.
Calling stop()/start() or restart() does not do anything.
I need to wait for the animation to actually finish and then start it again.
This can be demonstrated with the following QML code:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
RowLayout {
Rectangle {
id: topRect
width: 400
height: 400
border {
color: "red"
width: 2
Rectangle {
id: animatedRectangle
width: 100
color: "blue"
id: animation
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: cbAnimate.checked
alwaysRunToEnd: true
NumberAnimation {
id: forwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "x"
to: sbWidth.value
duration: 2000
NumberAnimation {
id: backwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "x"
to: 0
duration: 2000
ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
id: cbAnimate
text: "Animate"
SpinBox {
id: sbWidth
value: 300
to: 400
SpinBox {
value: forwardAnimation.to
to: 999
Start the animation with the checkbox
Change the value of to with sbWidth
See in the other SpinBox that the value of to was changed
Observe that the animation is still using the old value
Stop the animation, wait for the Rectangle to stop moving, Start the animation
Observe that the animation is using the value set in step 2
Isn't there a way to make the animation use the new value of to immediately?
This behavior is particularly painful when a QML element is animated by default and the to value depends on the geometry of Items, as during the creation of the QML scene Qt will create and then resize Items. Meaning that animation started at creation time won't get their values updated during the resize.
In this particular case the best solution is to use the workaround suggedted by #stephen-quan: animate a proxy property property real animatedX between 0.0 and 1.0. And then bind the property I want to animate to this animated property and do the extra computation in this binding: x: animatedX * sbWidth.value. Eliminating the need of changing the to property of the animation.
The issue of animations not taking property change into account until restarted is a very old issue. It has been reported numerous times:
PropertyAnimation ignores from/to changes
Changing an Animation
duration has no effect
Since Qt 6.4, the state has slightly improved. Quoting Qt documentation:
Since Qt 6.4, it is possible to set the from, to, duration, and easing properties on a top-level animation while it is running. The animation will take the changes into account on the next loop.
However, it still does not affect the current loop and requires the animation to be top-level. So even with this improvement, I still need to animate a proxy property, ensuring changes are taken into account in real-time.
I made various changes to your sample.
I introduced from: 0 to your first NumberAnimation. This ensures that whenever you stop/start the animation, it will reset. Also, removing alwaysRunToEnd helps with that.
I introduced a new property double val: 0 property which will range from 0.0 to 1.0. This is what I used NumberAnimation on instead of x. The advantage is, we know that the NumberAnimation will happily move from 0.0 to 1.0 and back to 0.0 consistently.
Then, I introduced a formula linking val to x and takes into account of sbWidth.value.
To make it easier to change sbWidth.value I changed it from a SpinBox to a Slider.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
RowLayout {
Rectangle {
id: topRect
width: 400
height: 400
border {
color: "red"
width: 2
Rectangle {
id: animatedRectangle
property double val: 0.0
x: val * sbWidth.value
width: 100
color: "blue"
Label {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: parent.x.toFixed(2)
color: "white"
id: animation
loops: Animation.Infinite
running: cbAnimate.checked
//alwaysRunToEnd: true
NumberAnimation {
id: forwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "val"
from: 0
to: 1.0
duration: 2000
NumberAnimation {
id: backwardAnimation
target: animatedRectangle
property: "val"
to: 0
duration: 2000
ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
id: cbAnimate
text: "Animate"
Slider {
id: sbWidth
value: 300
from: 100
to: 400
Text {
text: sbWidth.value.toFixed(2)
You can Try it Online!

Why does my QML background transparency break depending on width setting?

I'm running into some strange QML behavior. Basically, I have a TabBar header with several tabs running across it. I'd like the background element to be mostly the same for each of them, but some of them I want to be able to dynamically change the color of. So I have a component:
Component {
id: standardBackground
Rectangle {
opacity: parent.parent.checked ? 0 : (parent.parent.pressed ? 0.8 : 1)
color: tabColor
And for each TabButton, I'm doing:
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Tab 1")
background: Loader { sourceComponent: standardBackground }
height: 60
This works perfectly, but I'm running into some really strange errors. First off, running it this way gives me the following QML warning:
QML TabButton: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"
So I figured I could fix this by adding: width: parent.width to the Rectangle in my component. This does silence the warning, but for some reason, it makes it so that the first tab will always be transparent regardless of whether or not it's clicked. This only affects the first tab. I have no clue why this would happen.
However, when I set width: <anything>, then this fixes both problems: No warnings and correct transparency. Playing around with different settings for the width causes no noticeable changes, as long as it's positive. So I have it set to 1. If I set it to 0, I get the same "implicit width" warnings.
So a couple different questions:
Why does the transparency of the component break when I set width: parent.width?
Why can I set width to any constant value without it affecting the GUI at all?
Is there a better way of silencing the warning about implicit width?
Here is my full code (simplified to less tabs):
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.0
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.1
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Settings 2.1
import "DataEntry"
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 1280
height: 1024
visible: true
title: "Hello World"
property var tabColor: "#353637"
property var dummy: InputContext.focus
Settings {
id: settings
property string style: "Universal"
Component {
id: standardBackground
Rectangle {
opacity: parent.parent.checked ? 0 : (parent.parent.pressed ? 0.8 : 1)
color: tabColor
width: 1
header: TabBar {
id: bar
width: parent.width
height: 60
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Tab 1")
background: Loader { sourceComponent: standardBackground }
height: 60
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Tab 2")
background: Loader {
sourceComponent: standardBackground
function getTabColor(error){
if (error)
return '#cccc00'
return window.tabColor
property var tabColor: getTabColor(hasError)
height: 60
StackLayout {
id: viewStack
width: parent.width
anchors.fill: parent
currentIndex: bar.currentIndex
tab1 {
tab2 {
As we are on SO I tend to answer only one question. For you, I choos the question for the binding loop.
The reason for that binding loop is documented here.
You do not specify a size for the Loader so the implicit width of the Loader is set to the width specified by the loaded Item. Here you set the size to be the same as the Loader's size. Now this would not be a problem, and the result would just be 0
Now we stir in the Button which also has an implicitSize set to its styling items. Here the Loader is instantiated widht width 0 and then resized to fill the implicitWidth of the Button which is (without a sized background) depending on the text and the paddings.
And now we update the round. So, the implicitWidth of the Rectangle is depending on the width of the Loader whose implicitWidth is depending on the Rectangles width. Further the Loaders width is depending on the Buttons width, which is depending on its implicitWidth and which is in turn depending on its childrenRect.width...
A binding loop is easily detected even if there are no direct problems, as the system is stabilizing in the first iteration.

Add background and font colour to a button with material design

I am trying to design a login form with a material design on Qt which should look something like this:
However I can't figure out how to add colour to the button in QML and change the font colour of the button text. This is what I have got so far:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
Item {
property alias login: login
Pane {
id: pane
x: 144
y: 117
width: 353
height: 246
clip: false
font.strikeout: false
background: Rectangle {
color: "#ffffff"
ColumnLayout {
id: columnLayout
x: 139
y: -158
anchors.fill: parent
TextField {
id: username
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: qsTr("Username")
TextField {
id: password
Layout.fillWidth: true
placeholderText: qsTr("Password")
Button {
id: login
text: qsTr("Login")
spacing: -2
font.capitalization: Font.MixedCase
Layout.fillWidth: true
highlighted: false
// background: Rectangle {
// implicitWidth: 100
// implicitHeight: 40
// color: button.down ? "#d6d6d6" : "#f6f6f6"
// border.color: "#26282a"
// border.width: 1
// radius: 4
// }
As you can see (in the commented code) I tried to add colour using Rectangle with the background property but this removes the button features like shadow, highlight, darken on click and so on. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
For reference here is the output of my code:
In order to theme a Material controls, you have to use the Material attached properties
In your case you want to use Material.background :
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2
// ...
Button {
id: login
text: qsTr("Login")
Layout.fillWidth: true
Material.background: Material.Indigo
Material.foreground: "white"
Note that buttons should have upercased text, according to the material guidelines.
If you want to have a design that complies with the Google Materials design guidelines, the easiest way, is to use
To use them, it is sufficent to use any of the methods described here to activate them in your application. To try it out, I'd reccomend the command line argument. Just start your application with
-style material
If you want to have it fixed in your code, put it in the main.cpp:
Note that the -style options is the very same option defined here for widgets and desktop os styles. Despite this quick styles and widget styles are totally different things and you cannot apply the former to the latter and vice versa. Widget
If now you already use the Material-style, but are not contempt with it and desire to change some of the definitions for selected controls, you can import
import QtQuick.Controls.Materials 2.x
where you need to adapt x to the most recent version installed. 0 is the right one for Qt5.7
Then you can alter specific aspects like
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: mainWindow
width: 800
height: 600
visible: true
Button {
id: login
text: qsTr("LOGIN")
Material.background: Material.Orange // Change the background
If you don't want to use the Material and only want to change a specific color of the Control you need to understand why it is not that easy to do, without messing it up.
I tried to add colour using Rectangle with the background property but this removes the button features like shadow, highlight, darken on click and so on. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
You can't just change the color of the background, as there is not the color. There are various colors that are applied for different states. The expression might look like this:
color: (control.down ? 'darkgrey' : 'lightgrey')
So if you change the color to orange like this:
color: 'orange'
you messed up, as now the other state is not considered anymore.
Additionally, of course, you can't change the color of the background like background.color: 'green' from the beginning, as QML does not know about the property background.color. It expects an Item there, which has no color and the Rectangle is only created later. So what you need to do is
Be cautious to not override states
Wait until the property is available
Button {
id: login
text: qsTr("LOGIN")
Binding {
target: login
property: "background.color"
value: 'red'
when: !login.pressed // Here comes the state
You can simply highlight a Button to make the button colorize its background in a style-independent way. The Material style fills the background with the accent color and makes the text light:
Button {
text: qsTr("Login")
highlighted: true
A highlighted Button is by far more efficient than a customized button. Customization should be done only if necessary. It is just a visual highlight. There can be multiple highlighted buttons. Highlighting a Button does not affect focus.

QT QML how to change only one feature of a, say, button style

changing the style of a component, seems to replace all the features of the default style. is there a way to change only one feature?
For example, suppose i want a red button;
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
height: 200
width: 200
text: "Press me"
style: ButtonStyle
// changes background but also throws away everything else
// in standard button style
background: Rectangle { color: "red" }
re-defining ButtonStyle with a background works fine for changing the color of the button, but then everything else within the system default ButtonStyle is gone. For example, the border and the click highlight.
How to just change one feature and keep the rest?
Sorry if this has been asked before.
The above question was for Controls 1, but the same problem exists for Controls 2. Here's the same example code for Controls 2.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
height: 200
width: 200
text: "Press me"
// changes background but also throws away everything else
// in standard button style
background: Rectangle { color: "red" }
The purpose of QtQuick.Controls 1.4 was, to offer controls with native look and feel. If you want to have easier adjustable controls, and don't need the native look, you should consider the newer and faster QtQuick.Controls 2.0.
What you desire is - afaik - impossible, as the default style consists out of two Rectangles and one Image where the Image seems to be the most important. You can find the images in the mingw-package at this location:
To access the objects of the control, you find them here:
Button {
id: but2
x: 50
onClicked: console.log(this.children[1].item.children[0].item.children[0], this.children[1].item.children[0].item.children[1], this.children[1].item.children[0].item.children[2])
So, the easiest solution, to pop into my mind is to use Colorize
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
Window {
width: 1024
height: 800
visible: true
Button {
id: but
text: 'test'
Colorize {
source: but
anchors.fill: but
// values from the documentation example.
hue: 0.0
saturation: 0.5
lightness: -0.2
Or to be more general: To just adjust the styling, go for shaders.
QtQuick.Controls 2.0
There you have another case: the background is a Rectangle not just the Component. But if you do not assign one your self, it is only created after the Button.
Button {
id: but1
background.color: 'red'
is impossible, as the background is not instantiated when you try to assign the color.
You could use the Component.onCompleted handler to do this:
Button {
id: but1
Component.onCompleted: background.color = 'red'
But of course you overwrite the Binding of the original style, that handles the color-change while the Button is beeing pressed
Button {
id: but1
Component.onCompleted: background.color = Qt.binding(function() { return (but1.pressed ? 'red' : 'green') }
would enable the color-change again, but you won't have the original color.
You might retrive the orignal color by trying it out:
Button {
id: but1
onPressed: console.log(this.background.color)
onReleased: console.log(this.background.color)
This will output you the colors of the two states for pressed. But maybe there are more! So the easiest solution is to use a conditional Binding as this:
Button {
id: but1
Binding {
when: but1.pressed
target: but1
property: 'background.color'
value: 'red'
All QC2 types that derive from a Control have a member called palette. (See here) For some reason they don't mention this in the docs when they're describing how to customize the different controls. But you can look in the source code to see which palette colors you need to modify for your object. For instance, to change a Button's background to be red, you just need this:
id: btn1
palette.button: "red"
You can change all buttons in your application by changing the palette in your ApplicationWindow, like this:
id: mainWin
// Change default button background to be red
palette.button: "red"
id: btn1
// Background will be red
id: btn2
// You can of course override the default
palette.button: "green"

QtQuick QML. Cannot assign properties to object loaded with Loader

I want to write an app in QtQuick that dynamically loads content. I decided to use Loader. Now I have a problem, which overwhelms me. I thought I would spend two minutes on that, but it took me two days and my problem is still unresolved.
I want to load an object from a .qml file, when the button is clicked. Clicking different buttons will set different properties to that object. The object is a simple rectangle with text within it. It has properties like width, height, text, color of rectangle and color of text. The problem is that loading the rectangle with different parameters DOESN'T change anything else than the color of the rectangle. I tried so many combinations of naming, property aliases etc, but it gave me nothing. Only color changes. Let me introduce you my code:
//StartStateContent.qml --> I wish to use Loaders in my Finite States Machine, hence the name
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Rectangle {
id: startStateContent
property int myWidth
property int myHeight
property color myColor
property alias myText: name.text
property string myText2
property alias myTextColor: name.color
property color myTextColor2
// width: myWidth
// height: myHeight
color: kolor
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
id: name
text: "test"
//text: myText2
color: "yellow"
//color: myTextColor2
And a snippet of main.qml
Window {
visible: true
id: root
width: 500
height: 500
title: qsTr("Hello World")
id: pageLoader
anchors.top: root.top
anchors.left: root.left
width: root.width
height: root.height/2
id: but1
text: "red"
anchors.top: pageLoader.bottom
anchors.left: root.left
height: root.height/2
onClicked: {
pageLoader.setSource("StartStateContent.qml", {"myColor": "red"}, {"myTextColor" : "white"})
console.log("button red clicked")
id: but2
text: "green"
anchors.top: pageLoader.bottom
anchors.left: but1.right
height: root.height/2
width: root.width/2
onClicked: {
pageLoader.setSource("StartStateContent.qml", {"myColor": "green"}, {"myTextColor" : "green"})
console.log("button green clicked")
id: stateMachine
initialState: startState
onStarted: {
pageLoader.setSource("StartStateContent.qml", {"myColor": "blue"}, {"myTextColor" : "orange"})
console.log("App started")
Here I try to set only color and text.color, but earlier I tried to change text rectangle size too. At first, I tried to just write {"height" : 100}. Then {"height" : "100"}, {"height" = 100}, etc. Then I added property myHeight (commented in first file), but with no luck. Then I did the same to text. Later I tried to create an alias property of text. I did that to every property (but cut that out of that example to spare space), without any success. Of course I changed also the anchors of loader. I tried to use anchors, to use explicitly set x,y, width, height; to use centering. Independently of attempts, the very thing that is being changed when I click buttons is color of the rectangle. Unfortunately, the only example of using Loader with properties in official Qt Documentation changes only the color property, so it doesn't help me.
My question is: how can I change properties (other than color) of a loaded object, using Loader.setProperty() method? Thank you in advance.
Btw, that is my first post here, so Hello Qt World:)
And sorry for possible lingual mistakes, as english isn't my native language.
I got the answer from official QtForum:
Instead of using
pageLoader.setSource("StartStateContent.qml", {"myColor": "red"}, {"myTextColor" : "white"})
one should use
pageLoader.setSource("StartStateContent.qml", {"myColor": "red", "myTextColor" : "white"})
because the setSource method expects an object. Works 100% that way!
