FastAPI Custom Websocket Object - fastapi

I want to be able to create a custom WebSocket object rather than using Starlette's so that I can add some more things in the constructor and add some more methods. In FastAPI, you're able to subclass the APIRoute and pass in your own Request object. How would I do the same for the WebSocket router?

As you say, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to set the websocket route class (short of a lot of subclassing and rewriting). I think the simplest way to do this would be to define your own wrapper class around the websocket, taking whatever extra data you want, and then define the methods you need. Then you can inject that as a dependency, either with a separate function, or use the class itself as a dependency, see the documentation for details, which is what I'm doing below.
I've put together a minimal example, where the URL parameter name is passed to the wrapper class:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, WebSocket
app = FastAPI()
class WsWrapper:
def __init__(self, websocket: WebSocket, name: str) -> None: = name
self.websocket = websocket
# You can define all your custom logic here, I'm just adding a print
async def receive_json(self, mode: str = "text"):
print(f"Hello from {}", flush=True)
return await self.websocket.receive_json(mode)
async def websocket(ws: WsWrapper = Depends()):
await ws.websocket.accept()
while True:
data = await ws.receive_json()
print(data, flush=True)
You can test it by running uvicorn main:app and connecting to ws://localhost:8000/test, and it should print "Hello from test" when receiving JSON.

Ended up just monkeypatching the modules. Track this PR for when monkeypatching isn't necessary:
from typing import Callable
from fastapi import routing as fastapi_routing
from starlette._utils import is_async_callable
from starlette.concurrency import run_in_threadpool
from starlette.requests import Request as StarletteRequest
from starlette.websockets import WebSocket as StarletteWebSocket
from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Receive, Scope, Send
class Request(StarletteRequest):
class WebSocket(StarletteWebSocket):
def request_response(func: Callable) -> ASGIApp:
Takes a function or coroutine `func(request) -> response`,
and returns an ASGI application.
is_coroutine = is_async_callable(func)
async def app(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
request = Request(scope, receive=receive, send=send)
# Force all views to be a coroutine
response = await func(request)
if is_coroutine:
response = await func(request)
response = await run_in_threadpool(func, request)
await response(scope, receive, send)
return app
fastapi_routing.request_response = request_response
def websocket_session(func: Callable) -> ASGIApp:
Takes a coroutine `func(session)`, and returns an ASGI application.
# assert asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func), "WebSocket endpoints must be async"
async def app(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
session = WebSocket(scope, receive=receive, send=send)
await func(session)
return app
fastapi_routing.websocket_session = websocket_session


FastAPI - dependency inside Middleware?

I am building a browser game where every user has 4 types of ressources and each users produce more ressources based on the level of their farms.
What I am trying to do, is whenever a given user is logged in, I want to recalculate it's current ressources whenever he is refreshing the page or performing any action.
Seems the middleware is the right tool for my need but I am a bit confused on the implementation with my current architecture (multiple routers). What would be the cleanest way to call a function to perform ressources recalculation before performing any other API calls?
This is what I have tried so far (example middleware): (without middleware):
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request
from src.api.v1.village import village_router
from src.api.v1.auth import auth_router
from src.api.v1.admin import admin_router
from src.core.auth import get_current_user
from src.core.config import *
def create_app() -> FastAPI:
root_app = FastAPI()
return root_app
I then added an helloworld middleware and add the get_current_user as a dependency because a user must be logged_in to perform the calculations. (with middleware):
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request
from src.api.v1.village import village_router
from src.api.v1.auth import auth_router
from src.api.v1.admin import admin_router
from src.core.auth import get_current_user
from src.core.config import *
import time
def create_app() -> FastAPI:
root_app = FastAPI()
async def add_process_time_header(
request: Request, call_next, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)
start_time = time.time()
response = await call_next(request)
process_time = time.time() - start_time
response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time)
print("middleware call")
return response
return root_app
Seems the dependency is ignored because the middleware is called even when I am not logged in, which is not the case for my protected_routes (I am getting a 401 error on my routes if I a not logged in).
async def get_current_user(
session=Depends(get_db), token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)
) -> UserAuth:
payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[AUTH_TOKEN_ALGO])
email: str = payload.get("email")
user_id: str = payload.get("user_id")
if email is None:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
token_data = UserJWTToken(user_id=user_id, email=email)
except jwt.PyJWTError:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
user = get_user_by_email(session,
if user is None:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
return user
You can make use of the Global Dependencies. Here is one example that may help you in this situation
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Request
def get_db_session():
print("Calling 'get_db_session(...)'")
return "Some Value"
def get_current_user(session=Depends(get_db_session)):
print("Calling 'get_current_user(...)'")
return session
def recalculate_resources(request: Request, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
print("calling 'recalculate_resources(...)'") = current_user
app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(recalculate_resources)])
async def root(request: Request):
return {"foo_from_dependency":}

Nimlang: Async program does not compile

I'm trying to write a HTTP server that sends a HTTP request and returns the content to client.
Here is the code:
import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch
import httpClient
let client = newHttpClient()
var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
let content = client.getContent("")
await req.respond(Http200, content)
waitFor server.serve(Port(8080), cb)
However, I obtain the following compile error message (nim v1.0.0):
Error: type mismatch: got <AsyncHttpServer, Port, proc (req: Request): Future[system.void]{.locks: <unknown>.}>
but expected one of:
proc serve(server: AsyncHttpServer; port: Port;
callback: proc (request: Request): Future[void] {.closure, gcsafe.};
address = ""): owned(Future[void])
first type mismatch at position: 3
required type for callback: proc (request: Request): Future[system.void]{.closure, gcsafe.}
but expression 'cb' is of type: proc (req: Request): Future[system.void]{.locks: <unknown>.}
This expression is not GC-safe. Annotate the proc with {.gcsafe.} to get extended error information.
expression: serve(server, Port(8080), cb)
The serve function expects another expression but do not know how to fix it.
Surprisingly, the code compiles perfectly fine when I remove the HTTP request from the server callback "cb". Does this mean that the serve function expects different callback expressions depending on the callback body ?
OK the problem is that the HttpClient is a global variable and is used in the callback function "cb". As a result the callback function is not GC safe.
So it is enough to instantiate the HttpClient within the callback function:
import asynchttpserver, asyncdispatch
import httpClient
var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
let client = newHttpClient()
let content = client.getContent("")
await req.respond(Http200, content)
waitFor server.serve(Port(8080), cb)

How to use asynchronous coroutines like a generator?

I want develop a web-socket watcher in python in such a way that when I send sth then it should wait until the response is received (sort of like blocking socket programming) I know it is weird, basically I want to make a command line python 3.6 tool that can communicate with the server WHILE KEEPING THE SAME CONNECTION LIVE for all the commands coming from user.
I can see that the below snippet is pretty typical using python 3.6.
import asyncio
import websockets
import json
import traceback
async def call_api(msg):
async with websockets.connect('wss://') as websocket:
await websocket.send(msg)
response = await websocket.recv()
return (response)
print(asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(call_api("test 1")))
print(asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(call_api("test 2")))
but this will creates a new ws connection for every command which defeats the purpose. One might say, you gotta use the async handler but I don't know how to synchronize the ws response with the user input from command prompt.
I am thinking if I could make the async coroutine (call_api) work like a generator where it has yield statement instead of return then I probably could do sth like beow:
async def call_api(msg):
async with websockets.connect('wss://') as websocket:
await websocket.send(msg)
response = await websocket.recv()
msg = yield (response)
generator = call_api("cmd1")
cmd = input(">>>")
while cmd != 'exit'
result = next(generator.send(cmd))
cmd = input(">>>")
Please let me know your valuable comments.
Thank you
This can be achieved using an asynchronous generator (PEP 525).
Here is a working example:
import random
import asyncio
async def accumulate(x=0):
while True:
x += yield x
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def main():
# Initialize
agen = accumulate()
await agen.asend(None)
# Accumulate random values
while True:
value = random.randrange(5)
print(await agen.asend(value))

How to make a couple of async method calls in django2.0

I am a doing a small project and decided to use Django2.0 and python3.6+.
In my django view, I want to call a bunch of REST API and get their results (in any order) and then process my request (saving something to database).
I know the right way to do would be to use aiohttp and define an async method and await on it.
I am confused about get_event_loop() and whether the view method should itself be an async method if it has to await the response from these methods.
Also does Django2.0 itself (being implemented in python3.6+) have a loop that I can just add to?
Here is the view I am envisioning
from rest_framework import generics
from aiohttp import ClientSession
class CreateView(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
def perform_create(self, serializer):
await get_rest_response([url1, url2])
async def fetch(url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await
async def get_rest_response(urls):
async with ClientSession() as session:
for i in range(urls):
task = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(url.format(i), session))
responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
Technically you can do it by loop.run_until_complete() call:
class CreateView(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
def perform_create(self, serializer):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(get_rest_response([url1, url2]))
But I doubt if this approach will significantly speed up your code.
Django is a synchronous framework anyway.

How to wrap asynchronous and gen functions together in Tornado?

How to wrap asynchronous and gen functions together in Tornado?
My code looks like below, the error is 'Future' object has no attribute 'body'.
Did I place the decorators in a wrong way?
import tornado.httpclient
import tornado.web
import tornado.gen
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.ioloop
class Class1(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.get_argument('url', None)
response = self.json_fetch('POST', url, self.request.body)
def json_fetch(self, method, url, body=None, *args, **kwargs):
client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
headers = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "application/json charset=utf-8"})
request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method, headers, body)
yield tornado.gen.Task(client.fetch, request)
You don't need "asynchronous" in this code example. "gen.engine" is obsolete, use "coroutine" instead. You don't generally need to use "gen.Task" much these days, either. Make four changes to your code:
Wrap "post" in "coroutine"
"yield" the result of self.json_fetch instead of using the result directly.
No need to call "finish" in a coroutine, Tornado finishes the response when a coroutine completes.
Wrap json_fetch in "coroutine", too.
The result:
class ClubCreateActivity(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.get_argument('url', None)
response = yield self.json_fetch('POST', url, self.request.body)
def json_fetch(self, method, url, body=None, *args, **kwargs):
client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
headers = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "application/json charset=utf-8"})
request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method, headers, body)
response = yield client.fetch(request)
raise gen.Return(response)
Further reading:
The section on coroutines in the Tornado User's Guide
Tornado async request handlers
My article on refactoring coroutines
The recommended method in tornado official documentation is using #tornado.gen.coroutine and yield together.
If you want to use both asynchronous and advantage of yield, you should nesting #tornado.web.asynchronous decorator followed by #tornado.gen.engine
Documentation about "asynchronous call own function" but without additional external callback-function — Asynchronous and non-Blocking I/O
You can make your json_fetch like this:
from tornado.concurrent import Future
def json_fetch(self, method, url, body=None, *args, **kwargs):
http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
my_future = Future()
fetch_future = http_client.fetch(url)
lambda f: my_future.set_result(f.result()))
return my_future
Or like this (from A. Jesse Jiryu Davis's answer):
from tornado import gen
def json_fetch(self, method, url, body=None, *args, **kwargs):
http_client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
headers = tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "application/json charset=utf-8"})
request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url, method, headers, body)
response = yield http_client.fetch(request)
raise gen.Return(response)
* wrap "post" in "gen.coroutine" and "yield" call of json_fetch.
** "raise gen.Return(response)" for Python2 only, in Python3.3 and later you should write "return response".
Thanks to A. Jesse Jiryu Davis for link "Tornado async request handlers", "Asynchronous and non-Blocking I/O" was found there.
