Pinia warning "Insepctor pinia not found" - vuejs3

Started using Pinia recently with Vue3 using the Setup Store syntax. Everything seems to be working fine but I have this warning in the console. Inspector pinia not found Is this anything to be worried about, what's going on? I have the Vue devtools installed, I get the feeling it is something about that, but Pinia works fine in the devtools as well.


where to look in meteor app if vue-router suddenly stops sending props to other vue compoents

everything was working just fine and suddenly now Vue components are not receiving the props sent on router-view.
I've tried deleting the 'local' and .cache folders and running
again but still the other Vue components don't get the props (undefined).
I've tried to build some previous commits of my repo but everywhere the props are not being sent now.
in a neighboring directory, another meteor-vuejs-vuerouter proj is still working perfectly with similar routing.
I've changed browsers, tried terminal instead of iterm2, etc.
In Vue tools, I can see App.vue getting the data from subscription and computed properties are generated. but then in the child Vue component, the props show as 'undefined'.
Any ideas on where in the build process of meteor or any other place that vue-router could be causing this problem?
Many thanks in advance.
even when my package.json file had "vue-router": "^3.0.0", in both projects, in the project where the router was misbehaving i found the vue-router 2.0 version instead of 3.0 ..i don't know how it crept in..someone suggested package-lock.json is useful but for now i manually deleted the older version n copied the newer folder into node_modules and it now works!

Vue 3 local component library (sfc) development not working due to Plugins not reloading

I need help. I'm developing a vue-3 (Quasar/Electron) app with a separate component library. What I'm trying to get working is to develop the component library locally alongside the main app with hot reload.
It's pretty simple, I already have the component library configured as a Vue plugin. If I push to NPM and add it to my project as an npm dependency, everything works fine. What doesn’t work is when I use yarn link to symlink locally and then add it the same way:
import { MyComponentLib } from 'my-component-lib';
This worked fine on vue-2 as any changes to the local component lib would get reloaded and immediately shown during development. However with vue-3, you can only load a plugin once (even in development). After the first load you will get a warning: "[Vue warn]: Plugin has already been applied to target app.".
You basically need to restart the app everytime to see changes to your local component library. Does anyone know how to get around this?

Recharts tooltip crashes only when logger removed from redux middleware

This application has been working fine for a while now. My local environment works but production gets crashed when tooltip moves too quickly or over too much of the line chart.
After i updated some features it still worked normally in development. So i added logger to production and it resolved. Obviously i can't leave logger in production.
Recharts recently had an update. Could middleware be affecting it's implementation?
I had a yarn file in my build even though i'm using npm and json-package.lock. Once deleted the issue resolved. I can't explain how the logger interacted but it was completely consistent behaviour if taken out vs in.
I imagine there is a conflict between packages of recharts and something else. Once i deleted the yarn file i think it allowed my json.lock to make sure the correct version of recharts was being used. I'm not sure how logger effected this though.

React Modal NPM: Trying to use React Modal but getting errors with installation

I am using React with Meteor.
I have decided to use React Modal
Error: Cannot find module 'react/lib/ExecutionEnvironment' from '/Users/bliss/Coder/ReactMeteor/vedicjoy-react/packages/npm-container/.npm/package/node_modules/react-modal/lib/components'
The steps I took where:
1.) In my package.json file I added "react-modal": "0.5.0"
2.) In the client.browserify.js I added Modal = require('react-modal');
Then after I got the error I even tried adding this package
to the package.son file ...but that did not make the error go away.
I am using MeteorJS Framework with React.
What can I do to make react-modal work inside my project?
You must be using React 0.14 in your Browserify packages. Facebook removed ExecutionEnvironment from this version of React, the react-modal devs are aware of this, and it has been solved in the new release (which apparently comes out sometime this afternoon).
Quick fix.
Here's a quick fix until that happens (source):
$ npm i -D fbjs
Then in yourproject/packages/npm-container/.npm/package/node_modules/react-modal/lib/components/Modal.js replace 'react/lib/ExecutionEnvironment' with 'fbjs/lib/ExecutionEnvironment'
Edit: it's not as easy as I thought. Apparently components of different React releases aren't compatible with eachother. :-(. Will report back later.

How do I debug differences between development and production in a meteor app?

My meteor app fails to find both packages and template helpers when running in production that work just fine in development. I have no idea where to start to debug this problem. Are there any resources out there? I've been googling for 2 hours with no luck.
What I've found so far:
Meteor.startup() for global code that uses variables in other files (has no effect whatsoever on the crash)
That's it. The problem's I'm specifically having are that nemo64:bootstrap is not recognized, so my ui-account-bootstrap package complains that there is no bootstrap package loaded, and some global template helpers registered with Template.registerHelper() don't exist when the templates are rendered.
