Unity macos xcode with app sandbox problem - firebase

Unity editor version: 2021.3.17f1 and 2021.3.15f1
Firebase Unity SDK version: 10.4.0
Source you installed the SDK: .unitypackage
Problematic Firebase Component: Auth
Other Firebase Components in use: Firestore
Additional SDKs you are using: -
Platform you are using the Unity editor on: Mac (for mac build) and Windows (for win build)
Platform you are targeting: Macos and Windows (iOS, Android, and/or desktop)
Scripting Runtime: Mono (Mono, and/or IL2CPP)
Pre-built SDK from the website or open-source from this repo: website
I built my Unity project with Firebase for both MacOS and Windows platforms. Both sides are working without any problems, but I want to sign my project on MacOS, so I need to add an app sandbox. After adding the app sandbox, my project crashes at the following line:
source file of this crash is "google-services-desktop.json and google-services.json" if i remove this file by xcode it doesn't crash but firebase is not working.
I moved the "google-services.json" and "google-services-desktop.json" files from within xcode to get them out of appsandbox. This saved my game from crashing but I couldn't access firebase.
i tried with latest xcode version

I didn't intend to upload it to the App Store, which made the app sandbox optional for me. I found that the application can be signed without the app sandbox by using the DeveloperID. I solved the problem by turning off the app sandbox.


Trying to publish new version of app - "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built..."

First, some informations about the enviroment:
-App built with Xamarin Forms
-Visual Studio for Mac (last version)
-iOS SDK 13.4
-Xcode 12.5 (I've tried also the Xcode 11.4)
-Certificates, Edentifiers and Profiles: All ok.
The problem:
On Visual Studio for Mac I build the project, as release for iPhone plataform and Archive it for publishing. I click on Sign and Distribute, App Store and Upload. When it saves the IPA on my mac and starts to upload to app store I get an erro: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported SDK or version of Xcode..."
I also tried to just save the IPA on the mac and do the upload with the Transporter. But, again the same error, as shown on the image below:
The Invalid Toolchain error, on Transporter. Is the same message that shows on VS for Mac
I already readed all what I coud on internet.
OBS: The android version went to play store without any problem. And, I can debug the iOS app without problems.

Build iOS App having Google Sign with support for Mac

I have manually embedded the Google Sign In framework into an iOS app with the .bundle and .framework files.
After adding the Mac as deployment target with the most recent Xcode and macOS Catalina versions I get the following error message when trying to run the app on the Mac.
Building for Mac Catalyst, but the linked framework 'GoogleSignIn.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this framework should be linked in the target editor, or replace it with an XCFramework that supports both platforms.
Can I somehow fix this problem? Or do I have to wait for Google to release a new version of the framework that is compatible with both iOS and macOS?
If the framework is open source, you can open its Xcode project, enable Catalyst and recompile.

Xamarin - iOS is always building same version

I'm working on a multi OS app in Xamarin Forms, for Android and iOS.
Everything's fine with android compilation and deploy, but it's not that easy on iOS.
Visual Studio still deploy the same version again and again, like it's stuck somewhere in past.
Is there a cache to clean somewhere? The iOS app is displaying labels which are no more in my code, so it's probably a cache issue.
I tryied to clean the whole solution, in vain.
I deploy on a macOS virtual machine, hosted with VMware workstation. VS and xcode are installed on it.
There is an example of same page displayed in ios and android..

ERROR ITMS-90161 when trying to upload an app built with Visual Studio for Apache Cordova

We just started creating cross platform mobile apps using "Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova".
I followed the procedures described in Install Tools to Build for iOS and To run your app on an iOS device. Everything works nicely, the app gets deployed on my USB attached iPhone and runs as expected.
I then tried to upload the app to iTunes, to provide the app via TestFlight to testers and to generally see how app-submitting works:
Build the iOS app as "Release" in VS: it builds and deploys to the iPhone nicely
On the Mac: Start Application Loader, click on "Deliver your App" and navigate to "...remote-builds/builds/"xxx-buildnmb"/cordovaApp/plattforms/iOS/build/device/APPNAME.ipa"
Several checks run OK ("verifying assets, etc.), but it then stops with the error
ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle xxx.yyyyyy.zzzz [Payload/xxx.yyyyyy.zzzz.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal."
I then discovered the Xcode Project in ".taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds/<build-number>​/cordovaApp/platform‌​s/ios/" and used Xcode to define the code signing identities in "Build Settings" and the Team information in "General", created the archive via Product-->Archive and submitted it in the Organizer - Archives. And voila it worked!
My questions:
Do I have to use Xcode to submit?
If not, what might I be missing in a) regard to building and signing apps with vs-mda-remote, and b) submitting it with Application Loader?
What are Microsoft's plans in regard to providing access the build settings from within Visual Studio (similar to the ones in Xcode)?
Thanks a lot for any pointers in the right direction.
You need to use distribution provisioning profile to sign the package and apps are published to the App Store by using the iTunes Connect website along with the Xcode Archive Tool, which is included with the iOS SDK.

Adobe Air - Blackberry app does not launch on device

I am using FlashBuilder 4.7 with the latest Blackberry OS Tablet SDK.
I installed the SDK and published my app (After going throug the signing process to make sure the app is signed).
When running the game on a blackberry simulator all is well.
BUT - When installing the app on the actual device (clicking on the icon) the application simply does not launch.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Never publish at the AppWorld without trying at the device first.
Either try debugging on the BB10 device - using the Flash Builder and watch the logs:
Or build the release .bar file and install it to your BB10 device using the blackberry-deploy.bat -installApp .... -password .... or DDPBInstaller
