Will "noindex" tags inside an iframe affect the parent page? - iframe

I have a page on my site that gets loaded in an iframe on the homepage. This page is not supposed to be directly accesible, so I don't want it to show up in search results, so I put "noindex" and "nofollow" tags on it. Will these tags prevent the parent page (i.e. the homepage) from being indexed and followed?


Getting iframe link clicks to replace entire current page, instead of rendering within the iframe?

I have a page, home.html, which is just comprised of 2 iframes, iframeA and iframeB. The content of iframeA and iframeB are various links from my site. When I click on any link within iframeA or iframeB, I don't want that link to open within the iframe itself. Instead, I want the clicked link content to render in the entire existing browser window. Is there any way to achieve this simply, without complicated javascript?

wordpress menu link target to _iframe

Instead of having the link opened in a new tab I would like to the link to be opened in an iframe that's on the same page.
I have my front page with an iframe on it. If I click on the menu items i would like to have the urls loaded in the iframe.
I can't seem to find an answer for this.
Alter the iframe in your front page as below
Make sure the iframe contains a name attribute (name="main-section")
<iframe name="main-section" src="home.html"></iframe>
In your menu items make sure the target attribute redirects to main-section (target="main-section"). This is an important step.
I am pretty sure you can achieve the above steps in wordpress.

How to reuse page css design to another

I'm new to Drupal8, and I have a default search page with CSS design. also, I have another page for search-api-solr page. I want to have the same CSS design on the default search page into the search-api-solr page.
Note: both pages have the same content, a search field with button and tags section and grid for the result.
How can I get that done?
Any advice?

Update permalink of a parent page in WordPress

I want to update the permalink of a parent page in WordPress so that all its child pages' URLs also get updated. For example: right now I've a Parent page with name "IT Courses" and it has several child pages.
The permalink for the child pages appear like this. I want to change the permalink for all child pages to http://wwww.something.com/it-courses/childpage.
I've my ads running on Google Adwords with the links, which I want to update to.

How to make google index only images of a page?

I have a page that contains a lot of images, but it's a page designed to be in an iframe inside an other page. I dont want this page to be indexed to prevent visitors to be stuck in this iframe, but I want to make index all the pictures inside the iframe.
The iframe is a picture slider that opens over the page, there is previous/next buttons and the picture. I find bad to put in the meta robots "NOINDEX, FOLLOW" and to make a link on the pictures to the originial picture... because the picture is already fullscreen. My other option is to put a link back to the parent page, but because the iframe is opened over the page, it would be bad to have a page opened over the same page. what do I do ?
If I do not index this page, only my thumbnails will show up in google image. do you hate thumbnails in google images ?
I finally indexed the page and put a link back to the source page using a javascript condition : if the page is not opened in an iframe, show the link to go back to the previous source page.
