I sent Even success3 to GA4 via Measurement Protocol.
Why i see this Event only in Realtime report?
I sent more than 300 event success3 every month.
I started to send this event from 10 december 2022.
I need to see this Event in usual Report. Its very important Event for me.
Realtime report
Event report
[client_id] => 1362433930.1668150326
[non_personalized_ads] =>
[events] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[name] => success3
[params] => stdClass Object
[laen] => Väikelaen
[summa] => 500
[lang] => et
Google Analytics support said:
This could be because of issues with the event configuration via
Measurement Protocol (event shows in Realtime report but is not fully
matched). As Measurement Protocol involves custom code that we are not
able to check, we don't offer any support for it unfortunately, but I
can share you the reference page.
Also you have to bear in mind that the Custom events that you have
created will take some time to be processed in Analytics before they
show up as Existing events.
Finally, the events report has a data threshold to protect the privacy
of the users, so if you have a low user count, it will not appear in
the report.
So I would like to do two things in Google Analytics:
Create a custom conversion event to track signups for a specific sign up page on my website.
To do so, I :
Insert the usual gtag at the top of my website (within the <head>)
Create a new event within the GA Admin panel, by going to Configure => Events => Create Event and then specifying event_name equals my_custom_event_name as the matching condition, and my_custom_event_name as the new event's name.
Click on Save on top right
Go to Configure => Conversions => New Conversion event and save a new conversion event with the name my_custom_event_name.
On my website, to trigger the firing of the event, I then simply do the following when the according conversion gets completed within my code:
Yet, my new conversion is not showing up in my reports, and neither does the event my_custom_event_name within my events overview under Configure => Events. What am I doing wrong?
After this, I would then like to create a reverse path journey report which tells me the last steps executed before my custom conversion. But here again, I cannot select the event under Explore => Path Exploration => Ending Point.
I've switched from analytics.js to gtag.js and I'm having problems with reporting.
I have a number of custom dimensions set as hit-level variables (author, for instance) and have updated our code to send the gtag(event).
I see the right number of events coming in, (about 100,000 author events per 100,000 pageviews) however they no longer report with the Pageviews metric.
I see very few Author results using the Pageview metric (only a few hundred results). I'm actually seeing better Author results with the Users metric (a few thousand results, but not nearly 100,000).
Event reporting seems to be running correctly so the data is being entered into GA, but I can't seem to get the old reporting to work.
Current code set in head
gtag('config', GOOGLEID, { 'custom_map': {
'dimension1': 'Author',
'dimension2': 'Primary Taxonomy',
'dimension3': 'Primary Type' }
event sent near bottom of body (crna_ variables set in body)
gtag('event', 'set-dimensions', {
'Author': crna_author,
'Primary Taxonomy': crna_primarytax,
'Primary Type': crna_primarytype
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? Thanks.
I want to get all the data from google analytics. Can you please explain how to get data of "isitors-demographics-interest-overview"
Affinity Category
In-Market Segmen
Other Category0.00% of total users
I used some codes to get data from google analatics but i am stuck on "intrest menu"
$age = Analytics::performQuery($pobj, 'data', ['metrics' => 'ga:users','dimensions' => 'ga:userAgeBracket']);
$google['age'] = $age;
$gender = Analytics::performQuery($pobj, 'data', ['metrics' => 'ga:users','dimensions' => 'ga:userGender']);
$google['gender'] = $gender;
The google analytics API is not related to the Google analytics website. The google analytics website has set up reports that have been processed internally.
you can not get ALL your google analytics data unless you have a premium account in that case you can request that it be exported to BigQuery.
You can not get the interest menu report directly. Your going to have to build up the data yourself using the dimensions and metrics available
I set up a custom variables to get data from Google Analytics and store into a local database.
Requirement : I want to get a list of the users,sessions,event label,total events,unique events,event value,operating system,browser and device category.
Problem :
I've checked the dashboard on Google Analytics, and the data is being reported fine. However, I noticed that on the Google Analytics, the data listed in the column unique events don't match the amounts I get when requesting the Google Analytics API.
Data shows by GA :
Data shows by GA API :
Query that i am using in GA API :
public function getEventsLabelByDate($params=array()) {
$defaults = array(
'metrics' => 'ga:visitors,ga:visits,ga:totalEvents,ga:uniqueEvents,ga:eventValue',
'dimensions' => 'ga:eventLabel,ga:eventCategory,ga:country,ga:operatingSystem,ga:browser,ga:date,ga:deviceCategory',
'filters' => 'ga:eventAction==Play Done',
$_params = array_merge($defaults, $params);
return $this->_query($_params);
$data = $ga->getEventsLabelByDate();
I want to know what's best to use in my API calls. Any immediate help will be highly appreciable. Thanks.
I encountered the same issue.
My workaround was to change the dimensions to ga:eventCategory and then summed up the returned uniqueEvents. That provided a number identical to the uniqueEvent per eventAction on the web interface.
Using more granular dimensions resulted in an accurate number. Hope that works for you too.
I get all the information about the order and sent it to google analytics (http://www.google-analytics.com/collect) through PHP curl.
My data:
[t] => transaction
[ti] => 5555
[tr] => 200.00
[ts] => 10.00
[tt] => 5.00
[cu] => EUR
[v] => 1
[dh] => test.com
[dl] => http://test.com/
[dr] => http://test.com/index.php?
[tid] => UA-XXXX-1
[cid] => 452396293
Everything works fine, I can see the orders in Google Analytics system.
How to cancel an order now? I need send refund status to GA, but how?
By google doc need add "pa=detail".
But what I still need to send there? How looks like "Hit type" (t)?
Maybe somebody can show refund example.
pa=detail is merely an example in the documentation. pa is "product action" and might be one of: detail, click, add, remove, checkout, checkout_option, purchase, refund (and obviously you want the refund).
And while I have not tested this serverside a product action with the javascript tracking code would need a hit to be sent (the docs suggest an event with a non-interaction event) so you'd have to send a pageview or event.
Ecommerce transactions that have been fully or partially refunded can be programmatically uploaded to Google Analytics by using the Management API.
There is a good Importing Refund Data using the Management API article on the developer docs.