Convert sheet row open close to multiple row - datetime

hi have a sheet with open and close trading order like this:
Direction - Open Time - Close Time - Profit
Short 1/21/2023 10:19:14 1/24/2023 13:41:40 114.01%
Short 1/12/2023 12:28:13 1/24/2023 13:41:40 114.01%
Long 1/12/2023 12:28:13 1/14/2023 0:39:07 -763.22%
i need to convert in other sheet into multi row like this to calculate the concurrent max open position.
Open/Close - Direction - Time - Open Position
Open Long 1/12/2023 12:28:13 1
Open Short 1/12/2023 12:28:13 2
Close Long 1/14/2023 0:39:07 1
Close Short 1/24/2023 13:41:40 0
Open Short 1/21/2023 10:19:14 1
Close Short 1/24/2023 13:41:40 0
i know is better to fetch data already in single operation open/close for row format but at this time is not possible. Made some test with FILTER and TRASNSPOSE to get all data on same column but unable to manage order with same open or close time


How to know the netwrok traffic my test (using JMeter) is going to generate?

I am going to run load test using JMeter over Amazon AWS and I need to know before starting my test how much traffic is it going to generate over network.
The criteria that Amazon has in their policy is:
sustains, in aggregate, for more than 1 minute, over 1 Gbps (1 billion bits per second) or 1 Gpps (1 billion packets per second). If my test is going to exceed this criteria we need to submit a form before starting the test.
so how can I know if the test is going to exceed this number or not?
Run your test with 1 virtual user and 1 iteration in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.csv
To get an approximate figure open Open the result.csv file using Aggregate Report listener and there you will have 2 columns: Received KB/sec and Sent KB/sec. Multiply it by the duration of your test in seconds and you will get the number you're looking for.
alternatively you can open the result.csv file using MS Excel or LibreOffice Calc or equivalent where you can sum bytes and sentBytes columns and get the traffic with 1 byte precision:

Time taken to run a loop (Progress 4GL)

I wrote a query which contains multiple for each statements. The query is taking more than 20 minutes to fetch the data. Is there a way to check what time each loop started and ended. (How much time does each loop takes to execute and also the total time taken to complete the program).
You could do as you ask (just follow JensD's suggestsions) but you would likely be better served to use the profiler. You can easily add profiling for a code snippet:
profiler:enabled = yes
profiler:description = "description of this test"
profiler:profiling = yes
profiler:file-name = "filename.prf"
/* this is deliberately awful code that should take a long time to run */
for each orderline no-lock:
for each order no-lock:
for each customer no-lock:
if customer.custNum = order.custNum and orderLine.orderNum = orderLine.orderNum then
. /* do something */
/* end of test snippet */
profiler:enabled = no
profiler:profiling = no
You can then load that prf file into an analysis tool. The specifics depend on your development environment - if you are using an up to date version of PSDOE there is a Profiler analyzer included, if not you might want to download ProTop and use the simple report included in lib/zprof_topx.p.
Ultimately what you are going to discover is that one or more of your FOR EACH statements is almost certainly using a WHERE clause that is a poor match for your available indexes.
To fix that you will need to determine which indexes are actually being selected and review the index selection rules. Some excellent material on that topic can be found here:
If you don't want to go to the trouble of reading that then you should at least take a look at the actual index selection as shown by:
compile program.p xref program.xref
Do the selected indexes match your expectation? Did WHOLE-INDEX (aka "table scan") show up?
Using ETIME you can initiate a counter of milliseconds. It could be called once or several times to tell how much time has passed since reset.
Loop is here but instead I'll insert a small pause.
PAUSE 0.5.
MESSAGE "This took" ETIME "milliseconds" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
Milliseconds might not be useful when dealing with several minutes. Then you can use TIME to keep track of seconds but you need to handle start time yourself then.
iStart = TIME.
Loop is here but instead I'll insert a slightly longer pause.
MESSAGE "This took" TIME - iStart "seconds" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
If you want to keep track of several times then it might be better to output to a log file instead of using a MESSAGE-box that will stop execution until it's clicked.
OUTPUT STREAM str TO c:\temp\timing.txt.
Fake loop
DO i = 1 TO 20:
PAUSE 0.1.
PUT STREAM str UNFORMATTED "Timing no " i " " ETIME "ms" SKIP.

BlueSky Statistics - String to date [time] issues

Trying to convert time as a string to a time variable.
Use Date/Dates/Convert String to Date...... for format I use %H:%M:%S....
Here is the syntax from the GUI
[Convert String Variables to Date]
BSkystrptime (varNames = c('Time'),dateFormat = "%H:%M:%S",prefixOrSuffix = "prefix",prefixOrSuffixValue = "Con_",data = "Dataset2")
A screen shot of result is attached....
Compare variables Time [string] to Con_Time [date/time]
The hours are 2 hours out [wrong!] - the Minutes and Seconds are correct.
What am I doing wrong here?
Screen Shot
I believe you are running into a known issue with a prior release of BlueSky Statistics. This issue is fixed with the current stable release available on the download page.
The reason for this was although the time is converted correctly into the local time zone, BlueSky Statistics was reading the time zone in the local time zone and converting it to UTC.
You are probably +2 hours ahead of UTC, so you are seeing the time move 2 hrs back. Give us a couple of days to post a patch.
You can also confirm this by writing and executing the following syntax in the syntax window

How can set an inbuilt timer in RStudio to execute snippets of code?

I have some code in Rstudio which sends an API request to Google Big Query to run a saved query. Then my script downloads the data back to RStudio to be modelled to a machine learning model.
Its a lot of medical data and I would like some of the process to be even more automated than before.
tags<-read.csv('patient_health_codes.csv',stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tags<-tail(tags, 6)
this section takes a CSV to iterate over patient health groups (such as Eczema is 123456) - Section 1
This section above fills in date periods for the query execution function - Section 2
sapply(health_tags$ID, function(x) query_details (MD2_date_start=MD2SE,
This section executes the query on google big query and iterates over all the different patient groups in x i.e Eczema, Asthma, Allergy Group, and so on. -Section 3
project <- "private-health-clinic"
sql =paste0('SELECT * FROM ', bq_table)
This section names each table after its patient group - section 4
data <- query_exec(sql, project = project, max_pages = Inf)
write.csv(data, file =paste0("medical_", Sterile_tag, ".csv"))
This code downloads and writes the big query table as a CSV on RStudio - Section 5
My question is, how do I tell RStudio when someone executes section 3 after 1 hour in real time please execute section 4 then 5 mins after execute section 5.
In advance thank you for the help I'm not an R expert!
Just add this after section 3:
And after section 4, add:
Depending on how long it takes to execute that code, it might be worthwhile to use Sys.sleep for the desired amount of waiting time minus the time spent calculating, as follows:
t0 <- Sys.time()
# section 3
t1 <- Sys.time()
Sys.sleep(3600 - (t1 - t0))
# section 4
t2 <- Sys.time()
Sys.sleep(300 - (t2 - t1))
# section 5
Otherwise the waiting time will be added to the time spent running the sections.

Customize certain momentjs humanized duration values

Short question: I need momentjs to humanize 60 minutes into 1 hour instead of an hour. Can't figure out how to get it to work.
Long question:
Just started using momentjs, works great. We are using it to display how often a dashboard is updated.
The timers are set as a integer in minutes. We are using the humanize moment option to display 30 as 30 minutes and 360 as 6 hours etc.
This works great but not in 2 cases. 60 gets humanized to an hour. We need it to be 1 hour. And 1440 is displayed as a day, instead of 1 day.
We need this change because the column is answering the question "How often does your metric update?"
The answer is "every 1 hour". "every an hour" doesn't quite work.
I read through the docs and googled, but couldn't find a way to customize just a few humanized display formats.
We are already setting true as the second parameter to get just the value without the suffix from this question and answer - How to Customize Humanized Moment js Date Result
But the value comes back as 'an hour' instead of '1 hour'.
You can use updateLocale method documented in the Customize -> Relative time section of the docs. This will affect output of from, fromNow, to, toNow and humanize.
In your case you can simply update h and d keys of the relativeTime object.
Here a working sample:
moment.updateLocale('en', {
relativeTime : {
h: "1 hour",
d: "1 day",
var d1 = moment.duration(60, 'm');
var d2 = moment.duration(1440, 'm');
<script src=""></script>
You can find further examples of relative time customization here and here.
you can use the methods like minutes(), months(), years() available on the duration object and then you can create your own string. the humanize() method gives an approximate value against the duration and not the exact duration.
