I have 4 Text elements, each one is contained within a container of equal width (flex:1)
When the container size changes, the text elements font size can change thanks to adjustFontSizeToFit prop.
However, only one or two Text fontSize change is necessary to keep the containers equals.
How to have all Text elements with the same font size when the later is adjusted to fit ?
Subsidiary question: How to get the new fontSize of a Text element when it changes through adjustFontSizeToFit ?
More generally, how to get the font size from a Text element (maybe using ref?) ?
I'm trying to figure out which piece of CSS is making the text shrink by a very tiny but noticeable amount in the cells when you select one of them
Here's a code sandbox. Just click on one of the cells to focus it and you'll see what I mean:-
NOTE: when you select a cell, it replaces the plain div with a customised Material UI TextField
Which CSS property do I need to adjust to ensure that the text size and position stays uniform when the cell is focused or not focused?
You were right it was the padding. Solved it by remove a pixel from the padding-top in the div within the table cell when not focused
i am using ionic-tabs component and trying to make the tab bar width just enough to show contents rather taking the entire space.
I don't see a sass variable to control it. all the variables are to control text and color related items.
How can i set the max height and widht for the ion-tabs ?
What I am aiming to look them like
instead of
How can I autoscale the text font size in a web page in order to make text in a div or p fit within given bounds?
There are nice solutions for Android, like this one, but I haven't found any for GWT.
Do you guys have any?
There are sevaral solutions to this problem:
(1) render the text, measure its width (myLabel.getOffsetWidth(), compare to the desired width, change font size if it does not fit and start over (remember to do this inside the Scheduler's deferred command, or your offset width will be zero);
(2) use FitText.js (http://fittextjs.com/);
(3) use canvas which can auto-fit text into provided space;
(4) use ellipsis when text overflows;
(5) use viewport units for text font (limited browser support at this time): http://css-tricks.com/viewport-sized-typography/
(6) create a different, more fluid UI design that handles content size better.
I am not that advanced on CSS so I wanted to ask someone before reporting this as a problem.
I am using the latest (v2.0.3) bootstrap Hero example to show this issue. When I create a single_long_word of text greater than about 1/2 the column size (due to a large font or simply a large number of characters in a single word), the text is allowed to go outside of its column before the layout adjusts when I re-size the browser window to make it smaller.
All I had to do was change the text in the column to make a large or long word and then reduce the window size of the browser. It does eventually re-layout the columns to allow for more width, but not before the long word exceeds the boundary of the column it is in.
This happens for both normal and fluid containers in with a responsive grid.
It is easy to duplicate in Chrome by just going to this page and editing the text after inspecting a column element.
I could not post an image since I am too new to stackoverflow
I want to implement paging in a spark text area. For that I want to find out the number of lines a spark textArea can hold before the scrollbars appear and just feed that much lines to the text area.
The number of lines a TextArea can hold before a vertical ScrollBar appear is determinated by the heightInLines property.
The code
var number_of_lines:int=textArea.heightInLines;
will return inside the variable number_of_lines the number of lines you are looking for, and textArea is the id of the TextArea object you are checking.
var numLines:int=t.heightInLines;
var numChars:int=t.widthInChars;
The documentation:
spark.components.TextArea.heightInLines():Number The default height of
the control, measured in lines. The control's formatting styles, such
as fontSize and lineHeight, are used to calculate the line height in
You would, for example, set this property to 5 if you want the height
of the RichEditableText to be sufficient to display five lines of
If this property is NaN (the default), then the component's default
height will be determined from the text to be displayed.
This property will be ignored if you specify an explicit height, a
percent height, or both top and bottom constraints.
RichEditableText's measure() method uses widthInChars and
heightInLines to determine the measuredWidth and measuredHeight. These
are similar to the cols and rows of an HTML TextArea.
Since both widthInChars and heightInLines default to NaN,
RichTextEditable "autosizes" by default: it starts out very small if
it has no text, grows in width as you type, and grows in height when
you press Enter to start a new line.