Preload Solution while blazor wasm starts - blazor-webassembly

The first time a blazor wasm app is executed it downloads the necessary data into the client.
This may take a while.
So i want to show the user something(plain html or somthing quick) instead of this preloading page.


Next js application build, optimize same call being made on every page

So I'm creating an application with next.js and want to use ISR on many pages. But the application has 2-3 API calls which are called from every page like header CMS content, footer CMS content and site configurations. So when the Next.js build is executed, these APIs will be invoked for every page being built as they are being invoked in the getStaticProps method of every page.
However, during the few mins of the build run, the API content is not expected to change much. Is there a way to call the API once, and use that response for every page during the build?

Looking for Server Side Rendering using VUEJS having ASPX page and site hosting on IIS7

We have our existing pages in ASPX and site is hosted on IIS7 server.
We are looking for revamping/design the pages in VUEJS 2.0.
We are able to get VueJS code integrated with existing ASPX pages by getting build.js generated (production) and referring the same on ASPX page and page will be having the Target element. This all is client side rendering.
Now, we want the same in SSR. That mean to be complete HTML code rendered on the page before being served to the client (browser).
This clearly indicates we need to setup NodeServer, which can be called up by ASP.NET to get the VUEJS code rendered and added on ASPX page before it's being served to the Client (Browser). Please correct me If I am wrong. Here we are looking for a dynamic webages (Not the static one with prerendering or static generation)
We have started looking up for NUXT.JS as one of the options. But this is recommended to be used for the apps hosted for NodeServer.
Other big challenge going with Nuxt is, they are likely launching Nuxt2.js version, which may or may not have breaking changes.
Next option is to looking for following:
Above links mentions using core API Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Webpack.
I believe you must have faced this situation and reached to an optimal solution. I am looking for suggestions from veterans have achieved the same, what path to be followed?
IF this can be achieved at all? and what are the challenges I should look forward?

Office 365 app inside iframe?

OK, guys need some advice with runing ASP.Net app inside iframe.
I have a CMS and ASP.Net app which talks to Office 365.
Because I couldn't integrate my app into CMS (authentication issue) I am calling my office app using jQuery Window
Plugin which has two advantages:
I styled the window to look as though its part of the CMS
It has onClose event which I was able to use as a trigger that I need to update UI
Everything works great. Only issue is when user goes to sign in. Because Office API call a remote service it redirects my office app to the authentication page. And this breaks the iframe. Leaving user to stare at a blank dialog window till they get bored.
Prior to discovering that plugin I used normal javascript which opened up a new browser window for me where everything works fine. But the biggest problem for me is that inside CMS context I can't tell when/if user has finished using my office app. Therefore I have no hooks I can rely on to trigger UI update leaving user to just refresh the page.
Is there anything I can do to get around my problem (apart from integrating my office app with CMS)?
My office is basically sending HTTP messages across the web to CMS in order to do what needs to be done.
My office app in turn uses latest Office 365 API to talk to its services.
Apologies guys. Just confirmed that Office 365 is configure not to display inside iframes.
That pretty much leaves only two options:
running a separate browser window
tighter integration with CMS (ideal)

ASP .NET Website; first load of every page is very slow

I'm facing with the following situation:
On an ASP .NET website(this is maybe important, it is not a web app. project, it is a website project in VS) the aspx pages load very slow for the first time; and the key is, that EVERY page is loading very slowly for the first time, not only the very first page after an app pool restart;
Of course I know that the app. pool is stopped after a certain amount of idle time, and after restarting the very first page load can be slow; but I think this is not the case in this site, since every page's first load is slow after deploying the website to IIS.
It seems that every page is compiled at the time when it is first loaded, don't know, if it's possible at all.
Any ideas, what can cause this, and how to avoid?

Can I merge data and template on server side in .net?

My project is a .net web application containing some boxes on a page with their own data. to load each of the boxes we called a web method (in a web service). we use this approach to load boxes separately(suppose a box has paging within itself and we don't want it causes loading the whole page). my question is about first loading of the page that causes all web methods call and page load slowly. I want to make html of page on server side for first loading of the page and when user open the web page for first time, we send just the made html. I mean similar to merging json data to jtemplate but in server side. or similar what mvc architecture does. or...??? Any Idea ?
Multiple calls to the webservice might slow down the page load. It would be better if we make a single call to the webservice and the service return a dto with data for the boxes in your page.
The simplest way would be to invoke all web methods on the server side as web service calls and send the combined html to the browser.
Better way would be to invoke actual web method implementation (i.e. calling the method code instead of web service invocation) and then combine the html.
