How can I add dynamic data: id and order price in the payments description field? My code doesn't work.
Ok , i want to build a store that sale a various of products one of these is
courses training, every student choose one of a training courses as product and checkout after,in the order email we will find all the student's details with training courses detail(date ,place and trainer)the name of products that is buy and each order has a unique QR code that will be scanned and verify if the student has a order(exist or not) plz help me ?
Without knowing anything of WooCommerce or Wordpress I would suggest:
Adding a 'Custom order metadata item' with a unique ID:
Check:'Add custom order item meta data'
Maybe this is unnecessary and you can reuse the plain ID from the order
Then 'Dynamically generating a QR code with PHP' to render the QR
In Woocommerce reports page we want to add filter "Sales by role" to Report or if may be any particular role wise filter report data to show in admin report section, where to find total sale amount by that role, also we need which product and how much quantity in each order product have.
I'm relatively new to using WooCommerce so all advice would be great.
I've got a number of inclass training course products I'm trying to sell. Each have multiple date offerings.
Is there a way I can set the attribute term to a date value or do I have to manually add every possible date?
Is there another way to solve this problem, I am just ignorant off?
Thank you!
When you add the products and while entering the product data in general tab you will see two fields REGULAR PRICE & SALE PRICE beside the SALE PRICE text box you will see the schedule click on it you will find the DATE fields from Date to Date variations in price you can set it from there. Here I set an Image
Here you will Find the date fields to set
as on title I'm traying to show the ordered product name in woocommerce subject email. At the moment only {order_number} - {order_date}.
I have tried : {product_name} and {order_name} but it doesn't worcks
How to find the selected currency id in woo-commerce.I want this id to show on my WordPress page.Is there is any function in woo-commerce through which i can find the id.
woocommerce store his currency in wp_options table.
FROM `wp_options`
WHERE `option_name` = 'woocommerce_currency'
this will show you the currency symbol like USD, you can get it with get_option('woocommerce_currency'). I am sure that is what you want.
take a look on this documentation